Sword Master of All Dao

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"I saw my father!" The Miyong is a bit of color, saying that there is no excitement when this sentence is, but the emotions are very low.

The sword is unparalleled without chasing Nie Yuan's things, but care is concerned: "What happened?"

Speaking of holding the other party's hand, the eyes are very gentle.

"Those bastards, they actually martediment my father!" The palace is red and red.

When she saw Nie Yuan, my heart was a sadness.

In order to go out, the ore that needs to be exploited is an astronomical figure, there is no number of ethics, and it cannot be completed.

But even this, still have some people to deliberately go to Nie Yuan.

According to the timing, Nie Yuan is also the five-order peak emperor, and there are not a few people dare to pay attention to the attention of Nie Yuan.

In addition to the emperors of mining ore, the rest is those who are proud.

The sword is nothing and coming in, but it is only far from seeing a few monks. They are all four-level emperor, but they have special soul rings in their hands, and they are linked to some poor emperors. You can uniform at any time.

Like black and white, the magic road tribepers actively come in, will not be taken on the soul ring.

It is not so good to be arrested, not only there will be the balance of the soul ring, but even mandatory to mining ore.

It can be such that as long as the old man is good, the general supervisor will not take these people at will.

It seems that there is someone behind it, and it is intentionally to make people martyrdom.

The sword has no doubles to shoot the shoulders of the palace, comfort: "Reassure, how long, we can go out together!"

Said that this said, his heart is actually not sure.

The gods didn't contact him, and I don't know if the other party is indifferent to him. I still don't feel relieved.

His strength has undergone a qualitative change, has formed a force.

The power, the giant egg is known, if the god is associated with the giant egg, must know his special place.

He is now completely helpful to resume the peak, this is a huge temptation, only this opportunity, once he succeeds, can quickly enter the ranks, then catch him again, it can be difficult too much.

The sword is unbearable. "Still don't worry?"

He is really a bit smooth, and he knows that he is deliberately heretic and the owner of the owner is a bloody battle.

In that case, one is not careful, he has finished playing, and when it is re-escorted to the veteran palace, the gods don't have the strength to save him.

At the beginning, he was suppressed by laws and clocks, but it was a small trouble. This time was caught back, but it was not a small trouble.

I am afraid that even the acting will be sent to a certain time and space.

Otherwise, the god will definitely start suspicion.

If you really want to, the plan has failed.

Now the god is doing, he doesn't know, but the law enforcement has begun to do it in the mine.

Just sent a news in Wu Zhi, Wushan has already handed on the list of people entering the mine near ten years and is requesting all of these people.

Wu Zuo's meaning is to let him change, and these people must kill.

I can't bear the child, I don't have a wolf.

At that time, it will arrange an unbearable charge and secretly derive it.

It will not be announced directly, but it will release a wind and let the God know.

After all, this is also made to the other party.

After a comfort, the sword is unparalleled.

The goal is those who are wind in the wind.

Hysquery is right, there is no opinion.

Now as long as you can save her father, how can you?

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled to leave the Miyongyi.

After returning to your secret room, the sword was unparalleled to talk to Wu Z.

See if you can find some breakthroughs from the other side.

Kill a batch of emperors who have just arrived at the mining, this chip is a little small.

Nie Yuan is a nice chip, but there is a little sword unparalleled, to keep the opponent's life.

Can't unload the kill.

Although he is only a play for the uterine, you can do not use the other party, and the father is killed.

This is too lacking.

Even if he doesn't value the air transportation after the emperor, he can also think about his reputation, he still has the bottom line.

But he doesn't know, the uterus today, in order to rescue his father, there is no bottom line.

And his so-called rod line, it is very funny.

After the sword is unparalleled, a ghost face is now in the gods of blood.

That is her best eternal tobao.

It is very hot when I have seen iron three.

The best is eternal to the treasure, it is less and less, and the sixth order emperor is not a few people.

It is generally in the hands.

Even the iron three is high, the value is worth it, and there is no best to eternal.

It's just a set of top eternal tobao.

The best eternal to the treasure, that is, can not be met, I can't buy it, I can't buy it, the best eternal to treasure in the four secrets, most of them are.

In the six-order episode, the number of hands does not exceed one hand, the rest are in the hands.

Of course, there is still a lot of eternal to treasure in the Temple, just in the Hall of Zhu, generally will not take it.

It is impossible to buy it, especially the veteran of the Yuan Hai, those who are eternal to treasure, are left to the inheritor.

The inheritor wants to get it, and it is also necessary to pay huge efforts.

You can get this best eternal to Bao, which can be said to be lucky.

Among them, there is a gods of the gods, and now there is now.

The appearance of the face is ugly. If the sword is unparalleled, it will be difficult to find that the owner of the face is the god.

" ........"

Miyong is respectful!

"Silly girl, you are cheated, you are just the sword unparalleled with the chess pieces in the hand, you really think that the sword will help you?" The gods began to induce.

In fact, it is also the truth, and even take evidence.

"The rules of this place have implicit me, let you see, your infused people, how do you say it with Wu Zuowan!" The ghost face trembled, and then a star air scene.

In the starry sky, there are two consciousness, which is the scene that the sword is unparalleled just talk to Wu Zuo.

Although I can't hear what they are talking about.

But this is enough, everything is a false icon.

Run, grab your pro, escape.

all fake.

The palace is shaken, and the lips are white.

Since she fell out from the veteran palace with the sword, this ghost had always followed her and constantly induced her.

She has never believed that this time the other party appeared, she originally wants to ask the other party to save her father, and see the scene in front of him.

"Fake!" The uterus lying on.

This blow, she is still a little wound.

Originally, she had to completely believe that the sword is unparalleled, but now I know the true idea of ​​the other party, I don't know if it is sad.

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