Holy Land, the sword is unparalleled as one of the gods. There is also its own home in this holy place. His residence is a huge manor.

At this moment, in this manor, the sword has no double red, naked half-body, calm the horse on the empty land, hold hands, a fist that contains a pound of power, the front of the box, every boxing, An amazing aerobroof.

The sword has also been covered with sweat.

For a long time, he stopped, sit down on the stone table on the side, grabbing the mouth of the kettle on the stone table.

After putting the kettle, the sword is not too much to vomit.

Although it looks quite exhausted, he has a shameful color in his eyes.

"Time for more than two months, finally refined the tenth floor of the finish door." The sword was unparalleled.

More than two months, he has been working hard, and even redeeming some of the nine days of the demon. It can improve the treasures of promoting the role of the flesh, focusing on improving your own flesh. It has reached a higher level, which finally refines the tenth floor of the fingers of the bone.

This tenth floor is stronger than the ninth floor, and there is a lot of strong.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is clearly improved compared with more than two months.

The sword is unparalleled, his current flesh, still has not reached the limit.

His flesh has been gradually improving from the question of Dingzi, which has been gradually improved. Although this increase is slow, it has never been stopped. Now, this improvement is still stopped!

"I really don't know, when my flesh increase reaches the limit, there will be many." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Sword Monarch."

A delicious voice suddenly sounded, and a red-haired old man appeared within the estate.

"Taoism God Jun." The sword did not stand up and looked at it.

Taoist God, the same is one hundred and eight gods, but the status of the Demon Alliance is extremely high, and many things like human territories are generally responsible for this Fengshen.

"Sword Monarch, I came today, there is something." Tao Feng Shenjun direct theme.

"Please say." The sword was unparalleled smiling.

"Yes, I have a human territory, although it takes only a whole company, it can still be quite wide, and the sheame has not stopped through the penetration of my human territory. There are a lot of monsters in the human territory! "

"These demon rape, there is also a low-key on weekdays, I am afraid that I have discovered that we have discovered by our human beings. I don't dare to make too much movement. I don't know why, I have a few days ago, I have appeared in our territory. The monsters are stunned, take the initiative, and slaughter the incident of our human berun. "

"In the human territory, take the initiative to slaughter human beings?" The sword was unparalleled.

According to him, those who have never been very low, unless they are exposed, they will find a way to kill more humans.

It can actively attack human beings without exposure, this situation is almost very difficult to see.

"These demon rape, strong strength, there is no shortage of seven-order or even eight-order monsters, from them to now, have destroyed four tribes." Tao Feng god Jun seriously.

"In this case, it should be sent to the human benger, and these demon rape tie is talented." The sword was unparalleled, and he suddenly he was a look at the gods, asked: "Taoism God, you Today, come to me, want me to come out? "

"Yes." Tao Feng god nodded, "The group of monsters have extraordinary, I want to all destroy them, only God's hierarchy is to be sure, and I will let the sword monarch you shot, because of the group The place where the demon trails, near the mutual tribes. "

"What?" The sword did not have a double color.

Wu Yan tribe ... That is where he just came to the demon continent, it stayed.

There, he felt a rare warmth, although he only lived a month time, he had some feelings for the mutual tribe.

The big girl in the martial arts, the big eyes, the tiger's brain, the sword is not a pair.

"Is there a squat that is trained in the group of monsters?" The sword didn't ask.

"Tains," Tao Feng Shen Jun, "I just received the news, I know that you are from the Wuzi tribe, so I will come to you immediately."

"That's good, I will start now." The sword is no longer delay. After saying a sentence, they will move.

Not long after, a streamer brushed from the holy land, and his pen was straight to the macro.

And in the holy land, these two months have been monitored here, and when they see the sword unparalleled from the holy land, they will tell the news in detail.

That demon intelligence gathers the black tall, but it was a clear, "Sure enough, the mutual tribe is difficult, this sword monarch is immediately moving, there is no doubt. But it is right, this Will the sword monarch think I would like to deal with him in the human territory? "

This black robe is the fact.

The sword is unlikely to have never thought of this incident, it is thoroughly directed against his trap.

Or, he didn't expect the demon group to deal with him. After all, he is just a foreign person?

In the human territory, these demon rape tricks to deal with some of the days of the demon alliance, and these genius have not yet grown in advance, this is.

But he is a foreigner, or a top monarch, unless these demon rape crazy, will come to kill him.

However, the sword is unparalleled, he got from the Jin Sni God's jun, it is indeed crazy to press the golden monk.

"The people who are all prepared, and only wait for this sword monarch." The old man is smirked.

He designed a human genius or strong, there are a lot, and most of them have to have a hand.

And this designed trap, although it is a top monarch, but he still has a great confidence.

At the same time, in the Holy Land, the Hall of the Ice Peak is the first time, I know the news of the sword unparalleled.

"Is it finally gone to leave the Holy Land?"

"Wu Yan tribe encountered a crisis, so I can't sit."

The Horizon of the Ice Peak is a cold, cold and cold, "I thought this kid will stay in the holy place."

"The sword is unparalleled ... If you have been staying in the holy place, you can't make your hand, you can have a holy place, hey."

The Hall of the Ice Peak is also moving.

Shortly after the sword is unparalleled, the Holy Peak is also left.


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