Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5591 is actually a chess

"You go!" The original easier, I don't know why suddenly nervous, I frowned.

A death of a death is a distinctive thing.

He stood on a simple ancient ship, and he directly grabned the ginger's body's income to the ancient ship. He glance his eyes and said to the sword. "Don't worry, we will still see it again! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood line is burst. The horrible death is suppressed to die in his body.

If you have just been encountered, he is now estimated that it has fallen.

"Substitution ......." The true spirit also bite his teeth.

The Diva Temple has not known to split.

The life is not only to take the ginger, and also rescued the mountain monarch from the second jail, and the smell of the blood magic in the magic sound mountain.

The first truth is the three truth. The first true Jun is that the mountain will break the origin of the source of the magic, the blood magic, the monk, and the heart.

The second truth is that it was suppressed in the original universe, and now it is still getting angry.

The third true monarch is ancient jun in the purgatory, and now the robbery of the Purgence in the purge.

During the life, find these people, I am afraid it is very big.

The sword is unhappy, and it is stared at this big, what should he do in the future!

"You don't have to worry, the sky, there is me!" The true spirit comforted, and then said: "Now you have to hurry, the four secrets are temporarily safe, there is no accident, this can be assured ! "

"Yes!" The sword is unparalleled to hear the guarantee of the true spirit, and I don't dare to believe it. The last time I said that he still fell into the hands of the gods Fosa.

The true spirit also looked at the sword and unparalleled. Now I have a little guess.

The prediction of the starry air energy in the beginning, is likely to be induced, and it is not a heritor.

The life of the death has mastered the power of death. If you want to board the peak, I am afraid I really want to destroy a long-term long river.

But why is it predicting that the people who are in the born are the people of the Apternity?

This makes the true spirit some unknown.

Now I saw the other party took the mountain king, the magic, the blood magic made him have a vague answer.

Maybe it will not be used, and this answer will not be blurred.

It has been suppressed by the disorder of the born in that year, so it is too late to deduce the seventh robbery, and now two people like some agreement.

Those who hate to swallow the avenue, but they are hoped.

Live to the end, I actually became a piece of chess.

The true spirit is not stupid, and it will understand everything slightly.

The discrimination of the year was reached with a certain agreement, and the devour the avenue is not because of what the eighth will be discarded. But when the discriminant is burned, there is no strength to go to the eighth robbery, but it is not willing to become a strong robbery. If you let the swallowing avenue, you have prepared the back.

Leaving the Division is also preparing for both hands, and prepares the inheritor to rebuild the people temple. Ordered to kill them to swallow the magic of the Avenue, as a means of recovery.

The more I want to get more, the true spirit is poor to my chest.

For the practice of the present, he is opposed because the book is left to his memory and consciousness, all positive.

The fellows were successful in the past, not because of strength, but to protect Moulo time, leaving the boy is in order to cultivate the inheritor, nor for the sake of mating.

From the decent, instant conversion becomes a counter!

The true spirit is thicker, and there is a bit red.

It's just that there is no face to see those inheritors.

It's true that it is like this, just bulk!

Seeing the face of the true spirit is wrong, the sword is unparalleled is also very nervous, and the wings are opened: "Adult!"

I heard the sword and didn't call themselves. The true spirit was strong. I leaked a smile, replied: "Well, some things, you know too early, I have already thrown out, you have to practice!"

It's just like it is just left, but it is swimmed by the sword.

Take it out of the portrait of Huiqing, the sword is unparalleled: "Adults, Hui Qing is loyal to the Buddhist Temple, Jiang Yu's things, he is divided, please ask the adult to save him!"

He made Huqing so that you can not know the way of rescue, you can only ask the true spirit.

"Give it to me, I will not pursue!" The true spirit is very generous.

The threat of ginger is poor than the threat of the desiration.

Moreover, now Jiang Yan has been taken away, and the threat to him is almost okay, there is no need to pay attention to it.

Hui Qing as the heritage of the top three in the Polyson Temple, naturally it is impossible to give up.

Even if the sword is unbound, he will help Huqing recovery.

Just just he thought of thoughts, did not think of this.

"Thank you!" The sword was unparalleled with the true spirit of the left.

After sending away the true spirit, he and the magic errors did not stay in this place, ready to leave the people to go to the country.

Then go from the ground to the heaven.

Go to the big multiplings, solve the cause of killing, and then to ask the heart of the candle dragon, it is almost true.

As for the sixth level of your heart, you can't seek, he didn't think about it.

The space realm has now mastered the black hole of Nine-centered nine, only a wire, if there is a chance to break through, there is no chance to go first.

Because this does not affect his process.

As long as the origin of the swords and the path is full, it is now that his space is already in the road, there is no need to reach the black hole.

It is the case, saying that the simple point is to integrate the swords and poles into the space. Once successful, the space this source will skyrocket.

General Daojun, you may just touch the threshold of the source of space, the successful space of the joint, has arrived directly to the middle and late stage of the star.

That is, the second-order Emperor will go to the third-order episode.

The inheritor is more striker, and it is the realm of the star, and after the way, it will directly arrive at the Star, and even the power of half a black hole is directly reached.

After making an emperor, it is even more mature, cultivating the space. It is also faster, and there are also those who have directly become the fourth-order episode. It has been short-term to the five-order episode.

This has depends on how strong your way, the things contained in the second product source is a lot, and then the premise of cultivating space in advance, it can become a third-order episode, quickly enter the fourth-order episode.

Wan Dao is a cultivation of Wan Dao, which will be satisfactorious, and the sword is unparalleled.

It is really a full practice of Wan Dao, which can be comparable to him, but it is only the way to grasp the power of life, and the whole cultivation of the Wan Dao is full of efforts to master all things.

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