Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5614 5609??

Next goal, tomb mountain!

Set off!

When I gathered many emperors at the headquarters of the temple, I gathered a lot of emperors, and their faces were unparalleled, and Guangwei Tianzun personally brought the team.

"Guanggou brother, where are you going?" The sword is unparalleled, these emperors are all inheritors, no indigenous emperors.

The strength of these inheritors is mostly the fourth-order episode, and there are only a few five-level emperor, and the sixth order emperor is only one.

Obviously, these inheritances are some show.

The Guangwei Tianzun facelessly saw that the sword was unparalleled, sighed, said: "The universe of the magic king is born, and the universe of the Temple of the Temple, the universe of the Temple of Junjun, now the foreign war continues to upgrade, some people are somewhat not enough I can only let these inheritors go to top! "

Magic king is born!

The sword is unparalleled, shook: "How can I be so fast, don't you say a few era?"

"That is just to guess, it may be the strong man of the Temple of the Temple, and the magic will be liberated in advance!" Guangwei Tianzun replied.

The two did not say a few words, and a majestic voice came.

It is true spirit!

The fantasy of the true spirit came to leave the boy of the people with these inheritors.

Seeing the sword is also here, and because the killing of robbery has been lifted, Zhenling said: "The sword is unparalleled, hurry to take the time, and destroy this time, it is for you!"

After finishing the people, they disappeared in the transfer array.

Only the sword is unparalleled, one person is standing in place.

He didn't expect that the war will come so soon.

For a time, he didn't know where to go.

For a while, the sword is unparalleled just wants to move to the tomb of the Tomb, and go to the tomb mountain.

It was suddenly dark in front of you, and I didn't know where to go.

Everything is dark.

Only countless memories have poured into the mind.

His gone?

Do not!

He is working!

"Is this?" The sword did not know if he was unbearable.

He is clear that it is still in the heavens, and the next moment is a secret room.

And his space is actually arrived in the peak of the black hole, and now is a swallowing of the sword and the ocean.

A huge cosmic graph is expanding.

He has to succeed.

A vast power flooded into his body, it is a power that is surpassing.


The sword is unparalleled to do everything.

Although I don't know what happened, he always pays attention to the way of the way.

The black hole swallows the sword and blended the way.

Finally improved to the space universe.

He arrived in a stepmark.

It is only one step away from the robbery.

The sword is not happy, and it is a black again.

This time, how long he doesn't know how long you have slept, when you wake, I only feel that my whole body is very tired, and it is very painful.

The hand failed.

The space is broken, in the sea of ​​his own source, rising a few hot dark light balls, constantly destroying his origin.

This time, the sword is unparalleled. He can control his body.

"What's going on?" The sword did not have a double-faced, suddenly closed, and suddenly failed.

He clearly didn't do anything!

Why do you have a failure?

Not willing!

It failed to do, it means that he is born, and it will only stop this place.

Not only this, his strength will be bound, it is necessary to properly press the anti-nacelock of the sea, otherwise it will fall.

Although the hand failed, he mastered the space of the universe.

The secret law of the universe, after the way, naturally reached the big realm.

Since the end.

But there is no life!

"Study!" The sword turned and suddenly thought about it.

His since the Maxi Mountain, he seems to have never felt the power of life.

The problem is definitely in the Mountain.

The sword is unparalleled with tired body and stands directly.

He wants to see where it is.

The heavy black stone door was pushed away by him, and a bunch of light was on his face.

The exterior glare is great, it is a secluded valley.

However, it is not an ordinary valley.

Looking at the long river in the sky, the sword is unparalleled to find that he is actually among the long rivers of time and space.

This place is not a boy, nor the original universe, but a long river.

boom! ! !

Kill kill! ! !

The original quiet valley, instantly destroyed, the sky killing, the mountain stone is crushed, countless huge dust, covering the sky, like the end of the day.

"It is a person who has killed the world, escaping!"

The number of emperors, flies out from the Dongfu in the mountains, each takes out the treasure, and prepares to fight.

A huge temple in a seat, moved from the void.

There are countless power, instanta.

The sword is unhealthy, can't manage so much, directly pull the sword.

"There is no buddy, why haven't you gone!" The people who speaking, the sword is unparalleled, and it is Dongsheng Emperor.

At this time, Dongsheng is already a strong powerful.

He led several six-order emperor, with those flying main halls, see the sword without double appearance, even busy and said: "It's still unhappy, you can't let you find you, otherwise this time and space is really going to finish!"


"Do you know that you have indulged?" The sword was unparalleled.

Does this news should be concealed?

It seems that the current situation has come to the place, or that the Temple has succeeded, they are not a desperate resistance.

"This is a dream!" The sword didn't shake his head.

He can't believe it, and he is not willing to believe.

At the last minute, he clearly became a big ride, how suddenly, he had a long river, and it failed.

"Dong Sheng brother, Zhen Ling? Where are you going to Huanqing?" Although the sword is unparalleled, although this is a true world, but I can't help but ask now this time and space long river. What is the way.

There is a blood in the East Sorts Eye, and the lips are trembled. "They are dead, they are all dead for the original universe, they are dead for you, you must live!"

After finishing, a hand knife directly cut in the neck of the sword, the sword is unparalleled once again, and it has dizzy.

In the Temple of Temple, the burly domineering Brole is sitting on the throne.


"Discover the sword is unparalleled, in the infinite valley!"

"Set off!"

Originally appeared in the unlimited valley, a team of a team of the Temple of the Temple, now the horrible Brumbi personally shot, leading countless big army, swept again.

At this time, the long-term long river, the creature is carried, and countless universe is exhausted.

Mountain Jun fused four major swallowed demon and resumed the power of ancient God.

The magic monarch has already made a ban on the ban and started to swallow a lot of universe to make up for the power of your loss.

The strongest ancient monarch has never gone.

Single three true princes, it makes the Polyson Temple unable to resist.

Not to mention, you have died.

This time and space is long, and it will be destroyed.

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