Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5518 5513 Chapter ??

Because his book is not in the sea of ​​the universe, but went to the outer hall of Xuanwu Hall.

"Xiao Wang eight, I just need to be seven thousand things, it is not seven hundred, you don't give it, don't give me the head!" Zhenling stared at the little eyes, threatening the Miya Hall.

He is now preparing for the critical thing, the original Wanzang Sen, still left a disaster, and now I need a group of strong people to enter.

Wu Zuo, with the sword with the sword, did not go to Fijigo, he was not idle, I want to get a group of people, and the Sen of Wanzang is thoroughly pulled out.

Xuan Yi Temple has always been laughing, it is not loose, you don't give it.

"The true spirit, the original universe can't shocked the truth, this million messenger is not movable, the last time has been given, these days have to step up, there is no extra) ! "

Top ten worlds, in addition to the first world, the remaining nine worlds are refining all things.

On the day and night, I woken up since the Buddhist Temple, especially in this primitive universe, Xuan Yi Temple will not be relaxed, and have been refining all things.

The true spirit could not leave the Buddhist Temple. At that time, there was an accident in the outside world, but also rely on these messenger to go to the top.

In the inheritor, there did not appear in the universe. The Lord of the Qinglong Temple did not have any affairs, and the pressure was in him.

True Spirit biting his teeth, standing directly from the primary position, "This, you give me seven thousand things, I will give you the North Tower, how?"

"Adult, you don't fool me, now the whole of the people of the people know that the inheritance sword has broken the 40 layers, the North Wang Tower is not lost enough, everything is the source, then I am getting angry!" Although the Lord is not four secrets, it is still a lot of things, and many things, he will read it in the first time.

Zhenling took a head, snorted, and turned directly.

Human hand is not enough!

His Book will stay in Fordo, can't easily.

In addition to Qinglong, the four temples did not open.

The key is that Qinglong has been in the midst of the crowd, and went to secretly observing Huang.

Just after he returned to the sea of ​​this source, he found out a dangerous feeling, and then he felt from the heaven.

Although I can't touch the breath, he can perform it.

"I am related to Efjigo!" The true spirit directly got up and started to monitor all the trends in the heaven.


I lap in the origin of the giant eggs, and some cracks have begun.

The life in the giant egg has long formed awareness.

Naturally I also saw the sword is unparalleled.

"The power of life !!!"

"Frosa, you misunderstood me! How to have a strong power of vitality this place." The consciousness in the giant egg is struggling.

He is more exciting than the sword.


The source of the disaster in the Polyson Temple.

He was suppressed in the first prison.

", , you are upright, the strength of the person is very general, he is called the sword and is unparalleled, just a Dao Jun, don't act rashly, I will arrange Ferigo to hold this person."

The god is very depressed.

Verus is his chassis.

As long as you can successfully gestate, it is the master of the universe.

Villagra is now recovered, but strength can only be maintained at the lowest level of the owner of the universe, it is difficult to play.

He wants to escape from the Buddha, but he has to rely on this fever.

At the beginning, the three Wang Ting were destroyed, and Fygo was calmed by the town, and he was a master of all things by the three gods.

However, he also left a hand at that time, it should be coming to another time and space, and he is guided by him to Mole.

Entering the origin of the Lord of All things.

At the beginning, he continued to flicker the Lord of Wan Lord, let the Lord of Wan Lord won the estell, he took the opportunity to detach it.

The result has not waited until that day, Mo Lu time is silent.

In the silence, he spmied to the truth.

It can only be said that it is too unlucky.

In order to live, he is willing to enter the Polyson Temple.

Followed with the Temcrical Tempius.

Now, I want to go out, but I can't go, the true spirit is not confused by his.

I have been thinking about how to destroy him.

He can only migrate, recover, Fyjor.

Frego is a lot more early, and it is also the top power in the main owner of the universe. One person can calm the three truths.

It is still not enough to see the strength after recovery.

Fortunately, a sword is unparalleled.

There is a power of all things in the sword in the sword, which is the power of them, not only can restore the strength of Fygo, but also can make Verus.

The most important thing now is to win the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, everything can be successful.

Since the sword is unparalleled, it has been hidden in the old palace, and it will not come out.

They also have no way, and there is a magic god in the veteran, and there is the top transfer array. The Lord of the White Hall can also arrive in the first time.

Plus Wu Zhi and others.

When I got a few people, Fyigo didn't eat.

Fergo's current power, probably has the fighting power in the 80th floor of the North, which can suppress the magic, and even kill.

But take time!

Others have not killed, the true spirit is coming.

At that time, Fygo is unacceptable!

The pressure of the true spirit is large, the pressure of the gods is great.

In the Temple of the Disagree, the ultimate emperor has created the secret law of the universe, and the space of the space has also arrived at the universe.

Maybe it's time to promote the Lord of the Universe.

And Gygo and Hassea hidden in the home of the country are huge hidden dangers, which has always been a pressure on the true spirit.

Can't drag down.

No one is moving.

The god biting his teeth, he endured, if the sword didn't come out, he let Fygo kills in, and fighting the sword without double.

"Don't act quickly, even if the true spirit finds you, you won't be how you, as long as Fygo returns to the peak, everything can be solved!"

Ferzal is something that I can't believe the other party. At the beginning, he flicked him to come to Mo Luo, the result!

After so many years, he did not even have the ability to break the eggshell. If there is a nourishing of the origin, he has been starved to death.

I am afraid it is the biggest joke of their giant gods.

The natural gods, in the dead belly.

The giant gods are the gods in the stars, and they are born is the Lord of the universe, and they have no energetic.

A giant is coming, representing a time and space fall.

What a powerful.

As a result, the gods of the three giant gods were planted, and it was a lot of shame.

The god is calm, while notifying Fygo sneak into the heaven.

This time he is going to play with a lamp.

At the same time, it is also a member of the Tianjie.

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