Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 561, the command

"Oh, Jin Snake God actually hides strength?"

The old people in the black robe came to the intensive, and he quickly he saw that the intelligence mentioned that Jin Shu Shen Jun realized a brock on the knife and showed an extremely terrible brock and three knife.

Seeing this, the old man in the black robe is stunned.

"Shadow? How is the way?"

"This is not the human god of the emperor who has always been looking for."

The elderly in the black robe, the eyes of the red light are all in this moment, but the next moment he is carefully to give this information. At the same time, he also told the Jinson's intelligence. It took carefully to get an answer.

"Obviously understand the way of shadows, but hidden, no mountains do not show water, do not act unusually low-key, until this life and death, there is no way to expose it." The old man released in the old man Fine light.


"It's him, it will not be wrong, this golden snake God, that is the master of the Human Human Human Human Human Wine!"

"The brim kawki found for him for so long, and now it is found!"

"However, he is now dead now." The old man is sinking. "No matter what, first, let this news to the cry of the Emperor."

The old people in the black robe immediately gave the crypton emperor in his mouth.

The monster territory, endless, far from the territory of human domain.

A huge ancient forest, this ancient forest has been occupied by a horrible monster ethnic group, and this ethnic group is a prize.

The core of the ancient forest, has a Dongfu similar to human living, and this cave is directly on the ground.

This cave, it is quite calm, and it is suddenly ...

"Haha, found it, I have found it for so many years, I finally found the damn human goddess!"

A laughter with a madness and crazy laughter came out of the cave, and the ancient forest in the ancient forest was chaotic, and the sound came from the depths of the Dongfu.

"Golden Snake God Jun, actually him, a goddess of the password, forty years ago, he relied on the road to win the container."

"I know that the Emperor is looking for him, so he has never revealed the way in front of people in front of people, hidden enough."

"Unfortunately, I can't take so much, I can only use the brusty, and I'm being used, or I am killed, it is really pitiful."

"He died, the compass should fall into the hands of killing his sword monarch."

"Sword Monarch."

The owner of the voice muttered a few words, then the sound became exciting again.

"Mailing, at all costs, kill the sword monarch, put his body, and his Qiankun ring, bring to the emperor!"

"That Luo is the emperor!"


In the human territory, the

"Sure enough, the emperor of Jingchi is ordered, but it is necessary to kill the sword monarch at all costs."

"The Sword Monarch, after all, is a top god, lighted the power of my monster ethnic group in the human territory. I want to kill him, it is not easy."

The old man is sinking, and suddenly he lifted his head. "It seems that it can only make the adult personally shot."

Mixed in the human territory, there are quite, there are many, these demon rape strength is strong.

Weakless, like those surfriends, the monsters of ordinary Yunxiao hierarchy, and a strong, enough to compare the human gods and even God's monsters.

These demon people are in detail, and they are not a lot of potential. After they come to the human territory, the strength can also achieve breakthroughs.

Now the mystery is in the tample in the human ethnicity, the strongest power, has exceeded the category of the nine-level mons, reaching the hierarchy of the monster king.

The monster king, in the demon league, but it is enough to compare the highest high!

This monster king, named ''.

"." The old man came to a secret room.

This room has been closed all the year round, and the adults have been closed in the secret room, almost rarely appeared.

"What?" Passed an indifferent sound in the secret room.

"Jingfei demon kills, I want to let every price to kill a human god, return his body to his Qiankun."

"But the human god is a top god, strength, with the power of my monster ethnic group in human territory, want to kill him, almost no possibility, so I can only come to you. "The old man said.

The voice of this black robe has just fallen, but the secret room in front of him is suddenly opened, followed by a height of more than two meters, the whole body hair is strong, the skin is dark, the brown bear appears in the black robe In front of.

"You just said that it is a command that Jing Xia demon kills people?" The brown bear stared at the old people.

"Yes." The old man nodded quickly. "The command just got off, adults can communicate in person."

The brown bear man is not hesitant, directly submitting the emperor of Jing Xia, the natural answer is naturally acknowledged.

And the command of the Demon Emperor, even if he is, it does not dare to violate it.

After all, although he is a monster king, it is enough to compare the super existence of the people of the human temple, but it can be more than that of the bruises, but it is still poor.

The primary demon emperor, but the real hegemony in the monster group.

"The sword monarch, where is it now?" The brown bear and the man saw it.

"Holy Land!" The old man in the black robe.

"Holy Land?" Shook his head, "That is the most important place in human beings, not only from the first power of the human ethnic group, but also in the town, the Holy object of the human group, but also in the holy place, I am running Go to the holy place to kill the sword monarch, then there is no difference with the death. "

"I understand, from now on, I will wait to wait in the holy place." The old man said, "According to my information, the sword monarch is a foreign person, and the realm is extremely low, just a Holy Genting, he did not choose to leave the demon continent, but continued to stay in the Demon Alliance as God, it naturally wanted to improve the strength with the resource of the demon alliance. "

"And any resources of the Demon Alliance need the demon Dan to redeem, this sword monarch must also need a demon dress. If he can't use it, he will come out from the holy land, go to the military camp, or go to my monster group territory Broken, only in this way can you get a lot of confession, we have the opportunity to kill him. "

"In this case, when he leaves the holy place, you will notify me."

After that, this turned and turned to the secret room.


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