Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5685 5680??? Ended

"How is it possible, his feelings have exceed 100,000 times!" I can't believe in the sky.

The few emperors who are surrounded by swords are more frightened!

"100,000 times!"

This is already superior to the sky.

Even those of the robbery in the main hall, I also saw Wu Li, I understand why Wu Li will take the powerful to Bao.

It turns out that there is that confidence!

100,000 times the power, go into the prince, more than enough.

The princess Jin Chen also stared at the sword and unparalleled, although it was a little surprised, but the strength of the sword was not optimistic.

I only know that her power can reach 100,000 times, but she can explode the power of her secrets, not from the stone country.

100,000 times, but it is just a foundation.

The strength of the swords and unparalleled strengths can be dealing with emperors that are less than 100,000 times of power.

Wooden is unparalleled for swords and is getting more and more satisfied.

Not only because of the role of treasures.

From the integrated strength and background, the sword is unparalleled.

Although it is not a Vietnamese Emperor, but the relationship with Wu Li is shallow, and the country has relying on the mountain, the strength is not weak, and it seems that the age is also very small.

It is one of the most suitable candidates.

"Wu Li brother, you are outside, very good!" Even Pound couldn't help but praise.

Emperor 100,000 times, still very little.

Vietnam is probably not three.

Even in Shi State, it is also the Tianjiao level.

Wu Li, laughed on the bottom, but the bottom is a clear.

If the sword is unparalleled, there is no more than ten people who have a sword unparalleled opponent.

This is still an emperor and those who have a stronger.

He also calculated according to his strength, Wu Li's battle was in the main hall, and he was able to take the top ten. He believed that the strength of the sword was not weak, and naturally, it could also take the top ten.

The sword is unparalleled, and all people in the cave are treated directly.

Even if there is no town to live, these people can't move in the influence of gravity.

"Everything is sin!" The sword is unparalleled just one hand, and all the counting emperors shocked all the gains.

Can vibrate these people in such a gravity, they have gone opportunities.

It is more clear, now the gravity, there is no 100,000 times, it will not be able to move the body, they are the fish on the plate.

Only the sword is unparalleled.

Instead, it is better to take out.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have this battle, I will admire the world, I will give it out!" After the health, I took the initiative to give up and moved it.

The rest of the people just hesitate, and they took the initiative to quit.

I can't get it in an hour, there is still a sword where the sword is left.

"It's also intellectual!" The sword did not have a smile.

Compared with these emperors, it is a small little sick.

More than 90,000 power, almost comparable to some new cultivation, if it is in the Polyson Temple, it is definitely the peak in the peak.

It can be some of the entire Vietnami.

Even if the time in Moro, I am afraid it is also a continent of the ancient times.

The ancient moon is time, nine days ten place.

Ten ancient land, nine days.

It is good to be comparable to one of them.

This is one of the strongest nine time and space of the Starry.

After everyone took the initiative, the sword was unparalleled as the only candidate.

The emperor naturally took the hole, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Wooden king, take him into the palace later, I will leave first!" The emperor came here to this, but now, it is also very satisfied with the sword, and it is very unwilling to have some unwilling princess Jin Chen. left.

Everyone respects to send another job.

When the emperor left, the main hall is not lost.

Woodchen directly abroved to the sword without double to top.

The sword is also very obedient, and I am holding the old man in the old man.

"At the end of the banquet, I still have a while in the government with Wu Li brother. I have something to ask you!" Wooden elderly said.

He also wants to confirm the identity of the sword, and strength.

This natural is not a problem, no sword is unparalleled, Wu Li directly agreed.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is sitting around Wu Li.

The banquet is then held.

During the room, the holy club, let everyone are particularly active.

If it is in the past, it is not so lively.

After all, some of the three robbers here, many participated in the Holy Association.

If you can participate in the Holy Association, we can be the owner of the universe of the three hobbies.

As for the emperor, there is no big request. Anyway, I also got the secret law of some ancient mouse, making the cushion for the foundation of the future.

It can be some different.

Shenmu Wang came out.

The ancient mouse will certainly have a lot of movement.

Just this time, I don't know what the appearance of Shenmu Wang is for what.

So some excess places, it is best to hijacking.

The sword is unparalleled to listen to it, and it is a bit worried.

Wu Li said at this time: "Don't worry, in 20 places in the country, the least 30% will give the emperor, now we will be step down, enter the palace to see what the royal family is doing, once you get into the royal family, the quota not a problem!"

"The appearance of Shenmu King will not have resistance!"

"You have just arrived in ancient wood, may not know, Shen Mu Wang is in the top of the top, but he can't reach the top of the eight knobs. It is just the most ordinary eight hobbies. After turning into a scattered, the road is shattered, he has no eight The fighting power of the robbery, so far, it can be kept in half-step, and the treasures in Wanliu Shenwu, he is more desire than us, it is really going to open the Wanliu, he will not stop, he will not block it. I am afraid we will ask us to help him find treasures to restore your life! "

These things are Wu Li from the head, and 80% is true.

Wanliu Shenmu, that is the core of the ancient wood mainland.

The ancient muto, after all, after all, the day and women are still established, Wanliu is still in the days of the day.

This is not enough to compare.

Even if it is ancient mouse, I really want to enter the Wanliu Shenwood, but I can only transfer in the periphery at all, and I will not enter the most core depths.

Want to have a big machine, or you have to enter the deepest place.

After the sword is unparalleled, the bottom is very good.


The main natural natural natural natural natural natural origin can be born, but the load of the bulk border is too big, and the life consumed once, I am afraid I need to sleep numerous era.

Shen Mu Wang, the strong man who opened an ancient mouse, it could not be maintained.

This makes him think of the life, and the life will not be a bulk.

At the beginning, it was able to kill Dongjun, and the at least exceeded the seven robbers.

After the gains were shattered, they were ingested to enter Moulo, only half a step-to-day-robust war, and the long-term long river of the original universe, the strength of the digestion can only maintain the level of hexack.

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