Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5534 5529?? That is too small

Who will take care of U.

Wu Zuo saw the people, the face recovered some, followed by self-sufficiency, cold channel: "What do you do, look at my joke?"

"That dares to look at your joke, just look at the brothers and love of such years, I remind you, don't be a person who can't sin for some A cat, Dogs." Lu Hua Dijun is really good.

At the same time, there is no double for the sword. In case, there is a hurry to go to find it, it will be trouble.

However, this sentence is out, some of the faces in the temple are not very good.

Especially the owner of the clock, he is very unwilling, but the other party is the palace master, he can't go to refute, only to hold the fist.

Some weaknesses have nothing to say, the power is poor, the progress space is small, and there is really no mistake.

How long does it take? The inheritor will replace them.

Today, the inheritor has taken into the emperor. In the case of sufficient start, the true spirit is more willing to use those inheritors.

Just is now cultivating the radical period, it is in order to fight, once the stagnation is not before, it will come to the veteran palace, or the white tiger temple, or the Qinglong Temple.

At this point, Lu Huijun is very open, and the future is the heritage world, especially those the strongest inheritors.

Crime of guilty, unbroken.

Even if there is a disciple of the disagreement, it is also the past, he is embarrassed to fight the black, others don't know, he is clear, Wu Zuo has been named by the true spirit, except for strength, Wu Zhuo Any place compared to the inheritor.

If the potential is the potential, the ancient times appeared in this look, live for so many years, and now restore the peak strength, it is not much different from the past.

This life is estimated, it is like this.

In this case, why not let go of it, improve your pattern.

"You said it is so easy!" Wu Zuo said: "The sword is unparalleled to escape the prison, but not only dare to decide me, but also kill my brothers iron three, this thing is not finished!"

Lu Hua sighs: "You are like this!"

Said that it hides the body shape.

Wu Zuo has no heart to laugh, dark: "Take a look, who is we laugh at the end!"

"In addition to the people who are responsible for the position, the rest of the people follow the owner of the clock, go to the Ningjing, catch the sword and unparalleled, even if the excavation is three feet, after nine days, I have to give me people!"

The owner of the clock, waiting for this sentence, Lu Hua Palace owner's words, let him very uncomfortable, he is going to grasp the sword is unparalleled, go see, the sword is unparalleled than them!


After the people took the command, they did not stop more, and they directly went to the central hall.

Qiu Huang put away the sword and was unparalleled. He was arrested. Naturally there will be some people.

After all arrangements were properly arranged, there were left one in the temple.

Didn't have outsiders, Wu Zuo is finally loose.

Sitting on the throne and starting how to explain with the true spirit.

Everything I have never told the true spirit. He was afraid that the truth suddenly took the giant egg in all things, and the plan was to bubble. The position of the palace is also going to him.


After the Wu Z. Thinking for a long time, he directly went to the sea of ​​the universe.

"grown ups!"

Wu Zuoqi standing outside the pavilion.

After the true spirit, he looked at him, "said the plan start?"

"It's very smooth, the sword is unparalleled. I believe how long it doesn't have to use it, I will hook it!" Wu Zhi replied.

The true spirit nodded: "Yes, this plan is successful, the veteran is yours."

"I originally eliminated your name, you must not yell at me! The veteran palace is actually transmitted to you, but you have no big work, and there is no forces, the last position is not good!"

After hearing this sentence, Wu Z. He is directly squatted, sincerely, it is not dare, this is all the adults are under test, I thank you for your stay! "

"Oh, you will talk!" I really laughed: "There is nothing, go on, some things you have to follow up, can't have any flash!"

Wu Zuo said: "Yes!"

The whole veteran palace!

This joy, let him inget what to do.

The giant egg in the home of the country.

Wu Zuo Zuo used to apply it.

It's nothing for so many years, it should not do things on this bones!

Originally prepared to tell the true spirit of this matter, then say there is the situation, with the overall situation.

Nowadays, now, I'm gotting down, I plan to put this matter first, wait for Fygo, then tell the true spirit, it is a double happiness.

If it is said, it will not only affect the plan, but maybe the true spirit will also blame him why he does not say in advance.

It's gone to keep your hands up.

The true spirit also saw that Wu Zuo seems to have a heart, but it didn't point it. In his opinion, Wu Zuo's pattern was so big, it is estimated that it is not a big thing, and there is no more question.

Wu Zuo took joy and left the sea of ​​the universe.

Then a amazing message was issued.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the identity of the inheritor!"

Others are unclear, but paying attention to the gods of all, I know that Wu Zuo is going to the sea of ​​the universe, please present the true spirit.

After seeing the true spirit, announced this news, which means that the true spirit gave up the sword.

For a time, countless people vibrate!

Deprinking the identity of the inheritor!

The sword is unparalleled, I am afraid it is finished.

Unless it is the owner of the universe, it will be chased.

Under the challenge of countless strong, the sword is unparalleled, and it is good to be able to have a good time, and it is an idiot that is idle.

After this command was released, the entire North Room was chaotic.

Countless people go to find swords and unparalleled.

Those who have been hesitation of indigenous emperors are now completely relieved and prepare for a big job.

Many six-order peak emperor, have already dispatched.

Among the Elder House, the six-order episode of other Tangtang is all dispatched.

Both swords are unparalleled.

10,000 square cowards!

Who can't move.

There are many people who are strong.

Among the veteran palace, a turning.

The tomb mountain is in a shock!

The sword is unparalleled, the first one has not tried to finish, and the inheritors who have been driven by the strong.

Today is the first inheritor that is deprived of identity.

There is no matter what you have to follow.

The only thing is a big thing in the face, it is a north of the north, but this hasn't been in the past few days.

The news is fast, just a month of time, it will make the city's storm.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also in the city of rainy night.

North Ayoko, Giant City.

It doesn't belong to any state, but an independent super-city management.

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