Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5588 5583 Chapter?? Cruel

"If I want you to die, you have already died for a hundred times!" The sword didn't shake his head.

Kill a crowd, he can't show up!

When the atmosphere is hidden, he can do it when you see the first eye of the other side.

He didn't shoot because of Hui Qing.

As for the right error?

Is wrong in his sacrifice?

If there is a fault, then the source of the universe, the native of time and space, and even the unlimited starry sky is wrong.

Why do you have to give birth to strong life?

Everyone is not better!

Don't he want to sacrifice those crowd?

It is not the god guidance, he can only do so for life.

Help the White Monarch recovered the peak, and finally fell into the circle of the gods and recovered Fygo.

So now they all have been separated from the dislikes, saying that all of this has no meaning.

The cruel world, every weak is sorrowful.

The heart is complete, I have already consumed it.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to be strong, this is the reason for each tribener to pursue the power of the strong.

This world is unfair, so I have to be strong!

If it is practiced for so long, even this truth fails to understand, it is not cultivated, and it will die directly.

Everything follows the highest rule.

Huqing this personality, or less experience, maybe because the wrong birth is in this world, if it is in a certain music, it is best!


The sword is unparalleled and closed, unplugged the neighborhood.

Everything is so casual, quietly.

The source of the swords in the body, but at this moment.

The long sword took out, Jian Ming broke the quiet space.

Rolling the soul fog is broken.

The seemingly flat sword is a universe that burst into a sword.

This sword is sent!

It is a sword that sword is unparalleled, and there is no secret law, but it is the strongest strength of him.

A sword, you can get it.

After breaking through the ninth floor of the ultimate sword, he continued to improve, did not come and create his own peaks, and now, his sword has already come out, and there is also a peak.

Huge swords, slowly swearing the fog, what you have, depleted, and a line, or a paint that makes the concentrate.

The concentrated fog, which was ranging from hundreds of millions of miles, was instantified, a picture of a piece of paper.

There is no power to block without any strength.

The power of death must be removed.

Without a blockade of the universe, the momentum of this force broke out, it caused the human vibration.

Some people who are far in the Central Hill, open their scorpions.

"The mysterious strong appears again!"

"Fast! Notice the Temple, this force is not that we can block."

"No, don't tell the great respect?"

The strongest person in the man, declined in the position of the status line after the mysterious force

Because every one of these occasions, it is much better than that of the great respect.

Whether it is the Huqing just broke through, or the outbreak of ginger, or the dragon one, which one is not hitting the four secrets of these halfings.

Not only is the human vibration, but even the true spirit has grown.

I found out the power of death, it was already shocked, he was all prepared to personally finally, because the power of death is significant.

When the sword was unparalleled, he can sit, because there is a good thing, although he has never heard who has mastered the power of life, it is good to master it!

Nowadays, there is a power of death, even if you have some people, you have to hurry.

It is really a prediction of Xuan.

In the future, I will have a peerless strength to destroy a long-term long river.

It can destroy the long-term long river, that is only the power of death.

The long-term long river in which the Temple in the beginning, is because of the power of death.

So to block!

But I haven't waited for him, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a bright eye.

A sword can make a layer of spatial space, which is pressed into a piece of paper.

This kind of sword secret is to be magical than the life of the sword.

The power of life, although there is no heard that someone can control it, but it is everywhere, just in the rules.

However, it is possible to completely crush the secret to a piece of paper. He has not seen it, but he has not heard it.

It is actually in the original place for a while!


The sword is also very surprised. This is a sword that has been sent. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The power of death is like a paper.

The swords are constantly smuggling, and the fog has gradually disappeared.

The fog leaking a figure in the dense fog before the fog disappearing.

The shape is long, round, thick eyebrows, and a pair of died.

The breeze passed, blowing his hares.

"Hui Qing!" The sword jumped in the eyes, and quickly collapsed this sword.

Sword Yings disappeared completely in front of Huqing.

Jiang Yan also saw Huiqing, and the look was once, but he was blocked by the sword.

Now Huqing, there has been a change in the earth, except for appearance, the breath is different from the power.

The sword has shaken his head and whispered: "He is not Hui Qing!"

When I just had a sword, he felt that it was wrong and found that it was Hui Qing, or he was closed.

What if the other party is just it!

The power of that sword didn't know how strong, I really want to give Huqing, it is a big sin.

"Or say, now, he is not the domain!" Sword is unparalleled.

He clearly clears the power of Huiqing, is the power of the reincarnation of Shen Li, which is not the power of death.

Ginger is a bit anxious, and it is incomparable.

Especially in the knowledge of the master, he did not hesitate to be enemies with the bodges!

Everything is because of her.

In her body, the true spirit has been formed again, very tired: "Master!"

Ginger eye angle moist.

Gently sooth the source of this source.

At the beginning, she is just a common, but I want to eat a full-awaited little girl, it is flat.

Last simple life with your brother.

Everything is because of the bloody sacrifice!

The sacrifice made his brother fallen, let her have been reborn and embarked on the road.

Without my brother, Master Hui Qing is her loved ones.

Today, Master Huiqing, deeply sleep, and is controlled by the power of death.

The loved ones around him, from the end of the year, the death of my brother, and the crisis of the present teacher.

She is weak!

The strong breath on the body is also weak.

This source is true and comfortable: "The master, this is not your fault!"

Chemottice kittens, the original origin of the kitten, gently use the head to arch the arched ankle.

Compared with ginger, the sword is unparalleled is a war.

"Magic, you step down!"

This battle is the power of life and the power of death, and there is nothing to do.

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