Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5701 5696??

Just like the discrissions, I don't want to face my own yourself.

Of course, now, the disagreement is another plan.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, and the other party will plan.

If the discrimination is successful, I am afraid it will be an unprecedented disaster.

Robbery and restore your life!

That is not a simple injection of life.

It is required to be the root source, not the power of infinite life.

The sword is unparalleled.

In the future, he has enough strength to return to the people temple, and must go to explore the planning of the discrimination.

"Okay, I will not disturb you, but there is a unparalleled sages to take me, I have some things to arrange!" Wap Chen's old man stood up, ready to leave the sword.

Wu Li has no opinion, after sending two people out of the door, returning to the government, using a hidden transmission array, directly left the king, returning to Wujia.

Because of his backhand!

The sword is unparalleled, followed by the long of the wood Chen to the wooden palace.

Two people found a leisurely small courtyard, with a girl waiting, the pavilion, there is a mountain lake, the lake is calm.

"There is no pair of sages, what you are talking directly!" Waphen elder waved to let the girl went down, then said: "It is fast into a family, some things you want to hit Wu Ru, you can tell me!"

The sword is unparalleled.

At the Fujia's house, he sent the tummer to the old man, so that the other person left the Wufu.

This is critical, leaving alone, I am afraid that Wu Li will have doubts, so that Huashen takes him out, with the other party's set.

Go to inquire about the two emperors related to death.

"This time, there is still a lot of people, I really have some things, I want to be full ....." The sword is unparalleled, and Huashen is fascinated.

At the last, he made up of wood Chen directly.


"You Outland encountered the kind of power?" Wood Chen can not believe.

Emperor is that he got two, so after withheld, said the Empress put things out.

Wood Chen also understand that power represents what it will be so surprised.

"How, wooden Chen elders know!" Sword unparalleled heart a move, and sure enough there he did not know.

This time to see if he can not fried out.

Chen wooden seated again, relying on the sun loungers, remembers the Empress Feng Chen, then any concealed Actually, it's all that out.

He also thought that sword unparalleled know, to also say the light and spacious.

Sword is unparalleled listening exclaimed: "really good and I guess, behind the two, I am afraid there are people manipulated!"

Chen from the wood where, sword unparalleled learned the power of death, secret Ku time and space.

The secret, very few people know, even some six robberies territory do not know.

Only people in power know some big forces.

Empress Feng Chen also from the king learned of the family ancestors.

The power of death, time and space is not at Ku called the power of death.

But Mieshi force.

Days when women had fallen, giving rise to a force Mieshi.

That time is the pinnacle of Ku eight robberies throughout time and space, but also their deaths from the most recent one.

Mieshi forces occur.

Nine-10 in dire straits.

In the ten land, there is a legacy of the three mainland.

Only eight stars, as well as some secrets, the rest of the remains, only the ruins left.

Nine days, all have some broken.

The range and the heritage have been affected.

Many people don't know why those sites will appear, and they think that it is that.

In fact, it is caused by the emergence of the strength.

Subsequently, there is still a few times, but there is only no horror, the destruction is very small.

Go until now, the power of the world will completely disappear, sometimes some people will find the force of death in some remains of the fall-time space, but also remains.

Some people want to master this power, but they find that they have just contaminated, they will swallow their vitality, they want to remove the power of countless life.

There is no longer dare to touch this kind of power.

Especially the strong robbery, their vitality is limited, want to recover, most difficult, once encountered death, as long as they are contaminated, there is a risk of sleeping and even fallen.

The sword is unbearable, if it is in this place, I am afraid I have a dream to smile.

He has mastered the existence of death, even if strength is just half-step seven, can also threaten the strong people of the eight hobbies.

In addition to the owner of the universe, they are taboo.

Even if it is the Lord of the Universe, I don't want to contaminate this kind of power.

This also makes the sword unless curious, if it is a means of killing.

That is too long.

From the ancient times of the ancient moon, they appeared, and then to the back of the mole, and the time and space of the original universe.

The span is too big.

Plus Dongjun.

Sword unparalleled and can not calculate.

True if so, then destroy life is much more powerful once.

Has been transformed to the present, all six robberies territory.

But also the hope of promotion, I am afraid no difference between Lord of the universe.

Because he himself represents death.

As long as the sword devour Warriors, Death and the integration of life, I am afraid that can reach a new level, beyond the presence of nine robberies environment.

Thought here, sword unparalleled energetically shook his head.

Absolutely not be able to.

If so true, is not finished in time and space of the original universe.

At that time, we all have to die!

Off students strong, is the sky catastrophe ah!

He had to go to find out, both Emperor, is obtained from the power of death where, otherwise the Ku time and space, he is not to be comfortable.

Another day, another student off to find him, but no place to hide.

You know, he came to the ancient months time and space, but also because avoid destroy life.

"Wood Chen elders, His Majesty how to dispose of this duo?" Sword unparalleled tentative tract.

Wood Chen elders sighed: "They got me from the eternal kingdom, are Tianjiao in the eternal kingdom, disposal is not possible, the eternal kingdom of the overall strength of the country strong than too much, then the congregation upcoming His Majesty will not at this time, offend them! "

"Eternal kingdom it!" Sword unparalleled nodded.

That was comparable to the eternal kingdom Stone, eternal family strong but out of the crazy names.

While those two Emperor, not eternal family man, but it is the eternal kingdom core disciples, also Tianjiao.

Kouya are not too long, otherwise it will cause any suspicion.

These days, I am afraid it will come out.

The Emperor Feng Chen, but for the position of the saint, it will not work with the eternal kingdom.

If this time, it is guilty, it will give her a small shoe.

Although there is no candidate for the sanctivation, it can also hinder the situation.

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