Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5633 5628 ??? Arrived at the Tomb Mountain

Is it really a coincidence?

She flew up and looked at the special life of the hierarchy.

But I found that the opponent's moving body and wanted to avoid the sword.

But his speed is too slow.

More slower than the sword.


In the perspective of the special life, just a moment, the sword has arrived in front.

When approaching, swordshot made the world of swords.

Instantly, the whole special life package, the sword is full of heavens and the earth.

Then it is completely broke out.

If you cut the whole body, wear the body of the special life, breaking the opponent more than 60,000 people.

The body is broken, the special life!

Just a sword, kill the top of the top.

This scene made Zhu Qi linger in the sky.

The sword is unparalleled to this point.

And it has not yet been.

A Dao Jun, killing the pendant.

Among those inheritors, some big family children have seen a strong person.

"The breath of this special life is strong than my family's peers!" A family of families fear.

At the next moment, the horrible special life, but it is already fallen, and the body has made countless powders.

The power of the body is that the sword is quietly incorporated.

He has now collected a lot of gods.

It is also a treasure, in fact, it is also scratching from the brain.

For example, the turtle shell of Turtle Island.

There is also the flesh of the eight claw animal.

And the current hierarchical special life.

They are all income.

After he became an emperor, you can have a full meal.

In the shock of everyone, the sword is unparalleled into the boat.

The threat has been released.

But those little guys are extremely exciting.

"Dao Jun, can you be so strong?"

"A sword, kill the top!"

The seasonless frostatic eyes are also luminous.

From this moment, her appearance in front of her is no longer the uncle, but the sword is unparalleled.

I am afraid that everyone's heart has left the figure.

The sword does not have a double sword.

Just when they want to go back to the deck, when they go close to the sword, they have not seen the sword unparalleled.

Zhu Qi also understood the meaning of swords and unparalleled, and it banned that they entered the boat warehouse.

Many people are somewhat lost, they are now unparalleled in swords, and they have endless doubts.

For example, everyone is doubtful, and the road kills.

The more powerful, the more you don't dare to ask for a sword, the source is concerned, and this is the source, the same existence to explore, is provocation.

But these little guys are too weak, asking if they are not a child.

"The extreme shadow, blame you, I have to provoke the sword and have a parallel!" Some people blame.

The current impair is more eager to talk to the sword.

When I saw which sword, he was aware that there was no hope.

It is not that he can't surpass the sword in his lifetime. Instead, he can't do the sword where the sword is never doing.

The ultimate road, even if it cultivates the ultimate, it is also comparable to the five-order peak emperor.

I want to be a six-order episode, it is not too likely.

Not to mention it, it is the same, and even the killing is open.

I heard someone's ridicule, the extreme is not angry, but standing on the boat, watching the distant side, but the bottom is finely pondered which sword.

Although the cultivation is not the same source, the strength in Jian Ying has too much power, he only needs to draw a wire, you will benefit endless.

When I was faster to the tomb mountain, these little guys were more excited. Now I saw the sword where there was no double shot, and even more excited, I said on the deck.

Zhu Qihe hides a smile and quietly left.

Through the white screen window, the sword in the boat is unparalleled, and Zhu Qixin has been falling.

That is the trust of swords, and is also the feelings of the mountain monarch.

She believes that the sword has no doubles, will liberate the mountains from the second jail.

Now, even the four major temples, I don't know the relationship between life and the temple.

Zhu Qi will not know.

So the mountain monarch was thrown away, except for the true spirit and the sword, no one knows.

Perhaps the prisoners in the second jail know, but they can't come!

It is the unsatisfactory thing to discover things with the Xuanwu Temple and Yunzhong Jun.

The blood magic suddenly disappeared.

Just think that it is true spirit.

To this end, Yun Zhongjun asked for a long time, and finally, I can't hear it. I took some benefits to send the cloud.

But the Lord of the Xuanwu Temple can not be very confused.

Wan magic is very important for the Xuanwu Temple.

Because the wannie is very deep, there is a proud of the Shi Shi, only the main weakness of the Xuanwu Temple.

Such an important person suddenly didn't, and the Xuanwu Temple must first suspect that it is true spirit.

But think carefully, I found it wrong.

I didn't go to find true spirit.

It is true to explain this time, telling the things that the destruction.

The scene, very disadvantageous.

The main purpose of the Xuanwu Temple.

Because predictions come true.

This means that the long-term long river of destruction is the one in front of you.

There is a Gaverian, and then everyone will accompany.

Includes the Polysman.

Therefore, the Xuanwu Temple will follow up, will be so generous, take out countless puppet to help the Qinglong Temple.

It is only two ways to break the bodges.

One is a strong struggle for yourself.

This is certainly impossible.

If it can be, he has made it early.

Now in the current, the probability is a strong robbery.

Although there is a half-step battle force, it can't improve it.

After all, it is so long.

According to the sword where the swords are seen in Moop, it is speculated that the original induction is a strong robbery.

However, in the gods, although it is a strong robbery, the at least is the bulkity of the eight knocked.

After all, you can have a half-step and seven-step force.

The heritage of the other party is deeply effective.

If you can't break the temple in seven, there is only one way.

That is to cultivate countless inheritors, fight against the Polyson Temple.

In the countless heritage of the Temple of Temple, he is sleepy.

It's just not going to work.

This time, this time, the death of the world, obviously also made sufficient preparation.

There are so many treasures among the gods, they are afraid that they have more than one temple.

As long as you are sleepy, or wait for the ancient king and the death of the magic, you can have a stable temple.

So he talented the death of the world.

This is also the same as the memory that the sword is unparalleled in the future.

The life that has appeared again is just a good, like his strength.

It is to swallow him.

Therefore, the sword is not dare to go out, even if he is there, he can't go out.

No one knows, and what kind of means to be in the outside layout is waiting for him.

The sword is unparalleled to gamble.

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