Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5719 5714? Giant Great Egg

To the border are robbery, rather than the main universe.

This fear is power.

This time without a fight, a bit confused.

This terrible power of death, than any of their previous encounter, to be more powerful.

"How could you not say that five robbery territory?" The Mighty Stone of disbelief staring at the broken Feizhou.

In the gap, snake death spread terror in a bar.

The core compartment.

Bobby emperor also some panic, his universe boat, but brought from among the stars, how suddenly broken.

Feizhou this universe, but can Yingkang seven robberies throughout the super-strong treasure.

Suddenly burst.

"Because egg egg!" Sword unparalleled at this time to remind soon.

He holds the power of life, most can understand the terror egg eggs.

Now it began to break down.

Inside atmosphere, more and more terror.

Although there is no off students who are rich and pure, but While this egg thing, absolutely born to be stronger than off.

Beyond the six robberies territory.

Very likely seven robberies territory.

"How could he be so strong, after the birth of giant Protoss, it is not the Lord of the universe? Also the strongest, but three robbery territory!" Sword Warriors now understand why there is such a big Bobby Emperor's clout.

While this feeling can be born out of super-strong seven robberies territory ah!

After the Babylonian emperor heard doubts sword unparalleled, nor regret in the universe aboard the boat, but the excitement of waving arms, excitedly explained: "But I personally he opened light Titans eggs, ordinary eggs Titans, how may be compared with him! "

Seven robbery is not the target.

According to his estimation, the giant giants of Nine hobbies will be born.

"It turns out this!" The sword didn't understand.

No wonder the Babi Emperor, not to treat them as desperatal, then treat them.

Constantly giving them life, and constantly giving birth to fear and death.

The power of extracted, all injected into this egg.

Today, it makes this horror.

It has not yet left, there is a seven-robbery.

At this time it was vibrated.

The old ancestor of Eternal State was first discovered.

"Babi is successful?" He looked with murderous light, but the old ancestors opened up the eternal one.

Strengthening the peak of the seven robbery, although not the Lord of the universe, there is a strong vitality.

The old ancestors of the eternal one are leaked, and they are angry: "Babi, you dare to lie to me!"

He cooperate with Babi, the other party is committed, once planned, will notify him the first time.

"Notify all people who wake up from the blood, go to Yongheng Palace, I want to say!" The old ancestors of the eternal family leaked a vibrantity.

Opening up an eternal family is to today.

Condensing blood, reopen the peak.

Then look for the way of breakthrough.

Every day, there is a day, and you can re-ignite the road.

Weak may not be in contact.

But strong seven robbery, and even eight knocked, they all have their own plan.

Even a little rumored, some legends, I don't want to give up.

Barbi is to master this, use the power of life, kids a lot of bulkity.

Tell them, our plan.

Once successful, you can make the bulk border are not stagnant, and even breakthroughs.

Although many people feel impossible, but still believe.

This is the final hope, no one wants to give up.

Breaking hope!

The number of the ancient mouse is seven-robbery is still in the same, and it is the eternal kingdom.

The eight robbery of Shi Country opened his scorpion.

The flame of guardian stone is also found.

However, the flame god is considered special life, and it is not the universe of the universe, and there is an endless road.

He didn't know the plan of Babi, but now I feel that after the death of the death, I understand that the sky in the ancient wood continent has changed.

Nine core time and space.

The real eugenic long-lasting energy, still there.

Those existence, unable to create a method of enhanced the hijacking.

Many people don't hoped.

Others can also be lucky. I feel that those energy, I don't want to see the robbery and continue to practice.

In this way, those presence of time and space can be increasing.

Nowadays, only three super-existence of three public identities.

If it is the same as the real world, you can take the peak.

So many less will make these existence uncomfortable.

Even if there is a way, it will not create this method.

The competition, comply with the heavens.

Special life and some singular groups, there is no robbery.

Like the ethnic group, there should be a bondage.

Otherwise, it will not be counterclockwise.

Some seven-robust strong in the ancient wood continent, they went to the eternal kingdom.

"Soul Tian Emperor, you can be a lively!" The stone country that was taken first, and he had arrived at the star sea.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no hesitation.

His this is returned to Vietnam.

Just a huge figure, it is definitely a seven-bit robbery.

At first he saw the flesh of the disagreement, he was able to feel the stock.

The riots are above the superior existence, and there is a bloody figure.

He has a white hair, but the face is a thin white, the five senses are beautiful!

It is the old ancestor of the eternal one.

The soul of the soul!

He came earlier, just bordered.

The present is in Yongheng Palace.

"Shi Xuan!" The soul of the soul looked at the huge figure, browed.

Although this place is his chassis, but those seven robberies throughout the old monster, every simple.

So he will be anxious to swallow the blood so that they reach the pinnacle, so as to talk to Bobby compete for eight robberies throughout Dili.

Below that several strong throughout the six robberies, we see ancestors come, have come to Meet.

Together with the observation of the scene in the universe boat.

The power of death is still spreading terror.

Even the soul of the Emperor of Heaven and have some trembling mysterious stone stone country.

"Shi Hyun, how your ancestors did not come home?" Soul Heaven staring at each other, want to further delay a little time.

Now the stone house just a seven robberies territory, eight robberies throughout the ancestors who did not come.

"You can not tell me that your family ancestors do not know!"

Shi Hyun is lightly replied: "! Ancestors know is not important, he is the backbone of the family stone, not adventure."

It's something a lot involved, in case of fallen ancestors came to how to do, Stone may be finished.

Flame gods, because Stone ancestors before they are willing guardian of Stone, once fallen ancestors, the gods will go.

Absolutely can not let the ancestors adventure.

He is the stone of the most powerful family of seven robberies environment, natural let him come.

As Lord of the universe, this would have a hope of promotion, no need to take risks.

Even a rainy day, you do not need to take such a big risk ah!

"Stone family is not like your family mighty soul so much, you die will die, the soul of the family will not be ruined!" Opened its mysterious stone houses of the eternal soul of the family, not the local space-time Ku strong.

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