Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5677 5672 ???? You angered me!

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to find that the flower demon has been surrounded, and it is impossible to pull it.

And the mysterious girl suddenly broke out, I am afraid it is an eye, he can't get rid, and I know that he will find other hundred flowers.

I have encountered this tricky thing.

It's not he afraid, but it is too trouble.

However, this place is completely closed and there is also benefit to him.

He can show strength, not afraid of being peeked.

Among the flames.

The green breath on the girl is converted into a fire.

She is like a bell, her body is angry.

After her, she still stands with a stocious ginnish bear.

"You, anger me!" Girl pointed out.

The power of the body once again broke out, from 12,000 times, directly soaring to 150,000.

The sword is unparalleled!

Fifteen thousand times of poppents have arrived at the secondary hiking level.

The other party is an emperor, it will actually be so powerful.

This strength, in the ten people in their disagreement, I am afraid that Hui Qing has this war with him.

The ancient month time and space, no loss is one of the nine core long rivers.

The more harmonious, just encounter a Tianjiao, there is such strength.

Unfortunately, the other party provokes the wrong person.

"You have a emperor, you can have this strength, very good, but unfortunately not enough!" The sword didn't have a double breath, this time he didn't plan to leave.

Anyway, there is still a long time, you will play with each other.

When the girl heard the sword, the gods changed, did not dare to confirm: "Can you see that I am an emperor?"

Her identity is extremely noble. It has a family's inheritance to treasure. It can conceal their realm. When the old ancestors said, unless it is a strong sense of affordable, otherwise it does not look at her realm.

Could it be the other party, it is a five-knocked old monster disguise.

Thinking of this, the girl is somewhat scared.

The sword is unparalleled to see the other party, and you know that you have said something wrong.

He is a time and space, the originator, can intuitively see the other's realm, which is easy for him.

Ouka-day space, but dominate.

"Cough, this is the legacy of this seat, see you a little girl, can you still don't see it?" The sword did not have a high-profile model.

At the same time, I also looked at the huge treasure bears, and the other party had a breath of 150,000 times.

It is a hard-wrapped guy.

And the flower demon has gathered.

He is going to go this time, can't fall, can only fight.

Look at the girl, it is too late, and the sword is unparalleled.

Both people have a scruple in each other.

But those flower demon can have no concerns.

Has arrived near.

The sword is unparalleled to solve those flower demon first.

Countless vines are coming, and the sword is unparalleled.

This power is completely different from the power of the ancient times, when the girl feels the power, the eyebrow is flashing, a horrible force, and the oppression makes her don't dare to move.

The bottom of my heart is also more confident, the sword is definitely an old monster.

The sword is unparalleled, but the other party thinks.

In the face of so many flower demon, the sword is unparalleled can only use the starry sword, so that it can quickly clean up.

At the same time, it also begins toward the entrance of the fourth layer.

From the three robbery powers coming from the distance, I found that my family is not in the event.

"Miss, I have already sent Wangfu, one time, will have strong people!" The Green Shirts said respectfully.

The girl is a prohibition of prohibition, and the tree bear has slowly disappeared.

"No, it's useless, it's useless, the mysterious force should be a five-knocked old monster!"

I heard the five hobbies, and the three were all, the cold sweat behind him didn't live.

Robbery, nine robbery.

The first three robbery can only be an initial entry, and the three robbers have mastered the robbery of the universe, and they can be considered the Lord of the universe, and they have entered the ranks of the strong.

Then it is a four-knit.

The robbery that walks to this point is the most.

It is not so easy to reach the five knobs.

In Vietnam, and even the whole ancient wood continent.

The five robbers are almost all of themselves.

Because the Lord of the universe of the six-minded universe, it is almost not born, and it is the leader of a forces.

Then the five-roboted universe is the character that agitates a charm.

As for the strong robbery, even if the strong robbery of the six-knocked, it is also a scattered, there is no improving point, and the strength is still falling.

Can only sleep to keep the peak.

The more powerful bulk, the greater the consumption.

Like the seven-star Zongmen Qing Yunzong, there is a seven-robbery of the burning power, and there is a endless year.

At this endless year, the total wake up three times.

Every strength is much dropped.

It is generally not an important thing, it will not recover at all.

Only the bulkity of the Baxum is not seen at all.

The ancient mouse of the eight-hearted ancestors did not appear at all, and there were few records.

As for the Lord of the universe of the seven hobby, even the universe of the eight knocked universe, then there is less.

This kind of person is the real super power of this time and space.

Some eight stars of eight stars, and even the people of the seven-robbery universe did not, the paramen was defeated, and the full revolutionary robbers were supported.

It can be because there are those bulk robines, eight stars, almost eternal existence, never destroy.

The ancient month, the nineteen eight stars, there is a endless year.

No one knows, in the eight-star, there are many bulk people.

"Five knocked, the other party may also be scattered!" The Green Shirt True Manage: "Even if the Lord of the 50% of the universe, it is necessary to give me some faces in Vietnam!"

The girl is very unexpected and shook his head: "After all, it is a strong force, can not provoke or not provoke good!"

"That now ..."

"Let's go, a hundred flower vine, even if there is no, no, I have other gifts!" The girl is facing the sword without double, thoroughly giving up.

And now the sword is unparalleled to slaughter, and she just took the opportunity.

Three robbery, also nodded.

Can go is best.

boom! ! ! !

I don't know why, those flowers are only siege and unparalleled people, not to manage mysterious girls.

This makes the sword are unhappy.

Star Sword, although he can use it, just the sword in the starry.

Even if it is the fifth floor, it is not a relationship.

But did he have not time now!

I found a mysterious girl and a group of people sneaked away. The sword was unparalleled.

He is afraid that the other party is so angry and shot.

At the time of the abdomen.

"Forget it, just enhance your own body!" The sword was unparalleled.

The shape is falling into the black hole, and behind a secret appearance, those who are slaughtered by him, all of them are in the midst of his universe.

The violent power is transformed, which is pure power.

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