Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5545 5540? Mine

Soon someone recognized the identity of the two.

"Is black and white double!"

"Go away, don't be stared!"

"What are you afraid of, here there is a strong person in the old palace, still afraid of the devil emperor?"

A emperor who knows black and white is whisper: "You may not know this two people, these two are people, the people who are even the old palace dare to kill, the strong people who are stationed in the Elder Palace in Qingzhou City, only one Fourth-order peak emperor, can't live in the city! "

Once the black and white double-study, there is a four-step power.

It is indeed afraid of the fourth-order emperor of a veteran.

In the Northeast, the real yuan is very small, most of which is the emperor who is recruited from the Northern Room, hanging from the identity of the deacon of the palace.

The five-order emperor is the elder identity.

The true veteran of the veteran, there are more than 2,000, there are half of the positions. It doesn't need to go to the Northern Room. Unless there is some big things, it will not be able to go to the Ningjing, otherwise half Not going out.

Yuanyang Lake, so many practice treasures, who will go to the Ningjing to suffer.

The sword is unparalleled with the palace, came to the hall of the city's vast palace stationed. There is no transfer array this place, so it is very remote, can arrange a four-order peak emperor sitting in the town, it is very good, or there is a city, the veteran palace I am too lazy to stop.

When they entered the city, the fourth-order peak emperor who was sitting in the town received the news, and then scared directly opened the array, and the commanding hall.

At this time, I found that the black and white doubles did not do it, but very calmly standing in the temple, there is no meaning to do, this dares to come out.

"Black and white doubles, what are you coming, don't you know that the law enforcement hall is wanted?"

White blinds that were disguised as the palace were sturdy: "We have to go to the mine, don't know if you can do it!"

I heard it to go to the mine, the fourth-order emperor has changed a side hole, and the array of law has been withdrawn. It is leaking out a kind of confident face, laughing: "Come, please, everything is good, but also Good! "

The darkness of the sword is unpacking is generally not speak, just the iron side of the face, is a piece of imitation of the imitation of him, really, he does not wait for the trader.

Before you find out, the mask has been thrown into the watching chessboard, using time and space to completely suppress the mask in time.

The enthusiasm of the other party, the sword is unparalleled, he learned in advance in the mine.

It is difficult to recruit an emperor level.

There are two fourth-order emperors to take the initiative to take the initiative, but also to eliminate the wanted order, not only helping the law enforcement hall to alleviate the burden, but also recruit the right miners, it is a double happiness.

At least this emperor stationed in this place can be happy for a while, the outer palace of the Yuan Hao Palace is a task, but it is not only the original , I have to take it in.

However, it is like this, or some people want to mix a difference between the veteran palace, mainly back to the veteran palace, all the resources will not be less, then there is no one to see.

For example, this fourth-order epidermite that stationed this place, he is the emperor of Qingzhou mainland, as long as it is a practitioner who came here, not just doing it, do not open him.

After the sword is unparalleled, it will be the wanted order of the laws and other laws.

There is also a notice of Fushou with Wanted.

A five-level emperor, personally come to receive two people.

Although there is no transfer array, there is no longer delay, and the five-level emperor has a flying palace of eternal tobao.

It's almost a year of time.

After the wanted wanted, it took two people to leave Dongzhou, directly to a large state near the mine.

"Northern Hanzhou!"

Just entered, the sword was unparalleled, I felt a cold.

If the Qingzhou mainland is like a hot summer, the fire burns the earth, so the cold is in a frozen world.

Anything that is in contact is almost no dust, only the ice and thick snow.

Among the sky, it is a snowflake in the past.

"When you come, you have two people to go to the mine together, remember to be ignored, in the mine, even the six-order Emperor has a lot, where can you not free!" Fourth-Order Emperor, Very good, give them two people who have left them.

Under the mine.

During the stretch, the light is the emperor, there are hundreds of people, they are four-level emperor, but they are conspicuous, because most of this is the third-order episode.

More or Dao Jun.

The emperor is responsible for mining, and the Daojun is responsible for handling.

The mine excavated is very uncommon.

"Space Fire Stone!" The sword is not hot.

There is a lot of space in the four major secrets, which can have a feet in the day of the day.

You know, you can sell the gods of hundreds of millions of space in an external nail size space.

One day, I have already made a lot.

This is just a space in one of the three mining mines.

And this place is just a hole in the mountain, and the unlimited space is fire, there are many cave.

It is just that Cangzhou is only such a hole.

One hole, the daily mining amount is one side, in the past few years, no one knows how many spaces are in the end.

This is a key treasure that refines the treasure, and enhancing the body with the flesh, even if the consumption is bigger, so many years of mining volume is also enough to supply the entire four secrets.

The sword is unparalleled, but the three mines of the four secrets have been raven from the mulberry from the stars.

At the beginning, in order to snatch these mines, the disagreement has killed the Lord of the universe.

Even the special life that is born in a starry sky is falling.

Unfortunately, when these three mines, when they were handled, their disagreement was flying, and they did not come to exploit.

It is inexpensive to these inheritance.

In the Elder House, the tomb mountain, as long as it is a heritor, you can buy space of fire, and the price is still very cheap.

Refining the beast god soldiers, especially the refining of the space beast gods, it is very necessary to have space.

This time, if there is a chance, he can plunder, anyway, to the true spirit, the other party will not let him spit again!

To know, the veteran palace, since after controlling the mine, no less private.

True Spirit is closed, there is no eye, and he should not pay attention to it.

Only when they dare to hit the space of the fire, the indigenous emperor is not looking at it.

After the mining came, he would pay, who dared to secretly intake, once found, can not be temporary to die as simple.

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