Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5479 5474????


In a somewhat dark alley, a short man dragged a woman, the woman continued to struggle.

The short-thin man has played in a slap in the face, and the evil said: "They blame you a sharpening star, and Laozi's money is blamed. Today, I don't sell you!"

The sword is unparalleled in the alley, looking at this scene, no means to help, mainly he thinks this short-thin man, dealing with a woman, there should be no problem.

"No!" The sword shook his head without double, he thought too much.

The short-skinned man, grabbed the hair, put it all the way in the snow. When he passed by him, the sword was unparalleled, silently reached out his stick, and smashed the short-skinned man and a dog.

"Hey!" The short-skinned man was falling in the head, and his teeth were fell out.

The nosebleeds came out of the mouth, and the short-thin men released the hand of the woman. He turned his head and saw a flower. It is facing him, and the feet of the feet: "You call the flower dare to hide me." ! "

It is said that you are swaying to sword.

Although hungry is so uncomfortable, but the sword is unparalleled with a vulgar experience, and a sword is very dense.

Although there is no sword in your hands, you can replace the seven-foot sticks.

One stick is out, the strength is not big, but it is playing on the opponent's dead point, directly fainting the dwarf man.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is slow to see a woman who is whispering on the ground, eases the way: "This is, is your home near this?"

The woman didn't look up at him, just lifting his fingers.

"Cold outside, go back first!" The sword has no double one hand grabs the hair and thin men's hair, and holds a woman in one hand.

On the ground, it left two slips.

Sending the woman to the home, the sword has no look at the old house, and looked at the short-skinned man in his hand.

"Is there a clean dress?" The sword didn't ask.

The woman also stopped crying, just saw the dizzy little man, thinking that the other party woke up again and went to sell her, and the heart was a desperate.

I heard the sword is unparalleled. She is moving, first takes a clean and tidy dress from the shabby cabinet, although there are many patches above, but it is very soft and better than the sword.

"Give!" The woman handed the clothes to the sword, and seeing the sword unparalleled face, nine foot and generous shoulders, and the corner and distinctive facial features, heart grievances, such a good man, how can be a beggar.

After changing a clean clothing, the sword is unparalleled, and the black face is clean, and now it is like a person.

The sword is unparalleled to see the woman, say: "I will help you with this person, I bought this clothing!"

These two should be couples, short-thin men gambling, gambling family four walls, they have lived in the city, they are rich in people, and they are really difficult for him.

In order not to let this short-skinned man, continue to evil, he can only justice the opponent.

This kind of good thing, he has not done it for a long time.

Don't answer the other party, he dragged the short-thin man and walked outside the door.

How can a woman in the other side, how could there be a murderer, say more, but it is not good.

The sword is unparalleled with the man, and the heart is also calculated, how to deal with this scum.

Kill a person, it is too simple.

Once you have to kill someone, let others think that the other party is committed, that is important.

When I walked to the corner, I found that there was a wasteled ancient well.

There is also a way in my heart, and I will go home in the night in the middle of the night. This is normal!

In order to prevent the other party from falling again, the sword is unparalleled, and the short-thin man is tricking. The armpits suddenly use it. After he heard a crisp, he threw the other party.


There is no water in the well!

But it's okay, just fall.

The sword is unparalleled, and I don't know where to go once, I'm overrinding three copper plates from the short men.

In the world, three copper plates can also buy a few steamed buns, but this big half night, in addition to some restaurants, there are still things.

Can be three copper plates, go to the restaurant, and even the mouth is drinking.

The sword is unparalleled to look at your own dress, cover the patch, and it is a normal person.

Thinking here, you will walk towards the hotel just passed.

The snowfasts outside the house, the cold wind bones.

In the house, it is warm as spring, and there is delicious dishes.

The sword is unparalleled, covering the chest patch, just walking, there is a small two-ended two walks.

"This master, please please!" Xiao Di bend on the waist, respectfully.

If the other party knows that the sword is unparalleled, there is only three copper plates, I am afraid it will not.

He is coming this time, it is necessary to eat.

"Was this!" The sword is unparalleled to pick up a window, so so that he escapes.

I didn't say anything, I wiped a stool, please ask the sword without double, respect the road: "Objective, what do you eat?"

"Three pounds of cooked beef are eaten here, then cut three pounds to give me a good, there are two pots!"

Not only do you have to eat, but you have to think about it.

After the second move, the sword was unparalleled and put down his hands. He looked at the window. He touched it, the paper and the wood paste were not too strong, there should be no problem.

The beef is so fast, and it seems that it is just from the halogen pot, and it is also emitted with hot air. Thong, the sword is very hungry, but there is no wolf to swallow the tiger, so it is suspected.

After drinking a bite, I looked at the four unattended attention before I started moving chopsticks, and it was full of oil.

Three pounds of beef, ordinary people can't eat at all, the sword is unben, I have ate a seven-fold.

Just finished, the second side is also very interesting, and a good one will be packaged, and the tightness of the oil paper package is.

"Go to help me want a piece of broth!" The sword didn't double the bag, touched his mouth.

There is no doubt in a small second, driven: "Good!"

Just when Xiaodi disappeared in his line of sight, the sword was unparalleled to pack good beef, stuffed into the table, and picked it directly to the table.

He apparently, although it is a full-end mortal, but after eating and drinking, the strength is not small, one foot will take a hole in the window, and there is no pair of swords in the hole.

This sound, causing a lot of people's attention, and they have seen the sword unparalleled, leaving only a hole, the cold wind is called with the hole.

The treasurer sniper at the counter heard this loud noise, suddenly waking up, and the sword was unparalleled.

That kind of lack of sword is unparalleled, when the kitchen is hot, it is in the same place.

For a while, they reacted, some people eat the king!

A few pounds of beef is worthless, the window is broken, the money to spend, enough to buy ten pounds of beef.

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