Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5594 5589???

At the beginning of the iron three, so many years of Shoutang have accumulated 30,000 cosmine, let alone the Mono's indigenous emperor, it is estimated that all home is a five thousand cosmine.

So it will be so surprised.

"What is this thing!" The sword didn't swite his head, and he was able to be able to do it.

This time I returned to the veteran palace, he got a big opening, and strike more treasures.

At the beginning, most treasures accumulated, they were used to restore Fygo used.

No way, I have to live, I can only fight.

It is good to send them away.

Moreover, it also got a goddess token, with this token, and it is also useful in the long run in other time and space in the future.

If you really encounter the strong people, you may have a movie, which is much more useful than those treasures.

This is the pattern!

Don't be reluctant, how can you have something!

Transfer array triggered, in front of the light and shadow, the past is color, now there is time, but he can see the source of this transmission and time.

The cross-border transmission, the distance is too far, even if it is a lot of time to reach another world.

It is a flash!

This is time shorter, and the simple space moved is not so fast.

Their two have no slowness of the flying in the crowd, hundreds of years, opportunities to translate the people.

I want to rely on flying to the ground, don't say there is any channel, even if there is channel, I am afraid it also needs hundreds of millions of years.

All spaces in the Diva Temple are superimposed, which is larger than the universe.

The four secrets seem to be together, in fact, the distance from a universe is very far away.

In the transfer array, it is a moment!


At this point within the boundary of the temple, he gathered six strong absolute top of which there is a body of law with a white, strength is not weak enough to rival God.

There are four absolute summit of indigenous Emperor, but the boundary of the first family of those absolutely top of the strong.

Another is the sword unparalleled acquaintances, Wu left!

! !

Sword unparalleled stature and Mara duo appeared in a transfer large hall.

Several summit must instantly around with him, it makes Mara very nervous, especially to see a white Dianzhu, a huge sense of threat, made him feel breathless.

Wu left Fortunately, it has been suppressed with flavor.

"Warriors brother!" Wu left stepped forward, leakage smile.

Sword Warriors slightly Baoquan, spoke and said: "! Trouble."

Then look to the Dianzhu a white, light laugh: "a white Dianzhu, this time actually offended!"

He said natural thing is the human world, that is to say, it was given a white face.

"When this thing blame me, to get the true spirit adults message, did not spread, leading to those idiot offended unparalleled brother!" White and one of these years some things bearish, coming after all, is the world inheritors shall not be satisfied with the old .

Wu left next opportunity is cynical and said: "Well, hundreds of years ago put the true spirit adults message to the veteran palace, so much the things that you actually have until now, but the four Warriors brother Fam largest contributor, you get to deal with, not afraid of the crowd's cold heart! "

The last sentence'd say yes, he put away the gods, but the real deal to help the white tiger temple.

Now the boundary of the fighting has been slowly try micro, resistance is also very small.

This is the sword unparalleled credit, if the gods are still those who are still afraid Emperor indigenous revolt.

"Almost got, the kind of place the human world, dogs do not go, some uninformed is normal!" The black left a white stare.

Sword Warriors also quick to smooth things out, spoke and said: "! Well two, my turn today, we take a drink."

Long time no freedom, can be considered for themselves to celebrate.

I heard him, the two did this!

The sword is unlucky from the appearance, and there is no sense of disclosure, and the outsiders look at him, they are time to return, look very mysterious.

Now, there is no black and white, and the breath of the simple appearance is the six-order peak. I have some strength that I can't touch the sword.

A group directly entered the largest city in the city, in the main hall of the Hong Kong, the sword is unbenched in the primary, and the two are white and the black.

Both are all the top of the top four secrets.

The actual controls of the four major secrets, those who are most afraid of the most fearful or white.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled with the opponent, but also on the master position, this is some identity.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and there is really this bottom.

Whether it is success, or the strength, he has already touched the peak of the Polysman.

Remove the godfalls, this is the big work of the head.

Let the white one will give him one.

There is something else in Wu Zuo, this plan is that Wu Zuo is coming out. Although Wu Zuo will eventually have any benefits, the sword is unparalleled, he is already very happy.

Otherwise, he can have a negative responsibility.

In the big temple, gathering a three-third of the super strong, the weakest is the five-order episode, and there are more than ten digits.

After all parties have touched, it is a guest.

The sword is also open this time, but private is in touch with Umbowa.

"The things of the iron sword, to be as soon as possible!"

He killed the other person's brother, this matter naturally should be properly handled, you can't kill his brother, and you will be killed again!

So let Wu Zuo to be a middleman, saying things, naturally there is no problem.

There is always a sacrifice.

The key to his sacrifice himself many times, a sixth-order Emperor's life, for a four Fam stable, it is very value of the sale.

Wu left nodded, acoustic: "! True Spirit adults dispatch order has been issued, the iron sword will go to the river of time and space outside the original universe guarding, responsible for transportation from the major cosmic looted elite, it can be considered a plum"

This is to be sent away, there is no true spirit of command, even the wind and Jian Shen Qi back to the temple is not qualified.

As for the benefits, I am afraid not much.

Jian Shen wind strength must have been in on top of a general, even worse than the absolute top of the strong indigenous, time and space to the river can be considered a good thing.

Over time, the strength of the inheritors of completely broke, he Miyaji this position to retain his job.

Better to go to the river of time and space, time and space when an overlord, had fun.

Now the river of time and space is scarce absolute summit, only a handful of a few, are also commercially eleven defeated, strength are general, after all, no guidelines, although the high realm of space, but the foundation of instability.

This absolute basket case summit, the true spirit are lazy recruit.

Might as well make some of the more powerful fifth-order Emperor entered the Temple manifold.

Of course, those original Emperor of the Universe can be considered light stick, most of them in the pantheon of discrimination to seek a job, and now also mixed gusto.

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