Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5673 5668? Qing Yunzong

Nowadays are rumored in the outside world, Wu Jia has a mystery.

And the strong people of Mingjiao have also arrived at Wujia, and come to find a good life.

"Today, I will come here!" Wu Li said: "There is no double friends, I have already joined Qing Yunzong's deacons, you can always go to Qingyunzong, and we will talk about Qing Yunzong!"

The sword nodded, replied: "Then I am in Qing Yunzong, waiting for your news!"

Wanliu Shenmu's thing is not that simple.

Need a long discussion.

The light is Wu Li's plan, there is a big string.

He first entered Qingyunzong with Wu Li friends, and then went to the ancient mouse with the disciples of Qing Yunzong, and participated in the Holy Association.

It is just that the time of the Holy Association is different.

Every Holy Association will appear an ancient mouse.

Wu Li learned from his head, and the contemporary holy girl is about to ferment, and there is nothing to grasp, but it is not willing to become a strong robbery, and now it is already explaining.

Two people started to lay out at this time, nor too late.

Waiting for the sacred girl, the ancient mouse will be planned to plan, open the Holy Convention, to attract all the strong people in the ancient wood, to the core of the ancient wood, participate in the Holy Association.

Unfortunately, the ancient muto only has a sacred girl, no sacred.

Otherwise, the sword is unparalleled to fight.

Two people pulled off the junior, and Yan Chi Yingfeng saw that the two people did not even have a breath.

"Wu Li brother, I will leave first!" The sword was unparalleled to hold the box. Subsequently, a little wrapped in Xiaoming Wang Chi Yan Wang, directly torn space left the hall.

Feel the sword unparalleled leave, Wu Li sinks for a long time.

This time, he is very lucky.

Such a major opportunity, it fell on his head.

Originally, he also hopes to open Wanliu Shenmu, but unfortunately, the power of the life of the jade sword will gradually lose, which makes the probability of success reduced a lot.

Just this point he did not inform the sword.

Generally, the Wanliu Shenmu is all ancient mutters, and those special life is being thrown by those people.

Ordinary, it is not qualified.

"Hey, I hope I didn't see the wrong person!"

Wu Li's figure also disappeared.

The temple caught in silence.

Wu Jia's things, can't count on what the wind wave, people know more.

After the sword is unparalleled, there is not long, and the news of Wu Li receiving friends is passed, and it is animately the identity of the sword unparalleled.

Just three days, the sword has no double back to the peak, officially stepped into the magnificent ancient times.

And just arrived, I have encountered a major opportunity.

In ten people, his luck can be said to be top.

The luck of others can be so good.

Ancient wood continent.

Green grass.

Vietnam is only one of them.

It is a medium country.

The leadership of the 16th National Countries is not an ancient mouse, but the biggest time and space above the ancient wood continent.

Among them, there is a Sixteen countries, the strongest god country "Stone Country!"

After ten people who have come to the Difficult Temple.

Shi Country has a peerless arrogance.

The birth is immortal, and it has become a complete, and the same parade is almost invincible. It is already able to match the ordinary robbery.

A flame force, across the sky.

Feng Wei opened, Yang Yanyang.

Fan Tianfeng! "

It is Fan Feng who is the first of the 18th God of the Discrimination Temple.

She is in the same way with the sword to go to the ancient wood mainland, but it is the difference between the heavens.

Fan Feng passed the identity after turning the world, but it was not afraid of the Buddha.

It is a flame god of an ancient family, with an absolute blood.

In fact, the last year of recovery is a normal speed, and even some slow.

But she is completely integrated into the practice system of ancient times, is equal to being repaired once, so speed will be slow.

However, it is very significant.

Nowadays, her combat power is stronger than before the transition.

Otherwise, you can't do it in the same level in Shi Domestic.

I am afraid that the Tianjiao of the ancient mouse will be comparable to it.

"Ancient Trim Southern Daughter?" The flame bathing the whole body of Fan Feng mouth rose.

She is now the lack of the flame god, the most strong descendants, the position is extremely high, and the position of the sanctuary is naturally disdainful.

Even if she has been cultivating in Shi State, she can break through into a robbery.

The flame god of the gods.

Fan Tianfeng has received the voice of the ancestors, asked her to participate in the ancient wooden holy club after ten years, and compete for the qualifications of the saints.

Although some can't understand, but the ancestor's order, she can't refute.

Moreover, she comes to the ancient times, it is to become stronger, and there is no reason not to go.

at the same time.

The Tianjiao of the 16th National Kingdom has almost all received the same order and went to the ancient mutting to participate in the Holy Association.

Don't divide men and women!

Not only for the position of the saint, it is because of this sacred club, it will be born four places. This quota is important for many super forces.

The emperor and the robbery have four.

So this time, it is not only the battle of the emperor, but will be able to compete before the end.


Vietnam, Qixing Zongmen Qingyunzong.

The sword is unparalleled in Qingyun, but this time is too short for the practitioner.

So what he has been coming so long, even the Qing Yunzong is probably not understood.

Don't say it is the core.

Although the strength is very powerful, it is still a door deacon, which usually deals with some small things in chicken fry.

This is still because Wu Li personally introduces the effect, if it is not recommended, he is afraid that the deacon of the outside is not caught.

Can only go to be an errand.

"See you, deacons!"

On this day, the sword is not a double, and go to the Shenqi Tita, encounter the external disciple, and respect each other.

The sword is unparalleled, nod, there is no stay, straight to the backyard of the god hall.

This place is a greenhouse, and the paramen is also awarded here.

The sword is unparalleled every year.

Sometimes three or four times a year, the year, he has already been familiar with the road.

"Warrior brother, I am very early today!" In the backyard, there is a temple, and the sword has just entered it, he heard a familiar shout.

The sword is unparalleled, and I replied: "Is this not a long life of Wooden, he has a favorite, I want to find a treasure!"

After he entered the Qing Yunzong, because Wu Li's relationship, he went to the old door of Wuman, and the opponent's strength is weak, and it is very hard in the context.

These years follow each other and have not suffered a loss.

The main reason is or because this wood is long and the Vietnam royal family is related.

Wu Li, this is let him binrate each other, good to lay out.

He entered Qingyunzong these years, almost all of them were old.

It's hard to say that this wood is old, and he also value him very much.

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