Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5616, 5611? No regret

"Go to death!"

Dongsheng face, chose to exchange life with him.

The rest of the sixth level emperor is all this.

Generously go to death!

These have been strong, now in the long-distance river in the hometown, I have chosen to die.

The sword is not bid to hundreds of millions of miles, feeling a hot star, the heart is bleak.

The future is miserable, a large extent, or because of his power.

Of course, there is also a reason for true spirit.

The Temple has brought them hope and destroyed this hope.

Originally this time and space, this should be a prosperous.

This is also the idea of ​​countless people.

The two temples have struggled, driving this time and space, and ruined this time and space.

"How do you dare!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a stream is instantly coming to the battlefield.

The sleevement flying, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no halftone color.

Once the scenery is infinite, now the fall is weak.

"Sword is not double?"

One of the talents took the lead, from the crowd, I saw the sword and the unparalleled return, and suddenly.

"Live catching swords and unparalleled, enjoy millions of cosmine!"

The sword is unparalleled and the eyebrows are boiled: "The life of this seat is worth a million camodornes?"

A moment!

The memory in the mind.

After he failed, he never shot again, and it was unusually unusual to last day, and the whole person was abolished.

This is still after him, first shot.

It seems that many people have forgotten what is strong.

"One thought!"

The sword is unparalleled, and now he is very weak, and can only be able to show a universe with a secret law.



This time is a real universe.

A elliptical universe, like a bubble, is unparalleled with a sword, and instantly covers the entire unlimited canyon.

"This is a universe, you are careful!" The person who took the lead was also very vigilant.

They are all the strong people in this time and space, just put on the death of the Shenshen.

It is still very familiar with the sword.

One of the universe is the peak secretary of the sword.

I will not know.

"You have to die!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is instantly.

One of the universe cooperates with his ancient times, the strength of the outbreak is weak.

He now, it may not be as good as the legendary emperor, but it is not much different.

Even if the robbery is coming, he also has confidence.

It is only two temples that have not been robbed.

Three big kings, although there are two people who have been in person, but when they are coveter with the Temple, the three truths have never shot again.

I don't know if I have agreed with Zhenling, or because of the reason.

As for the sterility, just as the quarter is said, in order to devour him, it has been self-realizing the realm, and now it is only a good.

However, it is a well-deserved first.

kill! ! !

Hundreds of six-order episode, in the peripheral combination, want to limit the sword.

The battle is a strong, dozens of unparalleled people, and the sword is unparalleled.

In these people, today's sword is unparalleled must be caught.

"Hey, it seems that you are really forgot!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly on the way.

The figure directly arrived at the periphery, a punch, hundreds of six-order Jun's array of array was now shattered.

The sixth order emperor is all falling.

Just a punch.


I haven't waited for those who have reacted, and the sword is like a ghost, and again.

This time, his strength is stronger.

The future of the beasts, it is already complete, the powerful power, which is much stronger than that of the past.

The light is a lifted poppet, let the sword are amazing.

Unfortunately, he has failed, it has been too decadent, and has not improved the foundation Temple.

Now the basic body, or 50,000 times prior to the road.

With the increase in the beast, it has been able to rush to 80,000 times.

So he does not need to pull the sword at all, you can instantly kill those.

Just a breath, there is a bloody raindrops in the sky.


Bathing in the bloody rain, the sword is unparalleled.

It is a good intention to fusion with the future.

It was pressed for so long, he finally broke out once.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Rogue, from the distance.

In the next moment, the sword has seen people.

One of the black pressure, there is 10,000 people.

The weakest is six-order emperor.

There is more than 100 people.

The sword is unparalleled, I forgot to ask, how long it is from him.

How is the six-order emperor? It is not worth money, and it is not worth money.

It is not the robbery.

This is not conforming to the common sense!

Brole! "

Countless main halls, tall the throne sitting on a burly figure, is Brole.

The Brole, which is already a successful.

It is the first power of the temple.

In the future, he doesn't know, but his time and space, Brole is the murderer killed the old man.

It seems that it is necessary to revenge in the future.

There are no more nonsense.

Instantly shoot!

The first power of the Temple of Temple.

Super power of changing tract.

Since the end.

The sword is very calm, and the idea in my heart is the same as the other party.




"The power of the stars, long-awaited!" The sword leaked a smile on the face.

He after the failed, I am afraid to show this sword, I will fall instantly!

But there is nothing sorry.

Anyway, this is the future.

Dead is dead.

If you are dead, he doesn't have this life.

If he falls, he once again appeared in the Mountain.

He will take advantage of this life, as well as all the opportunities in the future, to change a success.

"Star Chart!"

The nepon sword suddenly broke out, a sword was smashed, straight in Brole.

Whether it is once, or the future, he is full of confidence in this sword.

Because he has never disappointed.

The first power of this Temple, Brole!

"Falling!" The sword didn't have a double angry.

The neminated cloud sword chopped Brolen into two halves, starting from the sword blade, the space surrounded by the spatial solidified, a huge starry video appeared.

That is a thousand people!

Brumbi, which was split from the head, and tens of thousands of people were fixed.


There is still a sword.

The sword who is getting off will be unparalleled, and it has not fallen to the ground, it is fixed in the starry map.

This scene will be preserved forever until the stars are destroy.

Future cruel!

Once the opportunity!

Everything is relative.


The sword is unparalleled, but only this time, he returned to this life.

"Sure enough, this is caused by the robbery?" The sword is unparalleled, let him experience the cruelty of the future, that is, it is not good enough to cultivate!

Sometimes it is not that he is going forward, but someone is going forward.

Slightly behind, it is the disaster of killing!

This time the causal robbery is really not general.

It took a long time, he was still unfinished.

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