Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5622 5617??

Next to the bodies of the deceased beast, one hand will pull it out of the giant ax on the deceased body, wipe it, and put the ax in the waist.

At this moment, he found someone looked at him.

And it is a strong force that doesn't know, just like a black hole!


Washed head stared at the sword. The scorpion turned, and the breath of the person in front of him was extremely clever, and he was in front of him. He found it.

Take carefully, but find that the restless breath, just like a black hole, you will swallow your strength in the body.


The sword is unparalleled to see the other party is also very surprised, the other's appearance and the ax in the hand, let him feel unexpected.

The ax, he is too familiar.

The scene of the Anthid Air came to the scene, he thought that the wilderness of the birth of the wild ventricle was once.

When I thought I left, the owner of the stone ax.

"Dongjun!" The sword muttered, and the starry family, it should be a dream.

As a result, there was an Once Moro time space.

The stone ax in the hands of the Emperor, he is familiar with it, it is definitely not mistaken, it is definitely the handle in the hands of Dongjun.

How would it appear here?

The destruction of the sword is unparalleled, and the expression is a glimpse, surprised: "Do you know Dongjun predecessors?"

"Cognition, a old man!" The sword nodded, then asked: "How do you know Xiaowong, how to get this huge ax!"

Those who are fixed, I saw the sword unparalleled and the absurd emperor actually met, and the bottom is relieved.

In their view, the strength of the sword is extremely powerful. If you want to shoot them, you will have their lives.

The giant ax in the hand is looking up and looks at the sky, and then looks to the sword. "" Are you a person? "

Shang Cang!

Since the top of the top, the epoch is over.

The sip of the stone ax came from Shang Cang.

It is not too late to give it.

It is a challenge to the world, which is also a chairman for the practitioner.

Because in the gods, there are countless treasures, as well as the inheritance of the number.

These inheritance and treasures, scattered all of the long rivers, forming a stars secret.

That is, now the chaotic star field.

The stone ax in the wastelet is from the chaotic star field.

In addition to this stone ax, he also got a arm.

The arm is dead and grasps the stone ax.

After you know how to get the stone ax, the sword has a bigger doubt.

So he didn't think about it.

The stone ax is from the upper Cang, the so-called superb probability is the treasure house left by the previous era, or a miserable from the starry sky.

If you are like this, then Dongjun and the stars of the past, it is more than a long time than Moro time in the ancient times.

Look at the secrets on the stone ax, it is definitely a secret article of the universe.

This also shows that the star he has been he has been, and the powerful life of the universe.

Just now, now and out.

The sword is unparalleled, he actually unconsciously and went to the old time and space.

Just that time, he didn't know much about time and space.

Moreover, when he left the star, he didn't even think that he did not expect that the star was able to be prunished.

"Can you give me a look?" The sword was unparalleled.

It is also very gorgeous, and I have done the stone ax directly.

I took the stone ax, the sword was unparalleled, and the power of the starry sky was out of the hand. After the stone ax was in the power of the Starry, the power was strong than the past.

The power of the stock is directly broken.

Surprising swords are unparalleled, and the body can completely explode, and the body is retreats after the body.

"Senior!" Directly kneeling.

The sword is unparalleled, the stone ax is a humming, it seems to be the joy of returning to the original owner.

In fact, he is not the original owner. The first generation of the stone ax is the master of the open land.

He is not a second-generation master, but it is simply fixed, and it is given to Dongjun.

I didn't expect this little guy, but I can give this stone ax into this powerful.

Dongjun's strength, less talking is a big energy above the three pockets.

Only by mastering the universe, becoming the universe of the universe, in order to give birth to the treasure of the universe.

Unusual hijackers can not be done.

Dongjun is so powerful, then what is the cheap apprentice?


The first generation of the family.

Dongjun can become the Lord of the universe, I am afraid that the strength of the candle will not be too bad.

But it should have fallen.

For a time, the sword was unbearable, and his apprentice was likely to be the Lord of the universe, the disciples of the disciples, and it is not the owner of the universe.

"In addition to this stone ax, what have you got?" The sword was unparalleled, he is now getting more and more about, this is in the middle, what is giving birth to it.

The short-hearted wing took the stone ax, respectfully replied: "The late generation is just that it is good, enter a spatial crack, then entered a semi-planet, on the planet, only a broken arm and stone ax!"

After that, I will take the broken arm directly, and the strength above it is very powerful. The sword is unparalleled deeply looking at this cut-off arm. The more it is familiar.

This broken arm is just a simple flesh, there is no body.

The density of the flesh, but it is very similar to his flesh.

It is definitely a nine refining flesh.

The sword is unparalleled, and stroked fine.

Touched, his brow wrinkled.

He felt a familiar force from the arm and felt a familiar power.

That is the power of fusion of the flesh and the body, and that is familiar with the source.

This is a special arm.

The sword is unparalleled, and then the ripple of the palm is watching it again and stared at my hand.

The above ripples are exactly the same as the thread on his hand.

What explains this?

A arm, saying to him, nothing.

However, the arm is obviously cut by the stone ax, which means any problem.

In the past, he seems to have a war with Dongjun, and finally broken arm.

This stone ax has also left.

It can be speculated so that it is not very accurate.

After he left the starry sky, he didn't go through the starry sky, which also said that it is not available!

Don't you say that he will go to the starry sky, then with Dongjun, be cut by the other party?

Either it is such a reason.

Either this arm is not his.

Come of the source, will not deceive him.

The breath of the source, it is too like him.

The power of life!

The sword is unparalleled to think about it, and suddenly understand.

Dongjun is likely to kill him with him, but in the life.

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