Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5651 5646?

Six people stand, only the true spirits are sitting alone.

"Things are such things, you all go back, this time you go to the time and space, no more than ten people, you can't tell anyone!" The true spirit said that everyone was scattered.

However, he left a sword.

Going back, I know this matter, I have decisive, it is very easy.

Others are different.

Especially the older generation of the original universe.

True Wuyang and business.

They are very important to the long rivers of the outside world, especially the original universe.

I feel that the true spirit allows them to travel to other long-distance rivers, this is naked escape.

I have hesitation in my heart.

It is easy to follow the bones and light and shadow, just considering that the loss does not care about the outside world.

In fact, think about it.

Their feelings of the outside world have not much.

After coming to the Temple, I just want to change stronger, I have never thought about returning.

Otherwise, the outside is chaotic, nor will it see two people.

Commercial is closed, otherwise it will go out.

Real Wuyang's book has been honest in the outside world.

There is also the sky Buddha, and there is no left, and now I will lead the 16th universe in the outside world, positive and death in the temple.

These talents are the future spine.

No wonder the true spirit will hesitate.

It is also because of this reason.

In case, it is not good to raise the white eyes.

There are only two people left, and the sword is unparalleled, and I take it directly.

The true spirit is in person with the sword.

"Hey, try it, this is the tea of ​​your long-distance river, I don't know when I want to drink!"

It is also said that I am afraid that there is no tens of thousands of era, it is not coming.

Ordinary hijacking is not at all.

At least you can play a certain role after you want to have a strobby.

There are several people selected, they are a seedlings of the hijacitive.

The opportunity is here. It is not difficult to become a hobby.

But how far can you go, just look at your own skills.

In fact, in the long run, the type of practice of true Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha is actually farther away.

Because there is a very strong adaptability.

This is also the reason why the true spirit is at first glance.

It's not good to go to the sky, because the road is difficult.

Just like the sword is unparalleled, the Dao Jun can kill, what is the next day.

But let's think about it, the same era of Huiqing and other people, it is already a strong force before the sword has no doublehead.

That is, the sword is unparallert, and it is successful, surpassing everyone.

If the hand failed, I am afraid that the strength is not as good as these people.

The risk is too big.

"There is very few opportunities in the future, but I will do my best, come back as soon as possible!" The sword is unparalleled.

Whether it is for the hometown universe, or this time and space, or because of death.

He must face the life and can't escape.

This is life!

The true spirit is that there is no confidence in the sword, and it is not afraid that the sword is unparalleled.

"What is the thing you have now, how much do you know now?" Zhenling testivity asked.

Since the birth of the born, in fact, the connection is very small.

However, in the cave house of the Mahaili Lingshan, the sword is unparalleled to the time space that has been branched, and it has seen a lot.

This is an understanding of the life.

The sword is not concealed, and the power of death will come out with the power of life.

He thinks that this is complicated in this matter, in addition to the power of life, there is also a disagreement.

Just don't say it.

If the kinematic is just for him, I am afraid he will give him.

That will wait until now.

After the true spirit, I nodded slightly, and sighed: "Can you see the future of this time and space?"

This sentence came out, scared the sword without double one jump.

When you want to shake your head, it is stunned.

The true spirit waves, and there is a time and space in the case of the two people, and there is a time and space that has been covered by the dark.

"This time and space, the long river, will finally fall, this is a strong prophecy!"

The sword who heard this sentence is unparalleled.

Start him, I thought that Trinity can see him to go through the future, I did not expect that some people predicted the future time and space.

This time and space will be destroyed.

Continuously destroyed together!

Seeing the shock of the sword unparalleled face, the true spirit smiled slightly, said: "Of course, you don't have to believe in the prediction of the existence!"

The sword is also convinced when they enter the future time and space, and the future is the next world, and they have failed, and finally fall.

As for the long-term long-term long river, he didn't know.

But you can see the future failure, he feels that this is probably a connection.

"This existence is the big energy of the Past Temple?" The sword was unparalleled.

Predicting this means of future, the Lord of the universe can do it.

The first true king of the original, also predicted the future of Sanyang Ting.

Unfortunately, I have encountered some people's generations, I can't predict accurate.

This is also the reason why the sword is unparalleled.

It is really accurate to predict that he may have failed.

"This is not, in addition to me, there is no kind of super power, even even the original body, is not so powerful!" The true spirit smiled and shook his head.

If there is such a strong existence in the temple, he will passively passively.

The sword is not a double brow slightly, asked: "The predecessor, why do you want to help the Temple predict the future?"

Since the other party predicts that the Discrimination Temple will be destroyed by the long-term long river, it must be a contact with the Polyson Temple.

Otherwise, this kind of thing will not be thrown.

Just like now, he suddenly comes to the existence of him, telling him directly that it will become a strong border in the future, it must be unbelievable.

"Say, the relationship with the people temple is not big, but there is some private hand with the Xuan Yi Temple, so I will tell the other side!"

There is no need to say more, and the sword is unparalleled.

No wonder is a little unscrupulous, after listening to a old guy, I am going to run in advance, I didn't think of the reimbura of the temple in advance!

The true spirit seems to have seen the sword unparalleled ideas, and quickly correct it: "The Xuanwu Temple is not easy. These years have been clean!"

The god of the outside world, the temple of the killing of the temple has a holy water to help the practitioners conduct a ritual ceremony to improve the power.

The Temple of the Dispretal is the of the Xuanwu Temple.

This can barely press the other party.

If the Xuanwu Temple runs, the Polyson Temple must now fall below.

"This prophecy, I have some believe in it, but after seeing you, I changed my idea!" The true spirit said to stand up.

Previously, he thought that destroying this time and space of the long river is the inheritors of his bodies.

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