Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5671 5666 ?? Wanliu

According to Wu Li, Wanliu Shenmu is in ancient mutting, but the other party cannot open God.

This jade sword is probably the key to open God.

Wu Li said the concealed, but the sword is unparalleled.

He can think of it.

Just this important thing, why will he say one of him?

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, has begun to ponder the usual usage.

Wu Li also saw his doubts, and quickly explained: "Taoist friends are not ancient Chinese people, I don't know, Wanliu Shenmu is in ancient mouse, but I don't necessarily be a disciple of ancient mouse! "

In this case, the sword is unparalleled.

"In the constant wood era of the ancient wood, there is a hearing of a constant wood. He is also the robbery of the sword. He is a strong strong, he used three-foot wood sword, opened Wanliu Shenmu I took a role of one machine, and I made a seven-robbery, and I became a flying sky in the late stage.

This is the strong, and there is not much more than listening to breakthrough.

However, how many hexacks can be made, there is a point where it is a strong stricken, and it is possible to reach half-step.

Even if the ferry failed, it is also possible to turn into a scaffina.

Unfortunately, the other party is the same as the discriminates, and he is afraid of being dead, and he is not willing to become a strong robbery.

Open God.

The sword is not doubles a breath, very excited.

If this can be opened, his hijacker has arrived.

Not only can he break through, but maybe it can quickly become super power in the robbery.

After seeing the color of the sword, Wu Li took the iron, then he said: "Taoist, you can know, the Lord of the Hengmu, but where?"

"I don't know!" The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Li opened his mouth: "The Lord of Hengmu is the Vietnamese people, the current sword is the place where he is sitting!"

When the Lord of Hengmu, the ferry failed, when he left a sigh, he returned to the country country, sitting on a bitter mountain.

After listening to this, the sword is not shocked!

This is not to say, Wu Gifts got the inheritance of the main hometown.

A half-step goubathy inheritance.

That is comparable to the big energy of the disagreement!

Wu Li saw the sword unparalleled mind and shook his head and smiled: "Unfortunately, the Lord of Honghua, only left this jade sword, and even the bones did not leave it!"

Think about it, if Wu Li is able to get the inheritance of the other party, it will be like a three-knocked border like now.

Even if it is a pig, it is also possible to become a hard work.

Listening so much, the sword is unparalleled and also understands the other's intention.

This is what you want to work together!

Open Wanliu Shenmu.

Don't say that the super power of the Lord of Hengmu, the at least I can make Wu Li further have no problem.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other party is not a strong striker. It should always be suppressed with its strength.

Fortune and no grasp.

"Laoima said so much, I want to know that my use, Wanliu Shenmu has the most core inheritance and secrets of the ancient wood mainland, you and I join hands, if you really enter, don't say become the main man The world's world, life is not difficult to enter the five puffs! "

The Lord of Hengmu, as a half-step eight hobbies, and is indeed a world.

The whole ancient wood continent, but also a strong border, but also a strong robbery, is the ancient martial art.

I don't know how many years, I will not be born at all.

The primary constant wood is almost invincible with an ancient wood continent.

If it is possible to ferment, I am afraid it is the only true eight robbery that the ancient wood mainland.

The ancient month time, although it is one of the nine cores, but the real eight hobbies are still very small, most of them are also a strong battle of robbery.

This temptation is too big.

The other party is obviously the matter of the Lord of Honor to seduce him.

But he is really eating this set now.

I want to quickly improve the strength, there is only such a road.

He entered the ancient times of arrogance, which was the super power in the robbery, and the temple returned to the Zhen Temple to solve the true king of the original universe, and

During the birth is the top enemy.

Two people can only live one.

He has a kind of parents, even if you have been hiding in ancient times, you will come over to find him.

The other party is laid out from Moro time, and it will give up this.

If you want to break, you can only improve your strength quickly.

Before the Temple is destroy, the destroy will be resolved.

It is a half-step, and he can return to a six-step force.

Even if you come to the ancient times, you want to be a six-minded body.

Any emperor, even if it is a strong force, no one dares to be a six-hearted.

If you have a difference between the sword, you can do so enough time.

It is an excellent opportunity.

It can make him quickly break through the chance.

Although I don't know what the Wanliu Shenmu, I have any secrets or what the opportunity can be obtained.

As long as you can improve it quickly, he wants to try it.

This time is also his luck, I didn't expect to shuttle, I met this kind of thing.

If Wu Li is also greed, I am afraid I will not tell him at all, and even kill people.

Fortunately, his strength is enough to shock each other.

Otherwise, it will be inevitable.

Wu Li is the owner of the universe. If it returns to his own, there is no way to take him.

On the other hand, Wu Li left his own way, and there was no way to take the sword.

So the two can be honest.

Only in this way can you work together.

"Cooperation!" The sword was unparalleled.

The heart is moving, but it is impossible to comply with the other party.

Wu Li also understands that it is very important, and the bottom has long been countermeasures.

All the plans to arrange it all.

"Although the status of Lao Junzong is not top, but it is also a top, and I have a jade in the ancient mouse. Her strength is not as good as me, but the background is not weak, it is an ancient mouse contemporary holy girl, as long as You entered the Qing Yunzong. He became the core, it will go to the ancient muto to participate in the most peak holy clusker in the ancient wood mainland. When the boundary has the opportunity to contact Wuliu Shenmu! "

It is very simple, that is, he first entered the Qingyunzong, and then he will give it to the Holy Warace in the future.

Then when holding the Holy Association, God did not know the ghost, entered the open god.

It sounds very simple.

It's really going to do it, it can be difficult.

Key he is now just emperor.

The other party did not mistaken him as a robbery.

Look at the other's sincerity, sword is not double, telling the truth, telling yourself only the emperor's things.

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