Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5662 5657?????

It is clear that the time I entered with Huqing and others, but I can't see anyone in the channel.

The space and time in the time and space channel are not the sword, and there is no weird.

All the way.

Just like it has entered a black hole.

"Well?" The sword flew flying, suddenly felt that his realm was constantly falling.

This made him shocked.

And the power of life is sharply reduced.

"What is this going?" The sword was unparalleled.

Not only is the realm of falling, but the strength is constantly lost.

A very fast sword is unparalleled, falling out of the realm of the emperor.


Without the power of the starry sky, the power of life is also lost.

There is no double eye hole contraction. This has not yet out of time and space, and the strength has fallen into this. After going out, it is a problem.

This is not good!

In case, it is the wilderness, there is no combat force, how can he live!

But now half, it is impossible to turn around!

The sword is unparalleled can only go forward with the scalp.

The realm has fallen, and the local source space in the body has been treated with a pole and is completely sealed.

The current sword is not double-lianry.

Recommoding a mortal.

At this time, it is bright in front of you, followed by the force of the death.

The sword is unparalleled, thinking that it is a ghost.

Don't wait for him to make a react, the whole person has fallen into sleep.

In the dream, he entered another world.

He thought, and saw a magnificent time and space.

Nine-day ten places, it is not spectacular!


Unfortunately, the next moment, this time and space is long, suddenly destroyed!

The sword was unparalleled, and he saw a celestial woman. She dressed in red and fairy skirts, the beauty is beautiful, and people suffocate.

I saw this sky, and the bare feet stepped into this time and space.

Step by step, stepped out of nine steps and made nine colors of sky.

Step by step, the stay is the tenth, leaving a top ten secret ancient land.

When you stay, the sword is unparalleled, and I saw the opponent's look.

That one, let him atmospheric can't breathe.

This is a peerless energy that creates time and space.

The sword is unparalleled and thoroughly scared.

This sky, just entered this time and space, just the emperor.

However, every step is a step, it will make a robbery.

After the nine steps, it is already a super powerful person.

Finishing, it is invincible!

What domain is.

However, the body of the sky is broken.

There is only nine days.

After the sword is not double after reading, it is also traged by an invisible force, enters the ancient wood continent in ten places.

Ancient wooden continent, grass is very strong.

When I entered the ancient wood continent, I heard a voice in ancient times.

"I'm the way, you also dare!"

When the sword is unpaired, when he looks back, he sees a familiar figure and blocks him.

"Hui Qing?" The sword was unparalleled, and couldn't help but shout.

However, Hui Qing did not pay attention to him, but with the celestial woman.

What I didn't think of the sword is that Huiqing really stops the other party.

What is this!

The other party is the nine-step Tianshi, which can create a large energy in the long river of time and space.

Hui Qing actually stopped each other.

Key, Hui Qing will appear.

He didn't see other people's consciousness and only saw Huqing.

At this time.

The rest also saw the scene that just saw the sword, and was blocked by Huqing when he blocked by the celestial woman.

For a time, everyone is very curious about Hui Qing's identity.

However, then, the attraction, inhaled everyone in nine or ten.

The awareness of the sword is coming to ancient wood mainland.

Vietnam, Qingyunzong.


Tick ​​.......

The water droplets in the ear, woke up the sword and woke up, so that he is very uncomfortable.

When I just wanted to look up, I felt the sense of severe pain came from the chest, as well as the exhaustion of the moment, so that his eyes could not open.

He is hurt!

After the sword is unparalleled, I want to transfer the power of life, but I find that I am not talking about life, and I haven't been there.

"Young master, you wake up!"

A sweet voice came, and the sword was unparalleled.

This sound, it is simply in the bones, and people have heard it.

The key is that this young master is shouting him?

How did he become a young master!

It is clear from other time and space, and it should be no acquaintance!

Just when the sword was unpaired, suddenly a strange memory was suddenly attacked.

Wu Jiazi, Wu Double.

Great Vietnam!

Seven Star Zongmen, Qingyunzong.

A strange information, was unparalleled by the sword.

He also recognized the owner of the sound at this time.

"Su Meier!" The sword didn't have a double throat and sent a disgust.

That is his close.

But in accordance with the memory, this is not a good person.

He also knows how it is.


Powerful willpower, let the sword have turned over from the bed, one will be into his arms, then hold her her sheep fat, the neck, and the evil said: "Who sent you !

Su Meier was not in the past, and his face was full of horror.

The bottom is more surprised, how is this waste young master, dare to shoot him.

He but the Kaoji monk is actually unable to break free.

Ancient moonlight!

Practice the realm, the time and space in the sword is unparalleled.

During the day, congenital, Daoji, Vientiane, Yuan God, big, immortal, emperor, and robbery.

This time and space is long, the time is long, and it is stronger than Moro time, and the practice of practice is also more improved.

There is very little division, and the light is immortal, including the realm of Damai, Dagan, Daojun and other realm.

It is a trick monk who is klewing his neck, and his body is only an ordinary congenital monk.

It is even more than 18 years old.

Only seventeen.

It can now be an outbreak of the strength of unsweound.

How can this not let surprised!

"Wu Shuang Shaoye, I am Mei Chung!" Su Meier also thought about something.

The sword is unparalleled, it is very decisive, pinching Su Meier's face, cold channel: "If you don't say your truth, I will tear your face!"

Summery's face, I can't believe in turning into fear.

She can feel that this young master seems to change, and it is different from before, if it is concealed, I don't really tear her face.

"I said ....... Young master tells you anything!"

There is no double one, and I also walked down from the bed.

However, the tear of the chest, but he almost fainted.

Touch your chest, all blood.

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