Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5494 5489 Chapter ?? Lava Beast

He has been searching for news about the beastists, some accessories, remains in the four secrets, just don't have time to find one, once he successfully succeeded, there is time, it is possible to recover the beastists .

Even if the beast is not complete, restore a half of the power, it is stronger than the ordinary universe, and it is enough for him to gallop the emperor.

"Unfortunately!" The sword didn't look at it and sighed.

If he is not related to life and death, he will not do this.

I took a bad abyss and had a black hole.

There is a real purgatory, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a brown flame, and the body will be annihilated directly, and the one is not left.

The spraying flame is a huge lava beast, and it is full of millions of miles.

Its body, there are countless caves, including flames from time to time.


The lava beast, feels a familiar atmosphere.

"this is?"

Wings, screwles, arms and one eye.

It is the sword unparalleled beast god accessories, and it was separated by the flame shock.

"Candle!" The lava beast exclaimed.

The huge eyes also have endless anger, it slowly stands up, a pair of huge wings open, and actually looks very similar to the wings of the candle.

"The seventh generation of children and grandchildren, have seen the ancestor!"

That is what it left.

At the beginning, the first generation of beast gods were made into a beast for the beasts by the disagreement. They had some congenital gods, they left the descendants of the descendants, and they were ancestors.

The candlelon can naturally have followers with the power of the three kings.


A violent figure is slow.

It's just this figure, it is not a magic sound god, but the mountains and U.S.

"Staric old, who is this tomb?" Wu Zuo smiled.

It's quite dry, it is Wu Zhi, suddenly roaring: "Wu Zhi !!!"

I haven't waited for a lot of fire, and the mountain will make the body.

That is an evil person, only a scorpion, the sharp call is confusing.

"Sthavish, these things, I am afraid I can't leave it!" Mountain Jun smiled.

He came here because it was also part of the discriminant, and was suppressed in this deceased, or some special life, I have already killed the bones in the bones of the disagreement.

In these years, the mountains have been escaping. Now Wu Z is coming, but also the key to the second prison, the old guys hide far away.

The mountain monarch also leaked the original old teeth, ready to retaliate these old guys.

He is not afraid that Wu Zuo will be retaliated after leaving, anyway, these guys have never planned him.

Mountain monarch of the body, the war is moving.

Wu Zuo standing on the side is very surprised!

At the beginning, the legendary person shot, and the mountain will be arrested.

Some gods will not be the opponents of the mountain, and the battle of the mountain monarch is imagined.

The violent power is accompanied by a black boxing, and then burst out of millions of boxing shadows.

The power of the world has lost color, and the solid body of the lava behemoth is broken.

"Are you not looking for me?"

Mountain Jun put the lava beast is completely like the ground, and the breath is weak to the extreme.

He looked up and looked at the ancient existence of the Tang Taoist in the distance, disdain: "How? You are afraid!"

Those ancient existence, not afraid of the mountain, but is afraid of the key in the left hand, it is a token, which can arbitrarily suppress all the strong people in the second jail.

Although the strength of the mountain monarch is strong, it can also be unable to do an enemy.

"A group of timid mice! At the beginning, when I was still there, you guys didn't match it here!" Wu Zuo voice was cold.

When you hear the disagreement, these ancient existence is a breathing.

Even if the disagreement is so long, they are afraid of each other, even if the name of the discriminates will make them .

See unmanned back, the mountain monarch gave the accessories of the beast god to Wu Zhi, "helping me bring the little guy, swallowing is not wrong, the universe will birth black hole, this is not blamed!"

Wu Zuo left behind him, did not promise, but there is no refutation.

These things helped swords without double brought back, and it is not very good.

"You should leave, I will then leave, there is no token suppression, these old guys are still hard!"

The mountain is nod, then I will disappear in the original place, and Wu Zuo is in this earthquake. After the other side, he will operate the letter, and the tear space will leave the second jail.

He wants to hurry back!

The Temple of the Temple, the sea of ​​this source.

True Spirit, squatting in the pavilion, smashing the mouth: "How did he returned to the top? This thing you have a responsibility, obviously a one-way channel, how did he be the original road? Returned. "

"A Dao Jun can go forward, this, if you let those old guys escape, I don't have to do it, I went to the second jail to find a good place to be a good place!"

In the pavilion, in addition to the true spirit, there is also the magic sound god will be with Wu Zhi.

The channel is that the magic sound god will come out with Wu Zhuo, which is naturally responsible.

Wu Zuo Zhi is still thinking to use this method to go to the ground, thrown all the stakeholders to the second prison, and they are saving them to kill, and now it seems that the plan is not available.

Otherwise, he can impact the position of the palace master with this credit.

Unlucky things, let him meet.

However, I have to thank the sword. There is no pair, the first fell is the sword is unparalleled. He can find him in advance, and it is saved him.

Otherwise, the channel will be moved into the ground, and a group of ancient existence is released, he will end it.

The four major secrets I am afraid I will end.

Almost made a big mistake.

At that time, I am afraid that the true spirit will slaughter the flag.

"Also, those benefits you promised, now there is no, you, especially the universe!"

Even if you were awkward, even if you have a temper, you will be ignorant, and Wu Zuo is used to it.

When you have to pay yourself, the expression is stunned.

True spirit stare at the little eyes, go to the opposite side of the opponent, low Shen: "How? You don't care?"

"No !!" Wu Zuo Lin quickly waved, then explained: "Adults, even if you sell me, you can't get a universe source!"

The origin of the owner of the universe, in fact, the same as the emperor is almost the same, all of which are contained in the body.

Just let the owner of the universe stripped out of his own origin, the Lord of the universe of this source will probably go to sleep, after sleeping, the source is self-repairing to half, and there is still a number of ethics Can recover the peak.

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