Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5657 5652 ?? Decoction Dongjun

That kind of power, beyond the 150,000 power.

Directly wore Fan Feng's head.

Everyone was shocked.

The previous injured backbone is even more reluctant to return to the edge of the necrosis.

The gap between strength is too big.

During the development of the power of the golden skeleton, at least you can surpass 200,000 times.

It is much stronger than the ancient brake.

The sword was unparalleled, and the force of the anti-anti-the power is like a brand, in his body, it will be disappeared for a long time.

Even the power of rich life, the continuous cleaning, it cannot be removed.

"All the people need a fragrant time, as long as the other side, we can live!" The sword was unbolded and low, while comforting the people.

Zhenwu Yang grasped his fist, whispered: "Is a fragrant time?"

It's going to be ready to do it.

How do they say that they have a top-level inheritor, it is impossible to be asked.

I will definitely shoot.

Fan Feng, who had just returned to the head, a flashed to the true Wuyang, cold channel: "Don't worry, his strength is not as simple as you think, don't join hands, we must die!"

Fan Feng, found that things is not right, not on high, but choose to join hands with everyone.

But in the ten people, the sword is unparalleled with the backbone, and it is not hurt.

Dongsheng follows the strength of the face, it is too weak.

Among the rest of the people, the strength is still good, there is only Hui Qing, and Wu Zhi and Fan Feng.

It is not a sword who can't stand true Wuyang and Tong Tian Buddha. The strength of these two is very far.

Now it's much more likely to be a general robbery, you want to kill with the robbery, and now the strength is not enough.

"Hey, if you are afraid, you don't have to shoot!" That is very arrogant.

This makes the sword unparalleled.

The terrible, only him is the clearest.

"Don't care, she is correct, don't join hands, you must die, as long as you stick to a fragrant time, the true spirits will break the commemoration, we only have to stand enough!" The sword has no double hurriedly.

It's just a fragrant time. It is he guess. Don't give confidence in these people. They can't help them.

It seems that it is more than one.

Zhenwuyang they are not confident, confidence is too full.


The sword is unparalleled to take a group of life, and they will be thrown to the backbone, and the big drink: "Next!"

A group exudes green strength, flying to the backbone, which makes the greed among the eyes of the eye, the next moment, directly, and rush toward the backbone.

The speed is fast, surpassing everyone's imagination.

The backbone is just stunned, and he saw the horrible face, and the powerful breathing came.

Just in him, the thing that is going to finish, the body of the body is fixed on the spot.

I only see the body behind, I have a figure.

Also in the field, the only thing that caught in the figures.


Hui Qing!

Hui Qing is kneading the ankle of the died, drinking, directly outside the dangers.

The golden air flame that burst into Huqing has directly transcended.

"It's you, put my disciple!" Hui Qing's figure, overlooking the life, domineering.

Everyone couldn't help but suck a cold.

I didn't expect Huiqing now, it would be so powerful.

The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but exclaim!

The power of just in the life is 200,000 times.

Hui Qing actually suppressed the other party.

Now in the current, there is only a little death, but it will enter the bones of Dongjun, which can mobilize the power of the bones.

But the furniture of the life, there is not much limited mobilization, and it is 200,000 times.

This is only worried about the sword.

If there is no sneak attack, he can deal with it, but now it is injured, it is not an opponent.

Unexpectedly, the critical moment, and Hui Qing stood up.

The hard work is standing up from the ground, staring at Huiqing in the air, shocking, instantly shot.

Boom! ! !

This time, the power of explosing, more than 25,000 times.

Obviously, it is constantly familiar with this body.

A flashed has arrived in front of Huiqing, only the one-armed life, the hand knife wes to Huqing, and the eyes were burst into huge purple thunder, and the chest of the face.

The sword has no double strength to restore a lot, and it is busy reminding: "Be careful!"

At this time, Wu Zhi and others have also burst into strength, starting from the sky, and go to help.

Dongsheng is full of love, is attached to the sword.

The strength of these two people, he can still watch it, just ordinary, it is to send death.

It is better to protect him here.

The backbone is surprised, absorbing the power of the sword, unparalleled life, the anti-anti-disappearance of the body, and the transformation of the anti-therapel power has become a power, and the body is directly out of 900,000 times.

When you see the air in the air, you are full of killing.


A flash is half-air, randomly pulling down the shocked clothes, leaking out the upper body of the Sensen white bones.

"Ah !!!" The backbone is holding a fist, anger, and the breath of the body suddenly changed the change of the Tianfu, and the eyes also changed more sharp.

The sword below is unparalleled in the eyes, and it is a bit surprised!

It seems that everyone has a chassis.

The backbone should be to show some kind of peak secret law, and still the peak of the gods, instantly let the body arrived by 100,000 times.

Moreover, the source is burst with the source, and there is a robbery force.

Also added to the war group.

Not only the sword is unparalleled, it is also very shocked even in the life!

In the temple, there have been so many kinds of robbery.

Fan Feng succeeded that the first of the 18th God, he is known in the ancient times, it has been known to the bottom of each other.

But now, even he has always been in the heritage in the eyes, there is such a striker, and it is actually an explosive force.

Especially Hui Qing, even the power of his imagination.

Jiang Yu, which is more than him, is also terrible.

At the beginning, he just thought that Huang Qing, who had ginger, is not ordinary, and now it seems to be wrong.

Just because Huqing is not simple, it will let Jiang Yakar against the sky, with a robbery.

"Boom!" Decomes once again, and directly disheaded the crowd.

Twenty-five thousand times the power, there is already a three-minded power.

Even if they have a robbery and even the fighting force of the border, it is impossible to be an opponent of the life.

"Let's die!" During the whole body, the whole body broke out.

Twenty 50,000 times the power, all outbreaks.

The speed is doubled.

The figure flashed, came to the opposite side of Wu, the knee, the palm of the palm, the purple thunder, instantly put the blacks into serious injuries, falling from the air.

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