Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5709 5704 ?? Blue Sword Musou

It's hard to make the dead last time?


The breath on Dillan is completely unfolded, facing the scattered power of the nine-stranded pole, just a single boxing.

This punch seems to be ordinary, but it contains the death of death.

The four strugglers have just shot, but they find that their arms are directly burst.

A whirlwind, crushed his flesh.

The body is also thorough.

"So not playing!" Dirane is still a punch, this time directly broke the other's chest.

The four-hearted struggle that has been caught in a semi-dead state is directly lost in the crack being thrown.

It is the entrance of the boat.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other party does not want to let them die so easy.

After the completion of the four-hearted strong, Dirun jumped, and the power was once again improved, a leap forward, taking it up with Qingtian and others who have escaped from far away.

When chasing these people, he didn't forget to see the sword.

Just look at it, the sword is unparalleled.

Divided the body, only 100,000 times.

There is no blessing of the beastists, and there is no power of the source, as well as Shen Li, can only display the basic body.

However, his avatars, nor does it rely with the body, but use the stars.

When using the power, the flames of the sword are unparalleled are white.

When using the power of the beast, the airlamps on his body is dark red, with the beast.

The power of the stars is blue.

With a sky color.

He also represents the pinnacle of color.

Blue Sword Warriors.

In the same order, the state he is invincible.

May face five robbery territory, even his alter ego come, do not have any hope.

But my heart still have sword unparalleled sense of eager.

If the peak, the full cast sky catalog, do not know can not beat each other.

This kind of thing, he will be able to think about it, I really want to try, or unnecessary, too risky.

Avatar stay in this play just fine, no need to go really hard.

He came here, mainly want to see people who manipulate the power of death is not off students.

It now appears, not destroy life.

Bobby who is emperor.

But if there are two people connected, he learned not from.

He hoped no contact, if the two met, and the pursuit too, should he have a headache.

Life and death, which was the rival, shake off can not afford to go anywhere.

Effort, read the force, eating, everything, life, stars.

His effort has been successful, and the easiest, must be able to track almost on top of the heart of a successful effort to reach the pinnacle.

Read the force is different, a myriad of thoughts, the most headaches.

He now read the force, it is also not far from satisfactory.

And so he went to the Lord of the universe, the natural forces arrived at the idea successful.

As for the force of swallowing, this is there is no boundary, and it will only be powerful with the power of strength.

Related to your realm.

Belong to the space realm.

And this kind of power is not mainstream.

Unlike heart, let me have the power of everything.

It belongs to the cold door.

Everything is, in fact, everyone has, but these people compare him, but they are not the same.

They are all things, single.

And his everything is perfect.

It is perfect than Wandaise.

The super ethnic "giant" in the starry sky is a natural host.

So I first needed his strength to compete with life.

The power of life, the correspondence is a robbery.

Supplementary vitality.

Everything is an overbearing.

Those who think of the Lord of all things, the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but hose.

If the owner is still alive, even if it is in ancient times, it is a super-sunset.

More powerful than the stone show.

It is a pity that if it is in ancient times, the achievements will not be weak.

This is the power he has manipulated so far.

The power of life can only be counted, and the future universe will play a lot.

Of course, the premise is also to understand the understanding of all things.

As for the power of the stars.

It is even more strange when you master.

From the peep, borrow it to the master extension.

More than a blueprint for the future.

Just like his own source.

In the future, he is a person who wants to lit the star empty.

So you can master so powerful forces in advance.

Because this power is too strong, he can not maintain proper maintenance, only when fighting, it will be used.

And it is very large to him.

When there is no need, he will not use it.

And this is still the power of the starry sky after the temptation, is diluted.

After he is the Lord of the Universe, he will become ancient changing.

Use the most strong stars.

Of course, the power of the starry sky will follow his own source.

When he lit all the stars, I am afraid it is the most powerful force.

Now a universe is not light, and it is far away.

When he looked up a universe, he passed the top three robbery to the Lord of the universe.

Strong origins can naturally form the universe in the body.

This is the thing that the eight hobbies can do. He can do it when he arrived.

And it can be a mobile path.

Natural advantage.

And when he arrived at his universe to create life.

This is the most terrible.

The power of death can create death.

The power of life, naturally you can create life.

Think of this, the sword is unparalleled.

"Death!" Create death in the universe?

Isn't that a scattered?

He seems to think about anything.

Then I suddenly look to Dilen.

At this time, Dillen has been caught in Qingtian Road.

The two sides are falling into death.

Qingtian Taoist explosives exceeded $ 400.


Look at it can be opened with Dillen.

But the sword is unparalleled but looks at it.

Dillen has hidden.

Black breath broke out from his body.

Familiar scene!

He saw it in Nikun and the bodies.


Even the emperor can improve hundreds of people.

Al don't say a five-way super powerful.

The power has just emerged, and Dylan's power has soared to more than 500,000.

Qingtian Taoist is completely desperate.

More than 50 million power.

This is already the threshold of the Lord of the five knocked universe.

He also broke out such a powerful strength in his own way, very clear that what is the representative.

Not an opponent at all.

In your own path, you can fight.

But here is not his way.

"I am the pro-mouse of the ancient martial arts, you dare to move me!" Qingtian screamed, but it was a Dirun Storm.

The red skin after Di Lun is bound to Qingtian dead, and hangs in front of him, and a boxing is on Qingtian's chest.

"If you don't, you will move the king of Shenmu, see if I am afraid!" Dillen is very disdainful.

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