Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 553 is the strongest battle!

"Good guy!"


"It is a horrible power, this is the strength of God's strong?"

Seeing that there is a huge pothole in the diameter of Baizhang in the life and death, many strong people who have a banned appearance war can't help but pick up the air.

Just just the remaining waves of the confrontation, there is such a horrible power, and how much is the real power?

And this is like this, it is caused by the Jin Snake God to play with a Holy Gate.

A holy border! Collision with Golden Snake God, but did not fall into the wind.

The center of the battlefield, the two horrible power is still mad, the golden snake God is eye-catching, watching the sword is unparalleled, "the little son, I didn't expect it to make a month, your strength, actually progress, and progress does not seem small."

"Hey, pay your blessing, if there is not enough grasp, will I really give you a life battle?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Could you have a laughter now? It is a laughter." Jin Zi Shenjun smiled, wrist moved, his hand in his hand, and immediately followed it.

This is simple, it seems that it seems that it is easy to write, but it is eligible to take advantage of the power of strength.

The sword has no double shape is slightly retracted, and the black bend is hidden in his neighborhood.

I escaped this knife, the sword is unparalleled, and the moment, the momentum of his body has skyrocketed, and the three kill swords in his hand have no flowers.


The golden snake gods were slightly smashed, and the figure left a shadow in the void. The sword of the sword was wrapped from this residue.

A cold and cold wind suddenly came from him, and a slightly cold curd knife did not know when there was no double side of the sword, and the sword did not have a double cranihore.

" The knife is cold, directly from the sword without a double neck, but there is no fresh blood flow out, and the sword is unparalleled, and the shape of the sword has begun to dissipate.

This is also a residual.

On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the golden snake God's speed completely burst.

~~~ I saw a distant shadow that emerged, and the sky is a residual, incredible.

Many strong people in the ban have already seen it, they all have their eyes, they want to see all this, but these are just the first-class god, the second-level god will hierarchy, do our best It also only looks probably.

"This, this speed!"

"It's too fast, both people are very fast."

"The golden snake God is fast, I can immediately, but this sword is unparalleled, just a holy border, the speed is actually like this?"

A shock.

Even those gods, they all have been embarrassed at this moment.

"It is difficult to imagine that this sword is unparalleled is not weak than normal God."

"It's his flesh. I saw that his flesh is very strong, and the speed is naturally natural."

"It seems that the gold snake wants to kill this sword is unparalleled, it is not easy."

A god, to kill a sacred border, it is easy to follow, but now there is a scene in front of everyone, but it has made many people questioned that the Jin Sni will kill the sword.


On the void, the two movements have once again emerged again.

"Golden Snake God Jun, take out your strengths, or kill you." The sword is unparalleled.

He knows, just fighting, it is just a speed of speed, this golden snake god is not used up.

However, the same, the sword is unparalleled and there is no effort.

"as you wish."

The Jin Sni will no longer becomes, I saw his right hand holding the black bend knife, but the black curd knife was suddenly lit, and a glare of Wushu, and there is a horrible power in the black bend knife. Concentrate up.

This scene, the sword is unbenhed.

At the beginning of Dongying, he also had a short friend with the Jin Snake God, and when the golden snake god is preparing to be real, this black bending knife also appeared in such a change, only the golden snake god didn't come and shot, God blocked down.

But this time, in this life and death, the two will be born to death, no one can stop this golden snake.

"Golden Snake God Jun, is to show his trick."

The voids of those monarchs are banned. When they see the change in the black curd knife of the golden snake, these monarchs have become more downs.

"The trick of the gold snake, I used to see him to show, and the power is really good." Feng Yizhen said.

The wind is commended, and it can be seen that the strong horizontal of Jin Zombie will be accepted.

"Oh, this golden snake is very low in the next day, even if he is with the demon **, it is very difficult to use it. He is also difficult to see, and did not expect this to deal with a holy border. "

"The sword is unparalleled, it is not bad, a sacredness, the top of the gold snake, is the most stronger trick, even if it is dead, it is also worthy of proud."

"Hey, unfortunately this peerless genius, if he is not a foreign person, but born in my demon continent, then his treatment is absolutely different."

These monarchs sigh, they seem to have seen the sword where there is no double scene.

This is also normal, between the sacredness and the gods, the gap is really too screaming, in their view, the sword is unparalleled to force the golden snake God to show the strongest trick, it is already incredible, they did not want the sword to be unparalleled. how.

On the battlefield, the Golden Snake God has slowly raised the black bending knife in his hand, and a horrible to extreme power is condensed in the curved knife.

Everything around is already quiet, and the countless power of the banned appearance war is all about this.

The sword is unparalleled in front of the golden snake God. It is very clear to induce the horror and power from the black curd. It is an instant skyrocket.

"The frontal battle!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the vast spiritual force is immediately happened. At the same time, after him, a glare is light.

An unpleasant sword is suddenly broke out.

After the sword has no double, the feet has a high golden sword soul of twenty-four feet, and it is also litter at this moment.

Huge gold sword soul vain, with a unyielding, standing in the top of the heavens and the earth, there is no sword sweeping, , sweeping eight parties!

The sword under the vain of the golden sword is unparalleled. It is like a unbearable God of War, and the long sword in his hand has changed.

It was originally three kills, but now it has been replaced with a heart!

The sword is unparalleled in the river field.

Shurami, Huangquan Road!

Shurami, Nai Shi!

At the same time!

This moment of sword is unparalleled, the combat power has reached the top!


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