Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5642 5637? Cooperative (4)

"No!" The sword didn't shake his head, suddenly looked at the space, exclaimed: "This is not crack!"

The nine huge cracks, as well as countless fine cracks, there is a cracks whose white strip is not small.

That is the pattern of the long river of time and space.

This moment of swords are unparalleled.

He is a space that is condensed, which is a stars.

Which sword is just, smashed, and the space started huge changes.

The original three-dimensional space has become a pair of maps.

The space in the map record has evolved into endless stars!

Paint black!

The sword is unparalleled in front of the dark, he can only see a small point, where is his home source space.

There are five thousand black holes inside, as well as a universe.

As for crack, it is mapped in the stars.

The space he condensed was to light the stars.


The sword is unparalleled, "I succeeded!"


He held a fist with his hands, suddenly broke the breath, and the strength enhanced to an unprecedented level.

The power made him confident.

The power of the stars, nearly unlimited.

The power of life is even more than that of the past.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is almost endless.

Because he can mobilize the power of a starry sky.

After joy, the sword is unparalleled to see the source space in the body.

Or can be said to be your own starry sky.

After entering, it is the space that he joined by him, regarding the universe of semi-finished products.

Arrival, it is a paint black.

There is only one crack, he can see it clearly.

Other areas, it also needs to be strong and can be lit.

Now he, even a universe cannot light.

I don't know when it is, he can light a whole starry sky, or talk to a small time and space.

Now he sees the long river of time and space, is dark gold, with time and space, but there is no universe.

The universe of his semi-finished product is even more inconspaded.

"I have left!"


The Sword Wheymough is in the air of this source, and the present is returned to the flesh.

The covel is completely successful.

Since then, he is an emperor.

And his name is also changed, no longer an invincible, but there is no enemy.

The current sword is unparalleled, and the strength has more powerful, even he doesn't know himself.


A turbidity spit out, the sword is unhealthy to welcome long-lost.

It is finally possible to breathe.

Time continues to urge him to be strong, and now it is in the emperor.

The hardest hand has been successful.

There is only the opportunity to hijacking.

Nowadays, I just broke through the emperor. His principal realm, directly soaring to the realm of the universe.

Otherwise, he can't condense the universe of semi-finished products.

Space universe.

Peak secret law, starry sky!

It has also been improved.

The rest is a successful space, and the time is grasped.

When he was in Daojun, although he did not get a recognition of the time of the source, he also mobilized a touch of time.

I believe how long it will not be used, he will get a recognition of time.

However, the premise is that he has to come to a satisfactory space.

Successful space is actually the universe.

The ordinary emperor, the three thousand six hundred black holes can form the universe.

One thousand black holes have reached the realm of the universe.

And the sword is unparalleled in space, I am afraid that there is a need to be black or even more.

Nowadays, I just broke through, I don't want to worry.

The robbery is not so easy.

It is a watershed.

The difficulty of both is quite.

But every opportunity to be a robbery is the same.

This is different from the way.

At the moment, there are many places that need to be improved, and there is no need to worry.

His body, as well as the spatial origin, needs to be improved.

And the time and space is treasure, he can now obey more.

Once, I was only able to observe some kind of chess pieces.

Today, it is time to watch the font size.


In front of the sword, there is a magnificent chessboard.

There are a lot of the soldiers above, but only 360 pieces of the name of the font size.

Handsome-handed chess pieces, only seventy-two.

The chess piece of the god is only nine.


The first true king, but it is just the name.

The first true king can be the strongman of the five knobs.

Above the handsome pieces of handsome pieces, I am probably the weakening of the six-hit source.

"These chess pieces, what is it coming?" The sword is unparalleled. "

I finger a point, I want to peek the piece of chess that put the font size.

However, a huge suction is to let the sword unparalleled breath into the board.

The board is over, and a vortex is suddenly condensed.

The sword is unparalleled, and it turns into a silk source, and finally fixed in the font hierarchy.

Here, he completely understands.

These chess pieces are originally coming.

But if this is the case, the first owner is not very losing.

At that time, I am afraid that there is no chess pieces!

This is the super-treasure of the Xuan Yi left him. He naturally puts more mind, and there are many doubts.

Now become the emperor, it can be manipulated in front of it, and is constantly exploring.

It is also relaxed after a look!

Under the constant exploration, especially after reading the first true king's game, he finally understood the manipulation technique of this.

"Start!" The sword didn't have a double point, and it was carefully controlled the pair of chess pieces.

After the chess pieces are difficult, the internal origin begins to rush out, and then becomes the origin of a martyrdom.

At the end of the body, the atmosphere is a peak.

It is much stronger than the nine-claws in the beginning.

"Master!" The shadow of the clothes is respectful.

The sword is not a double point, it is still satisfied.

Next, he continued to deal with the resilience of those soldiers.

According to the first true king, there is a robbery, you can open the soldier font.

At the beginning of the first true king, it was able to summon more than a dozen chess pieces when he was successful.

Among them, the most powerful chess, it has been comparable to the first true king of the emperor.

Putting recovery is also very simple, it is the power of the playback board.

Of course, it is important to be very important, it is very difficult to others.

That is the power of life, this is the simplest of the sword.

His life is now in ordering that there are still balances, but the power to manipulate the board is still too weak.

Now he even the font size of the military, you can't do it.

It also needs a constant test.

This is not anxious, put it in the air, let it go slowly!

This is the practice of the beginning of the body.

The sixth floor of the body.

Based on 50,000 times, it began to improve.

He has received a lot of gods treasures, and it is all used in this time.

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