Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5762 5757 ??? Pink Meat

If you can absorb the power of your life, then you can't.

If so, he began to escape.

However, only the power of the outside life is absorbed, and he has not threatened him.

"Go and see!" This has evoke the sword unparalleled curiosity.

This place is falling in the phoenix.

I have never heard of it, there is such a thing in this place!

It is not des deep with burning.

what exactly is it?

The sword has no double shape, following the power of the life, drilling into the ground.


Enter the underground, the intensiveness of the soil layer beyond the sword unparalleled imagination.

With his current strength, there is still a bit of hard work.

That is to say, the general strongest, even the balance cannot be done.

His now is 400,000 power.

This strength is enough to be proud.

Everything makes him tap.

But the power of the life is still dive.

I didn't think there was no threat.

But now he is a little hesitant.

Can be in such a deep thing, whether it is a ghost.

The strength is not general.

He must be careful.

Forty thousands of power, all broke out, he raised again, keeping up with the power of the life that was taken away.

I dive five thousand.

Stress, make the sword unparalleled faces.

The density below is getting higher and higher.

Almost almost the same time.

It's too uncomfortable to go to the treasure.

"The power of the beast!" The sword didn't drink low.

Single will, or some Mafa.

"I changed!"

He came directly to the peak state, the blue breath wrapped his body and rushed into it directly.

There is no resistance to this time, directly chasing the power of the life.

Distance is only a distance of ten.

It is not afraid to run away.

20,000 feet!

30,000 feet!

I quickly arrived at the peak of the sword.

He didn't dare to drill down.

Not only because it is too large.

More importantly, it is possible to go to this depth.

It is definitely not weak, it can live in this place for a long time, it is more powerful than him.

Perhaps this is this opportunity.

Gall is that he does not dare to gamble.

It is necessary to give up.

He has more opportunities, there is no need to delay the time here.

Sometimes, learn to take the initiative to give up.

If it is faced with his opponent, he will fight.

But it is not necessary to care about this kind of thing.

It's still going to go.

But he just wanted to leave.

The figure is suddenly a loose, and the pressure disappears.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled, and then found that he entered a space.

Like a natural underground cave.

The wall around, extremely smooth.

Originally should be dark cave.

Once the power of life, it has become green.

Green light, shining dark cave.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is clear that the scenes in front.

The cave is not large, only Baizhang is long.

Bare is stretched out to open your legs.

At the center of this space, the sword is unparalleled to see familiar scenes.

Among the green vessels stores something.

"Will n't be so smart!" The sword was unparalleled to stay in Vietnamese.

It is just the unknown organism in this utensil, not the appearance of the bug.

More like a egg.

Now the sword is unparalleled to see the egg, and the condition is reflected.

I am very worried about the giant gang egg.

This also made him think of Red Jiuyi.

And the original god of Furosa.

Ok, he also has a goddess token.

This is also what he is afraid of Babi to find out his own.

His token, according to Frosa, as long as you encounter a giant god, you will become a guest.

I don't know if there is any use of Red Jijiu.

If useful, you can make bigger.

Half-step hi-robbery super power.

Unfortunately, I was controlled by Babi.

If it can be controlled by him, it is fine.

What to kill, what to die.

Even if you are born.

Everything is dying.

This kind of thing, he thinks.

It is basically no possible.

Babi Emperor uses some kind of starry secret law to control the Red Jiuyi.

He is not allowed to do any way.

Up to you can make red nine.

This seems to be enough.

Babi did not help the Help, is an ordinary robbery.

It is not as good as the universe of the three hobbies.

Unfortunately, now that the strong in his side is too much.

Otherwise, you can take your hand to Babi.


Barbi's side, there is Dillen, and the soul of the soul of the soul existence.

He didn't get angle.

So I don't want to think more.

Just once again saw a egg.

He is thinking, from the Babi, where to make the secret law, turn this gallbladder into the strong.

"It's a little more than you!" The sword shook his head without double.

Take the green utensil.

His life has been drilled in.

Unlike that only pedestrians, this utensils are likely to be strong, they can become powerful.

The beetle is a bloody atmosphere.

These two things are actually almost.

Eating people's monsters.

The circular meat in the utensil, the powder tender.

After absorbing his life, from the vulgar level, it quickly reached the peak of immortal fairy.

This is beyond the unparalleled accident.

The speed of growing is much more than that of the beetle.

He once again released some of the power of life, this time the rounded meat, brought to the emperor.

There is no stagnation.

It seems like the shackles of the emperor, there is no existence.

It is indeed different from the practice.

These monsters do not bind.

There is no place to practice, as long as there is enough vitality, it will be strong.

The sword is unparalleled, just like knowing, these monsters do not have the upper limit.

Who is it created again?

The sword is unparalleled, unconsciously inclined the power of life.

The pink meat is all absorbed.

There is no hesitation.

The sword is unparalleled, and the meat ball is very soft, there is no threat.


The threat is not, but the atmosphere of the above has arrived.

"This is too fast!" The sword did not dare to feed again.

This kind of thing, he is unable to slave, he is too powerful, he is dangerous.

Just this meat group, there is a robbery force, there is no change.

The monster found in Chen Jia.

It's still from a cockroach, turned into a worm, and finally turned into a bug in human format.

However, this meat is actually there is not much change.

"Falling the phoenix slope, it seems that this monster is related to the original life of the original!" The sword didn't think.

After carefully exploiting the space, he is ready to leave.

There is no other thing here, only this meat.

He is taken away, but it is a scourge.

It is better to place it here.

Before walking, he got a bigger.

Pink the pink, from the vessel.

At that moment, the surrounding space has a subtle change.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled.

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