Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5527 5522 ?? Cocking sword

It is all in the plan.

Although Iron Three is in a hurry, it is very cautious, and all things that will happen will notice the big brother.

After the long-wind sword God know, Shen Si is very long. It is speculative that Wu Zuo wants to borrow swords and unparalleled hands, and seek the land of the palace, so that the iron three take the initiative to find Wu Zhuang, explain the intention.

As long as the sword is unparalleled, you will fully support the owner of U.

Moreover, it will try to pull the green cattle, and will pull the Emperor Lu Jun.

This is still the three palace owners, and the interests have no changes.

The key is to give the sword unparalleled sin. Sorry, there is a decision, one does not do it, pull the sword without double.

But they don't know, so, the sword is unparalleled with Wu Zuo.

Lu Hua was in a hurry.

After seeing the sword being suppressed in the jail, the heart is dark, I'm afraid.

The sword is unparalleled, but the people of the Yuan Hai Palace, the true spirit cannot be unknown.

Once the hand is successful, it is most likely that the successor of the future.

Sin of such a person, it is for a palace master.

Some ignore it.

It can only be said that the smaller the palace of the Used is.

After Lu Hua arrived, Wu Zhi was also coming.

"Let's let go, just be guaranteed!" Lu Huijun opened.

Wu Zuo has a little hesitated, and then the sound is followed: "The fastest will be two years later, after the three major marriages, I will put the sword without double!"

"You!" Lu Huadi is sinking, pointing at Wu Zuo: "You let me say you, this sword is unparalleled, the inheritor is the ultimate heritage, now the ultimate path is full, you If you don't be afraid of him, you will find yourself! "

Wu Zuo is a cold, staring at Lu Huajun, angered: "When looking forward, when I got the pavilion, you said so, you made me very disappointed!"

This, I don't know if it is a performance, or I accidentally tell the truth.

The last Lu Hua Palace is not authentic, and Wu Zuo has some resentment.

"Okay, since this, you will take your wooden bridge!" Lu Huajun did not want to mention the last thing, because the last time is his problem.

If it is tough, it is true that Wu Zuo is really like the palace.


The strength of the long wind is too bad, and once the Used is the upper place.

The two people have broken their hands, and the balance of the lower vision is broken. He is clear, and it will not stick to it.

Now that two people teamed up, just with the green cattle, the two people have reached a subtle balance.

But now I have to break, and this time Wu Z has not been in his side.

Instead, he fell into the following, and he may be isolated because of the things of the origin.

At that time, the position of the palace is negotiable.

Now I'm too late, I can only put the sword. There is a road to the end.

The more this, he has to quickly get the sword without double.

Add a flower on the brown, it is better to send a charcoal in the snow.

"Wu Zhou Hutang, you don't let it, but I have to tried now, let me go in to see the sword without double, this is not destroying the rules!" Lu Huajun recovered a light face.

This time, Wu Zuo did not refute, took out the token to open the jail, and put the Lord of Hua Palace entered the prison.

After entering the jail, Lu Walan Palace mainly arranges the junction, preventing Wu Zhi from going outside.

Subsequently walk to the sword.

"The palace master!" The sword didn't get angry, the breath is very weak.

He is not hidden, but intentionally let Wu Zuo will seriously hurt him, and it is not necessary to recover.

If necessary, he can restore the peak at any time, which is the horror of life.

Lu Wei Jun Jun feels really, and quickly supported the sword and unparalleled, injecting his strength to help the sword have recovered some power.

"Some things, you should come to me, Wu Zuo this person has been reliable, but I forgot to remind you!" Lu Huadi is very annoyed.

The sword was unparalleled, then leaked anger, biting his teeth: "I am very happy this time, I didn't think that Wu Za will put me!"

"You can rest assured that he can't move, I will find a way to get you out, the fastest!" Lu Huijun comforted.

"Wan Ye!" The sword has no anxious, saying: "The palace master, can get me out before Iron Sana big marriage!"

His expression is moving, and there is a firmness in the eyes, then it is directly to be directly, ask: "Lu Hua Palace, as I ask you, just let me go out, this great, I am in mind!"

"The sword is unparalleled, what is this!" Lu Hui Jun reached out and helped the sword unpaid, and quickly said: "You can rest assured, I will get you out!"

Anyway, he will not have a long time, and it is not afraid that he is a small scorpion with the green bull, and the sure is to rob the law enforcement.

I heard the other party promised that the sword was unparalleled, and there was a jagged in his eyes.

Later, Luhua left some treasures to restore the source, they left.

The sword is not a double looks at the opponent's back. Although the bottom is a bit moving, although the other party has a clear purpose, you can help him, you can abandon everything, this kind of love him is really much.

When he mounts the contractions, he will never be a matter of a matter of the other party.

Lu Hui Jun took a jail, he didn't see Wu Zhi, and he went to the sleeve.

He is very disappointed with Wu Zhi!

Two people are also a year friend, and now it is in the collapse.

At the beginning of the ancient times, although Lu Huajun is not a branch of the Past Temple, it is a famous door, which is the master of the universe.

In the long river of time and space, you will know the Wu Zhi, and the two are also swayed several times.

It is a transit!

"Hey, this time I am a quick step!" Wu Zuo Zhiyi said, looked at the sword in jail, turned to drive directly.

The news he was suppressed and quickly opened.

The inheritors on the tomb mountain know a lot.

Huiqing far in the secret of the world has also been a message.

"There is no double brother, this time I can't help you!" Hui Qing slightly closed his eyes, and it was an extremely evil pool.

In the dark, the dragon is a bitter look, and the situation here will be reported to the true spirit one by one.



The sword is unparalleled in the knee, and the breath is not changed.

Just in the sea of ​​this source, his origin is divided, and he is drilling him to create the peak.

Dao Jun can create a peak, and he is also a head.

Be robbed!

The first sword is still a bit rough!

"The sword is dead, the power is alive!" The sword didn't shake his head.

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