Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5631 5626 ??? Want? Take it!

Finally, it is a pole point in the space of the break, in the space in the field of ice.

At this point as the core, all spaces surrounded by all, and continuously swallow the strength of the ice in the small black hole in the field of ice.

Zhu Qi in the boat warehouse opened his scorpion at this time, and she didn't care, but the tenant is fighting.

But I didn't expect the sword unparalleled to use the power of the black hole to this point.

This is a complete space black hole, and it is a long time.

Master the space black hole, the inheritor, the emperor, but also need to arrive at the sixth order.

It seems that there is no name, it is really not a word, and it is more powerful than what they imagine.

On the deck, these inheritors don't know what to use the sword unparalleled use, but when you see the sword, you can't help but shocked the sword.

"Is it so broken?"

"That is the ultimate field, you can suppress the field of second-order emperor!" Someone was excited.

The extremes of the boat top are also extremely shocking. Even if he wants to break this field, it is necessary to spend some means. I didn't think that the sword was so easy to do.

This makes him the bottom of the heart, it is more boiling.

Suspended in the semi-air season without frost, after falling into the deck, there is no loss, but there is also a highlight on his face, walking to the sword without double, very kind: "Uncle is uncle, it is lost, I didn't expect the strength of the teacher to be so powerful, just broke my ice field! "

"No frost, you have to remember, the relying on the field is not your ultimate way, but your understanding of space, your space is stronger, the more strong!" The sword is unparalleled, I like each other. The character has reminded some of her cultivation.

But even if he doesn't remind, go to the tomb mountain, there will be someone to teach.

Season No frost is very well-behaved nod to promise.

Subsequently, the familiar with the sword, there is no tried in the primitive community, and introduces her friends in the sword.

Among them, many people's ancestors have a relationship with the sword.

For example, the descendants of the face and the new disciples from Zhenwuyang.

The disciple of true Wuyang is also a big downtown, but it is no more than a episode, and the sword is unparalleled.

It can be parallel, all from the big domain.

Although it is a Dao Jun, the strength of the road, the strength is weak, and when the other party is introduced, the sword is unparalleled, and the little guys nodded.

This makes the little guy very excited.

Two pride of the big downtown.

One is really Wuyang, this is not much more, the other is the sword is unparalleled.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is very much for his rumors.

Before an era, there is no enemy.

Today's strength is even more unspeakable.

This legendary figure is not only seen, but also allows the other party to remember himself, this is a great honor.

There is no shelf in swords, unlike some old guys like to take advantage of the sect, but talk to these sects.

He is also a Jun, for him, if their ancestors have some emotion, and there is no relationship with him.

After the heart is successful, the sword is unhappy, only the constant power is the way to be pursued.

For the name, don't care.


A champion has dropped from the sky, directly dispelled the crowd, close to the Sword Wushuang, a strong Daojun, which is also opened by the person.

I actually let those Taoji have no strength.

The strength of the other party, obviously beyond everyone.

"Invincible Dao Jun?" The coming is extremely shadow, he is too light: "It is better to put this name, also give the fit!"

The sword has no double leaks a smile, and it is light: "Want, take it!"

"No, there is always a testimony!" The extremely shadow is around, saying: "For example, in the face of their face, defeat you!"

"You don't have to be so anxious, I will soon will meet!" The sword is very calm and said in place: "This name will also give more suitable people!"

The tone of the extreme shadow is cold, and the void: "If I want to be in this time!"

"Take it, just!" The sword didn't have a double eye, and he went on the bottom of the other party, the strength is good, it is comparable to the third-order Emperor.

At the beginning they first batch of inheritors, they can reach this realm, only the power of the ultimate channel.

It seems that the other party is really not simple.

When it is late, the next moment, the shadow has been handed.

" !"

An angry sound came.

The inheritors around the surroundment retreat.

The seasonal no-frost is bigger, and it is very busy reminding: "The teacher is careful, this person is the ultimate aerodynamies, you can wear thousands, each shadow, it is unsweound!"

The aeriality is special, don't mention the end of the air.

This trick, I am a bit similar to those who finish the face.

Every movie is divided into the power of the third-order peak emperor, and it is already able to do the enemy's fourth-order emperor.

As soon as possible, you will make it.

It is extremely complete outbreak.

Let everyone are surprised to connect, and they did not expect the first person in this trial person.

The sword is unparalleled, but it does not change color.

Wan me?

Or is a low-oriented version of the went, this trick does not have any threat to him.

Through the space, he can find the true body of the other party.

But there is no need to do it directly to him, so it is too bullying.

Since it is a strong avatar, his flesh can also differentiate thousands, or it is a differentiation of hundreds of millions.

! ! !

! ! !

The sword is unparalleled is just a breath and spit out, and countless points will be surrounded by tens of thousands of extremes.

"How is this possible?" The extreme shadow was surprised.

The season without frost is also surprised. He listened to the emperor's rising, and the only source of the sword is the ultimate sword.

From the sword unbound behind, the powerful god sword will be able to see, how can it also have an attachment.

Then everyone discovered that it was wrong.

I am a very shadow, it is true shadow.

The sword is unparalleled, and every one of his fits, there is a flesh and its own source, and there is still the power of life.

For them, this countless sword is unparalleled, and there is no difference with this respect.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place, looking up and look at the extreme shadings of the sky, saying directly to his real body: "Do you have to do it?"

This sentence is directly shocked.

"Do you know the location of my book?" The extremely surprised staring at the sword and unparalleled, the pupil is directly larger.

For the sword unparalleled, he is more surprised sword unparalleled to see his real body.

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