Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5721 5716 ??? Wu Li's mysterious person

It can be born infinitely to death, and then the breath has skyrocketed.

What should I do if I don't have a family, or it is not suitable for them.

There are more problems!

Can't fight.

When these people hesitated, a large number of strong people were gathered outside the forever.

Among these strong people, there is a lot of universers.

They can say that they can be said to Babi.

Like the super family of Shijiao, working with Babi, is just a stone old ancestors, and Shi Xuan Xiao Xiao.

They will not be stupid, let the main people of their own universe.

Do not say that the strength is not enough, after the ancient gods discover, I am afraid it will come to the sky.

not worth it.

The ancient month is dead, but the power of the ancient moon gods control is not their ability to bear them.

In today's god, there can be the Lord of the universe of the eighth.

This kind of super strong is coming, whoever has a stop.

The flame god has rely on.

After all, there is an asynchronous path, even if it is afraid of the god of flames, it is able to fight against the flame god.

The main universe of the goods is not a special life.

Even if I created my own, I can't.

The eternal state boundary, a sword is unparalleled, the figure is in this place, and it is inside through the blood giant.

"It seems that the rumor is true!" Wu Li was standing on the blood, looking deep.

He said in his words and looks particularly funny.

Can be in his body, but there is a heavy voice answer:

"The power of death is really ridiculous!"

Wu Li touched his nose and then said: "The force of death is regenerated, this does not mean that there have been a magical door to rebellious rows!"

"Not that simple, death is death, only the strength of life is hope, especially if you meet the life of Wanliu, you will understand, the most beautiful life, even the universe can Resurrection, scattered hope, need a super existence that masters the power of life, not relying on these evil spirits! "The heavy voice came from Wu Li's mind.

"Hope so!" Wu Li took a nod and did not stay here for too long, and returned to Vietnamese.

Because the sword is unparalleled, it is necessary to replace some of the treasures, but also have to work with the sword.

Now the sword is unparalleled, but Wu Li enters the biggest relying on Wanliu Shenmu, what is the requirements of tube, he will do our best.

The power of his life in his jade sword is not too high. It is obviously not a hierarchy with the power of life with the sword.

The purity is different.

The power of ordinary life is the vitality in the body.

This is the cheapest, some million origins can be refined.

It can refine the highest level of life, the Lord of the universe of the eight knocked universe can't be refined.

He got the power of life, or the existence of that in the body, it was originally taken from Wanliu Shenmu.

It is the power of life on Wanliu.

The life of the wood represents the peak.

Jade swords only contaminated, and there was an incomparable vitality.

It is also possible to make God open.

Wu Li did not know, the sword did not have the power of life, but not from the woods.

At that time, open God, and I don't know what kind of joke will be made.

Just these are later.

On the occasion of the Holy Association, the ancient wood continent over ten seven-bit robbery gathered in the eternal kingdom, no one knows what happened inside.

Cosmic boat.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled with Babi, and the cracks of the giant gods are very funny.

The secret law in Babi's cultivation is very strong, but the power is not strong.

Only one robbery level.

But the skills of slavery are alone in ancient times.

At this time, the whole body strength is exhausted, and the god eggshell is not moved.

"Let the point force, waiting outside those people will risk it, I have finished it!" Babi was anxious.

He is very excited to start, thinking that the god egg can directly born super power.

As a result, the power of death is no longer, and the egg shell is still not open.

He panicked.

This is his strongest bottom sign.

Without this egg, only Dilen, can stop those seven-robbery.

"Gulagola!" Babi's ,

The sword is unparalleled to accept the breath, but there is no hesitation, anyway, it is divided.


"Good!" The sword is unparalleled, and the gods suddenly doubled.

From 100,000 times, it reached 200,000 times.

The atmosphere on Dillan has also passed from half a step, and it directly arrived.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up!" Babi is called a small call.

He himself has no changes, only can make others become stronger.

After the sword is unparalleled, he feels that his strength is so strong, and it began to go to the eggshell that has not been released from the clean.

After Dilong's power is enhanced, a piece is crazy to remove those eggshells.

Eggshell, it will be completely broken.

The sword has no double through the gap, which is already going to peep.

It is clear that there is no power, but it can't go out from it.

This makes the sword unparalleled very curious, no need Babi to threaten, he took the initiative to remove the eggshell.

After knowing the biggest relying on the Better, he put down his heart.

Although he can't see him and the life is not a gang, at least the other party knows that after he has mastered the power of life, he didn't want to swallow his intentions.

This is much better than the life.

I have seen him, just like a wild dog to see it.

No, you can't be so metaphor.

Anyway, it is not allowed to swallow him, and two can only live one.

Barbi is not this idea.

This, you can see from your eyes.

However, this amount does not mean that the other party will not do it for him.

If the relationship is relatively close, Babi will definitely give him to the life.

If the relationship is not good, Babi is a way to break and kill him.

No living road.

Unfortunately, Barbi's strength is too weak.

I can't see him just a difference.

Dilong is a scattered, enhanced the power, but did not improve the realm, and he couldn't see his details.

Only by killing, he will not be so easy to die.


The sword is unparalleled with Dillen, and the inside has also begun to be moved, the breath is like the fall of the egg shell, and it has begun again.

This makes Babi very excited and constantly encourages two people.

"Dillen, hurry forward, after I succeed, I will seal you when it is a prince!"

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't stop, if I board the peak, I will help you swallow the life, let your palm time and space!"

Babi's words are, the greater it.

Mastering the time-space reincarnation comes out.

I really want to master it, the sword is unparalleled to win all the long-distance rivers.

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