Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5716 5711 Chapter? Destiny

Huang is not better than him, the breath is unstable.

"Haha, happy!" The sword didn't have a breath, the power of life opened, and raised the power of the stars again.

It's just that the power consumption is too big now, and he is not too enough to use the power of life.

The treatment of the cabin is magical and can make his life to speed up the power of the stars.

Hui Qing silence, and at the same time, he also sighed the strong sword.

At the beginning, the great shower is also as strong as it is now.

He has made full strength, and there is no double battle with the sword to now, still unable to share the winning and negative.

And his breath, it is already a bit no, and the sword is unparalleled, or it is very powerful.

Hui Qing didn't know, the current sword is already a limit.

The power of the starry sky is limited.

No way, this is just a sword unparalleled.

If it is this respect, he can have been fighting.

It can now be done the power of the stars, it has already been exhausted.

The power of both sides is coming to the limit.

Drag down, it will drop.

At this point, it is the strongest response, and the strongest means are prepared.

The sword is unparalleled, and the illusion of Huqing has the power of the peak of the three hobbies.

This respect, I am afraid I will reach the terrorist force of halftake.

"Then!" The sword is unparalleled to condense the power of life, and directly throws Hui Qing.

This is the last force in his body, and there is no longer condensed, and the main source of the boss is limited.

If it is this respect, how much is he going, as long as he gives him a variety of breath, it will be restored to the peak.

Hui Qing listened, stunned, but still accept it.

Holding the power of the group, his breath once again climbed to the peak.

It's just an increase in vitality, and this source is impossible.


Hui Qing breathed a breath, surprised: "The power of life, it is a good thing!"

"Next, I am ready to pick up my strongest sword!" The sword has no pair of hands holding the cloud sword, and all the stars are condensed on the sword.

Star Chart record, instantaneous appearance.

Hui Qing is moving, in hand, the silver bat stick is in hand, the King Kong angry.

The breath is also skyrocketing.

At the same time, a huge roulette appears at the same time.


When the sword is unparalleled, the heart is shocked!

An emperor, but it is able to own the road.

Huqing's bottom card is terrible than he imagined.

This moment of Huiqing, the atmosphere climbed to the half-step four hobbies.

"I also have!" The sword didn't have a double angry, and the space changed, and the universe that had not seen once started to expand.

It's just a moment of universe, there is no power to show.

However, the power of the increase is still there.

In fact, he is not planning to use the universe.

When he saw Huqing to show the bottom card, he panicked.

In the face of Huqing, he has always had confidence.

It is only some pressure until at this moment.

This pressure is not compression.

Unlike Brole, the stronger the battle, the stronger of the people is too strong.

Babi in the core cabin stared at the sword unparalleled and Hui Qing, have forgotten the disc.

Moving the road.

Both emperors have.

Although it is not a complete road, the increase is only 30%.

After they get to the robbery, I am afraid I can create a complete mobile path.

This means that after two of them become a robbery, the war will be a hierarchy than the same level.

A hierarchy is nothing wrong with it.

In the robbery, although there are very few fair to fight, can the sword are unparalleled with Huiqing?

That is the super Tianjiao in the Past Temple.

And it is still approved by the starry air, even if it is in ancient times, it is also a few.

After they became a robbery, even if they didn't have a move, they were able to build a team.

If you add a moving road, the force is not in the same day.

Once the sword is unparalleled, once it is a robbery, it will directly become the Lord of the universe, which is the three robbery.

This is an unprecedented thing.

Even the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how it will be.

Plus the mobile path, the sword is equal to saying that after being robbed, there is the strength of the Siqi universe.

Plus the strength of the origin, half-step five-hobby is not a problem.

Maybe it is possible to compare the scorpion of the five knockers.

This improvement is not less than he is better than his Dao Jun.

Even more.

The distinction between the emperor is six, the middle is not obvious.


The disc in the hands of the Barbi suddenly issued a black fog and made an abnormal sound.

"Success!" Babi didn't go to the battle between swords and Huiqing, but holding a disc, with Dillen entered a mezzanine below the core warehouse.

Dillan saw the disc of the disc, and very excited.

He followed the longest time in Babi, and the first battle under the hand of Babi.

The peak power can be comparable to half-step six-minded.

"Babi Emperor, is it going to open?" Dilun took the initiative to lit the lamp in the clip.

The rays appeared, and the two were placed in a huge incomparable egg.

There is a pattern on the eggshell, and the color is black.

This egg, if it is seen by the sword, it will definitely be shocked!

He has seen this egg several times.

The first time is in the murals of the three Kings Ting, the second time is in the home of the country.

The third time is Frosta to leave.

"Giant God!" Babi Di swayed his arm, very excited.

Because this egg is hidden.

At the beginning, a death egg, it is now hatched by him.

The existence of this egg will be a master of death.

More than his owner is still going against the sky.

It is very heavy to serve.

Babii is looking forward to Dillen.

The sword on the ring is also feeling that a very asymmetric atmosphere is from underground.

A bad idea rises.

He is roughly understood and has a contact with himself.

The power of life, is very special in the flying boat.

Babi also value this power.

He is unscrupulous.

Perhaps an unknown creature!

This makes him more likely to solve the battle.

"Take out your strongest means!" The sword has no hands in the middle of the long sword, then said: "This sword, I will not leave!"

Hui Qing's eyebrows are moving, and it seems to understand what.

Silver long stick gathers, the road under the foot rose from a horrible breath, bounced on his body.

The sword is unparalleled, the scope is reduced, and after all, it is not his own show, and it is good to show it.

That dare to expect, the strongest starry sky.

He has no way to show the universe, and can only show the most commonly engaged in the universe.

Probably undergoes a black hole.

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