Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5649 5644 ?? Witness!

Therefore, the stronger the sword is unparalleled, and the body does not have any slips.

Although the power of life and the power of everything can be supplemented.

But the injury of the body is difficult to recover, even if the sword is unparalleled, it will cause the body to fall.

But this time, although he suffered some injuries, the stronger of the body is a stronger battle.

This is the toughness of the beast god.


A boxing directly won the door of ancient temple.

"How is this possible!" The ancient temple couldn't believe that after he was injured, the body has begun to decline, but the sword is unparalleled, but the stronger the battle, it is already able to suppress him.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no meaning of stopping, and the ancient temple is constantly bursting.

If you kill each other, he will directly show the sword, but there is no need to play!

Since the other party's body is very strong, he defeated the other party with the body.


If you have a foot, you will kick the stone, the sword is not a bitter, disdain: "Do you have this strength?"

The ancient temple in the stone pile did not answer.

The sword is unparalleled to clearly feel the atmosphere, and it does not think that the ancient temple is so fallen.

"I heard that your ice evil spirits arrived at the robbery, I don't know if it is true!" The sword is unparalleled, continue to say: "If you don't show it, I will not give you a chance!"

After seeing the sword without double bursting ancient shacks, I feel that the sword is unparalleled. It can be seen that the sword is unparalleled without a winning strike.

They can't hear the swords and unparalleled sounds, they can only see the sword without having a double lip.

The sword of the war is unparalleled, but I don't want to kill each other.

At least you want to take some strength to make him surprises!

Otherwise it is too wasteful.

He didn't use this source to fight with the other party. If you don't take out your strength, you can't help him.


The ancient temple stood up from the stone pile, slammed the dust, stepped out, and looked up and looked up and walked the sword.

"Do you know that I can change, isn't I am afraid that I have killed you after soaking?" The ancient temple is low.

It is the talent secret law in their family.

I know very little, and his family is in front of him, I am afraid that the status is not low, and the status in the Polyson Temple is very high.

At this time, the ancient thinking is still in the ancient times Moop.

His strength is not strong at the beginning.

In the robbery, it can only be an ordinary member.

The sword is unparalleled to suppress him, indicating that the strength of the sword is unparalleled.

In his impression, there are a lot of five robbery powers in the Temple.

There are three major gods, but also the super power of the six robbery.

So I will feel that the only one of the sword is unparalleled, there should be no high.

But it is possible to know that the talent secrets of their family, I am afraid it is not general.

It should be a category of the god in the Division.

It is only a chance to give him a chance to give him a chance to give him a chance to give him a chance to give him a chance to give him a chance.

The sword is unparalleled to the ancient temple, shakes his head, lightly: "You are so confident!"

"Hahaha!" The ancient temple laughed, and the eyes began to condense. The breath on the body began to change, and he continued: "It seems that you know, do you think that my transformation is simple?"

The frozen demon, the reason is in the ancient times, God did not fall before rule Mo Luo time, that is a truth.

Do not rely on any outer substance and the secret law.

Simply rely on talents, you can dominate the long river.

The number of frozen demon people can be strong.

Will it be a mediocrity.

"Mortal, witness!"

A group of white light flashes, ancient temple epilepsy smiled: "Prepare, is it died?"


White light blows, the glare radiance makes the sword unparalleled.

I can only see a figure, curled up in a group, is slowly standing.

The rays disappeared, and after the breath.

The sword is unparalleled to see the appearance of the ancient temple.

The appearance is previously said to have a change in the earth.

From the short thin, change has become a burly strong!

The face change is very small, and the two contact angles in the head are preserved.

For a time, the sword is unparalleled, can't feel the power of each other.

"How, this is the case after the transformation, is it satisfied?" The ancient brake opened and slowly lifted.

When the sword is unparalleled, when a strong force, a powerful force will turn over him and retreat.

I haven't stabilized my body yet, the ancient temple has reached his face, and a knee is directly in the ground.

The knee is squeezed with the sword unparalleled neck, and the eyes overlook the sword. The cold voice said: "My current power is 180,000!"

I heard the sword of this number, the eye is contracted!


What monster is that.

Is this the super power of the gods?

I heard that he had heard that the strengthening of the body, the stronger it is, the stronger.

I haven't thought that it will be so free.

He felt that after the other party became transformed, it was the strongest to reach 120,000, and even 130,000 will be good.

I didn't expect to arrive directly of 180,000.

This kind of power, I am afraid it is also comparable to the three-minded super powerful.

No wonder the other party will be so confident.

It is really a surprise.

Now the sword is unparalleled, just like a mortal in the hands of the ancient brake, there is no room for returning.

Continuously being hit.

The body has been calendered, from 100,000 times directly to 60,000 times.

The power of the beast is also faded.

The ancient temple touched the sword unparalleled neck, referred to the half-empty, and the sword of the sword.

Soon, the basic gods cannot be maintained.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is completely broken.

The facial is more than the blood.

Six-well bleeding!

"No ......... play!" The sword was unparalleled and spit out of the words, and the eyelids were not controlled.

The ancient temple did not stop, constantly lick the sword and unparalleled, still did not forget to ridicule: "Do you want to see my true strength? How can I not hold it!"

This time, the sword is unparalleled.

Although his body is bonded to the power of the beast, it is indeed the ability to reach the robbery, but it is much poor than the opponent.

100,000 and 180,000, it seems to be 80,000, but it is a bad level.

Even if it is more than two thousand more than the sword, it is all imposed.

Not to mention, there are more than 80,000.

Even if it is displayed, three times the power of the beast god, the gods increased to 120,000, nor the opponent.

God's competition, sword is not double lost .........

But can't blame him, ancient temple is the robbery of the gods.

He is only 60,000 underground gods, and after the way, the help of the body is not big, or he spends countless treasures, it has increased to 60,000, how to compare with each other!

After the beast god soldier, he has such a powerful power.

If he will raise his body body to the emperor, it is able to fight with the other party.

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