Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 551 Life and Death Valley, life and death!

It is really beginning to start with the life and death, it is still a few days. In this ten days, the sword is unparalleled, but staying in the forest.

In order to redeem the fashionable door seventh floor to the ninth floor, the sword is unparalleled, the demon Dan who got ourselves in Dongying, most of them, the rest of the demon Dan, don't say to the fourth floor, It is very reluctant to connect to the third layer of cultivation.

Therefore, this ten days, the sword is unparalleled in the second floor of the Constantus Palace.

The second layer, the source of the source, the fourth layer is naturally not better, but the ten days are all in the world, the sword is unparalleled in the source of this source, still has some exquisite.

Especially killing this source.

"The nine hundred and ninety nine kinds of kills of the first floor of the sixth building, I have enlighten 998 species, only the last one is left."

In the secret room, the sword is sitting without a double disc, but the brow is slightly clustered.

According to the Dijing, as long as you can enlighten the killing of the six-level banned killing, you can naturally enter the threshold of the road, the sword is unbounded in the distance, only one step away, but it is fundamentally There is no signs of the sense of sensation.

"The seniors of the emperor are the super power outside the ages. It naturally will not lie to me. It seems that this first banned last kind of killing is the real key." The sword is unparalleled.

The last kind of killing is the last step, and the sword is unparalleled and try to go. It can always be solved.

This is the sword unparalleled, this last kind of killing Xuanao is a heavy bottleneck.

"I am very high for the world's origin or killing this source. I have long far beyond the hierarchy of the general Yiphong, and I even feel that I have a sense of origin for the source. It is already enough to condense the ninth However, the ninth origin is printed, but there is always no signs of cohesion. "

The sword is unparalleled.

However, the sword is more surprised. It is that the three killer swords have broken through these ten days of the landlord.

The three killed swords are the killing of the souls, and when they were in the Nanyang continent, the three killing swords have been upgraded to the level of the Yipin Bing.

Later, the sword was unparalleled in Shenzhou. In the Battlefield of the Battlefish, he killed a lot of strong, and the power of the three kill swords gradually improved, and it has already reached the limit of a lilies.

And this sword didn't have a three kill sword on the Tianhu Plains, killing so many monsters, those the monster of the beasts made the three killing swords found a breakthrough opportunity, which was proud of the true breakthrough.

One product top god soldier, a breakthrough, it is a legend, and that power is multiplied.

"Life and death war, should you start?"

The sword sitting in the secret room was unparalleled. Then, then left the landlord, the land of life.


Holy Land, life and death valley!

This life is named after life and death.

The demon league, although it is a union of countless human strong, the purpose is to join hands to work together to the monsters.

Most of the people of the Demon Alliance, most of them are very united, but they will never have some battles, or those who have a hatred.

Some hatred, I can't resolve it at all, I can only spell you die.

Because of this, the Demon Union has established a life and death battle.

However, all the strong people under the demon alliance, whether God will be good, God Jun is good, as long as the two sides have unprotected hatred, you must fight for you, you can apply for life and death to the alliance, as long as the highest level is strong The same agrees, the two can be finally dead.

And they will decide to live and die, they are this life and death valley.

One month ago, one hundred and eight gods were one of the golden snake gods, and the other party was only a holy news. I have already passed the boiling, and the Many God of the Demon Union will be They are amazed.

Today, it is the day of this life and death war. When you have a lot of strong people in the demon alliance, you have rushed over.

The huge vast canyon, there is a seat of the mountains around the canyon, but the most central but a vast space, this empty land is enough, so that the two gods are in the inside to let go, and behind these mountains There is also a strong presence.

This banned, it is said to be in person with the two temples, although the two patriarchs are only casual, the ban can be built, even if it is the top monarch, it is also awkward in a short time.

At this moment, there is a large number of strong people in the surrounding ban, and all the strong people are suspended. It is seen through the translucent prohibition in front of life.

Above the void of the center of life and death, there is already a shadow of ice and cold standing, the shadow, it is a golden snake God.

"Hey, Jin Snake God Jun, one hundred and eight gods."

"Although this life and death, although he often saw some life and death, most of them will be the life and death battle between God will be with God. As for God's death and death battle ... The power of God's hierarchy is the whole demon alliance. They are not small, and they are unfortunately, if they are not there, those temples will not agree to let the two gods are born, so this life and death valley almost rarely see God's monarch, but Today, I saw a. "

"Unfortunately, another person who has a dead battle with Golden Snake God is not a monarch, just a weak sacred border, and it is also a golden snake God's own proactive."

"This Holy Gate is also worthy of pride, and it can be able to die with the golden snake God."

"Hey, I want to say that it is a golden snake God to be bullying. He is a goddess, and it is a dead battle with a sacred country. Is this not a bullying? The people don't know how to think, actually I agree. "

"I heard that the sacred border killed the son of the Jin Snake, so Jin Zombie will raise him to die with him."

Life and death, the valence, noisy, a lot of god will be discussing.

In another direction, there are dozens of shadows to hang, these are the many gods of this life and death.

"Oh, it's really lively."

"Tianwu, are you not always in the monster territory? When is it coming back?"

"Xu Lao, your old monster, have not asked the world, today, there is also a leisurely to watch this life and death battle?"

"Wind, I heard that you have no double relationship with that sword?"

These gods are also talking with leisurely.

In addition to these gods, on the highest void, there are some people's existence, these people are the many monuments of the Dikifa League.

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