Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5752 5747 Chapter ?? Gentle National Lord

However, Yanlong's ancestor is not surprised. He has not been pulled by the gentleness of the moving, and there are some respect for the eyes and good.

In his mind, he recalls to the era of the original.

Today's Fengchen Emperor, or when he is immortal, he has not changed it now.

It is a robbery.

When I first saw this national owner, the other party was still a little girl.

When I saw the other party for the second time, Feng Chen's emperor and her are already a friend who is not deprecated.

In the last time, the other party contains tears and begging him.

Goodbye now.

It is also respectful.

"Your Majesty!" Yanlong's ancestors got awe.

The sword behind him has also been visible to Jin Chen.

The sword is unfolded, and it is still waiting for this country's summon him.

But the country's land, but it is a little way to open: "Yakoli, my father, what is your side?"

She has a tenderness in her eyes, seeing the shadow, and touching the bottom, staring at the portraits behind Yanlong's old ancestors, and the gods become more beautiful.

Many people were amazed, did not expect this unpatising Yanlong old ancestor, actually speaking with the daughter of the girl just broke through.

If you are polite.

I have just appeared now, and I will dry the iron gall and go to talk to a six-hearted powerful.

Erupted many people envy.

It doesn't matter if I iron grooming, he is not affected, still sitting on the throne.

When I arrived, the old ancestors were swallowed, and there was no loss of breath.

He is the red-haired youth behind him, and the eyes are straightforward, and the saliva will flow out.

Fortunately, in the blood knife, the ancestors reminded, not shame.

Otherwise, the people will react, see this scene, but also thought that the people of the blood jackets have never seen women!

Let's say that Yanlong's ancestor is here.

After the sword was unparalleled, the brain stunned, thought it was saying that herself, think of where a sweet voice, a happy heart, ready to go straight, you will introduce it.

But I didn't expect that the country of the country, I took directly to the hand of Jin Chen, and gentle said: "Like, I am really like Feng Chen!"

"..." The sword is constantly turning in the heart of the double mind, and finally it will gradually return to the normal driving.

At this point, I thought of the things of the Girls and Daughter's national owners.


"Don't live!" The sword was unbearable to give himself a slap.

The heart will return to the cold state again.

Jin Chen didn't know what happened, was shocked.

When you touch the country, you have warmth.

Natural goodness.

Yanlong's ancestors were watching embarrassing, and then he looked at the sword and was mournful.

"Your mother can be fine!" The daughter's national owner shouted.

Jin Chen is a well-behaved reply: "Everything is fine, just this time is closed, there is no time!"

"She is still so strong!"

This sentence is very embarrassing.

The sword is unparalleled to laugh at one side.

I am afraid he knows with Yanlong's old ancestors.

"Right, this is my mother who I gave me a gift!" Jinchen thought about the pair of reels, and quickly took out the reel and handed it to each other.

The daughter's national owner is seen, and the face is happy and carefully retain the reel.

This gift is the most precious.

She is also very happy.

Then I found that all my eyes stared at them, and the eyes smiled bloom. "I apologize:" I will wait for a long time! "I said to Jin Chen:" You go late, I still have to give you mother. ! "

Then touch Jin Chen's small brain, floating.

At that moment she falls into the master, the breath is also gentle and majestic.

There is still no shockedness on your face, and some are just endless warm.



There are countless gifts to send two sentences with this country.

Finally, it is said.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is very careful, although many don't understand, but also benefit.

This time the receipt exceeded his expectation.

Even some things, he still wants to ask which country.

It's just his identity.

Perhaps you can talk to each other with the identity of Jin Chen.

He now has arrived at $ 400.

Usually, it is powerful than ancient times.

Now he urgently needs to fuse the power with the ancient times.

The power of the Starry is no longer only an increase in the source, but even the power is also an increase.

In this way, the ancient change will be a strong one again.

At that time, his strength will skyrocket.

Just now he only has this idea, how to do it without starting.

If the country is pointing him, he may find a broken way.

Article 400,000 God, the force of the beast god reaches the limit of 500,000.

He is now exerting ancient times, it is difficult to reach this battle.

It can be connected to the power.

The two mutual increases.

His combat power will be able to fight five puffs, and it is not a problem with the original Dilun Yi.

The Holy Association must be killing.

At that time, he is a great role.

Nowadays, I can't directly become the Lord of the Universe, I can only seek to create secret laws to increase their own combat power.

The congratulations conducted a few days.

Some forces that have a good relationship with the daughter's country, when we don't want to go, I want to meet the country alone.

The sword is unparalleled and others naturally stayed.

"Old ancestors, can you talk about the matter of the country and the mother?" Jin Chen lanched Yan Long's ancestor, I would like to hear the story of the master and the country after the beginning.

Yanyong's old ancestors pulled, I don't know what to say.

Female Emperor Feng Chen, did not tell the daughter, obviously don't want Jin Chen known.

This time, Jin Chen came, but thought about making his daughter to pay this super existence.

The abacus is very good.

The sword is unbearable.

The country's situation has to choose this.

Yanlong's old ancestors played, and it was not thick.

In front of the absolute strength, what can be put down.

At the beginning of the emperor, in order to put down the feelings.

Now in the sake of Vietnam, it puts down the face.

Two people should not be associated.

Although Yilong's old ancestors can't stand on the face, he is still happy.

If the country is able to hug your daughter country, there will be many times in the future.

It is a powerful allies.

Three people were arranged in a home, and the layout in the yard is very ordinary, and it is also very warm.

There is a tree filled with peach blossoms, as well as a well.

Next to the tree, it is a small pavilion.

Three people sitting there, the sword is unhappy sitting in the middle teas.

He is not curious.

This kind of thing, Yanlong's ancestors will definitely not say, so he didn't ask from beginning to end.

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