Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5698 5693 Chapter ??

"How can you?" Shijiu is like a gray, he will be fallen right away, you can see that the sword is unparalleled, the blue arc flashes more powerful.

He is completely desperate this time.

Fighting your life, you can't help but the sword without double.

Xin Loss is in the combo, and if he is not because of a junior, he can't completely fight the sword.

such a pity!

In the knots, he can't change the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, there is no injury.

He can't set up the true strength of the sword.

The big gods in the rumors can't be comparable to the sword.

Completely displaying the ban, the force of the outbreak, is the master of the universe.

And in such a narrow space, even the top power in the universe, it will fall.

The sword is unparalleled is not a thing.

The breath of the body is not weak, but it is more powerful.

This is the horror of the power of the Starry Sky.

In fact, Shi Jiu has just exploded the power of the sorrow, can threaten the sword and unparalleled, but his silence, in front of the stars, just with the antity.

And his strength is released from the force of the ban, it is not much, and it will be alive after it.

The sword is not the same.

The power of the starry sky is to be transformed from the source, and it can be said that it is endless.

How to get better.

The sword is unparalleled and gently shaking his head, this is not a life and death.

If it is a life and death, Shijiu will die for 10,000 times.

The flesh has completely entered the petrochemical, Shijiu is in front of the consciousness, and uses the whole body to make a good power, leaving a sentence to the sword!

"Take care of me!"

The voice falls, the flesh of Shijiu is completely petrochemical with the body.

Only the origin is in a tenacious resistance, but it can't bear it too long.


The emperor looked at it, and the jade hand stretched out, and a raging vitality entered the stone nine body and guarded the last source.

The fingers are gently grabbed and tear out of a time and space.

"Take him back to Stone Country, there is still a saving!" The emperor said to the stone: "Last night, even if you live, it is also a wasteman!"

Shi Wei heard the words, quickly rushed over, grabbed the stone body of Shijiu, directly entered the door of time and space.

"Jiu Ge!" The princess Jin Chen wanted to keep up and was stopped by the girl.

The sword is unparalleled to stand, some are awkward!

He hasn't thought about it, there is a day, you will be sticky.

Ok, he is not a villain, and it will not drop the stone.

I am afraid that the king family, becoming the princess Jin Chen's aesthetic, nor will it have any non-division.

At that time, it was no longer thinking, but a big bright.

Even if this is the case, the sword is unparalleled will not touch her!

He just wants to become more powerful, to solve this big trouble, then pursue the way of the master, and go to the future to meet with Xuan Yi.

Go see, the future world.

What is it hidden?

Who is planning within the stars!

Jin Chen princess fell to the ground, crying pear flower with rain, lifting the small head staring at the cold mother, saying heart: "Why do you want me!"

"The big event is already, forgot him!" The emperor's voice was cold without any room.

The key to seeing her daughter, she can't see it.

Where is the sword still standing!

Looking at the sword without a trump back, the face is god, and it is honest.

Why do you go to stick to Shijiu!

The other party is indeed very good, the background and strength have, and the golden Chen is also living.

But what is this?

Strength is respect!

Don't be funny, she is coming over, knowing what is facing by the hobby.

The emperor has not stressed, and it will break out.

Once it is a robbery, it is estimated that it will regret life.

The opposite is just a moment.

The strength is the one living.

The sword is unparalleled, with a princess of Vietnant, it is more than enough.

If this is the war, I am afraid I want to be incorporated into the sword and unparalleled forces can be ranked nine days.

That is also able to get the country.

Your princess of Vietnami, even if it is inherited inherited the emperor, what is going on.

Compared with the seven-star sectors on the ancient wood continent, the heritage is still a lot.

This time, they crossed, but they were picked up.

The background of swords is not complex.

And Wu Li also said that the sword is unparalleled in the foreign language, and the poorest is over, this is coming to the country to invest in Wujia.

Even after the future, the sword is unparalleled to become a five-knife, there is no interference from outside, and cannot intervene in Vietnamese.

One of the top of the white.

Even if I am a god, I feel that I have earned this time.


The sword is unparalleled, and it has returned to the normal state.

Looking at the princess of Jinchen, I don't know what to say.

Can only turn around and rush to hug in the gods: "Your Majesty, look at ........"

He means that it is obvious, how do you pay?

"Wood king, you will take swords and unparalleled in Wang Yuli, the rest of the things will talk after three days!" Feng Chen's emperor is clear, this is not suitable for the previous agreement.

First wait for your daughter to slow, and then slowly.

It is still ten years away from the Holy Association, and strive to get everything in ten years.

After the wood, I was busy pulling the sword. I was unparalleled.

"There is no pair of sages, let me go!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is ready to leave.

However, when he passed the threshold, he turned his head to the three emperors left in the temple.

These three people are old in the old man.

I haven't followed them now, but I have been left.

I am afraid that the emperor also discovered the power of two of them.

The sword is not anxious. Now I will mention it, I will be suspicious, and I am looking for the long and old people who look for Woodchen.

If it is deducted by the Emperor, I have become a family in the future, and I can listen.

So I left the palace together with Mu Chen Wu Li.

"Wooden brother, no need to loose, after all, I can arrange it, I can arrange it directly to you before I go to your house!" Wu Li rejected the good intention of the elderly in the old man, The sword is unparalleled to the previous house.

After entering the house, Wu Li and the sword are unparalleled.

"This old guy, you haven't entered the king, I want to live in Mu Wangfu, and I can't afford me." Wu Li faces some anger.

Obviously some is awkward.

Even if I am a boy, I will not live in someone else before the big marriage!

Not to mention, the sword is unparalleled is an anti-Tiantianjun.

This time, I'm stealing!

"Wu Li brother, why will he be attached to a secular face? Once the Wanliu is opened, these Dynasties will be!"

"Oh, it's my secular, but this is the king of the king, it is really not a good thing. In the future, you have married it, you can prevent it!"

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