Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5764 5759 ?? Black Yao Stone

The Lord of the universe of the six knobs is also a hegemony.

Some strange things are good, it is normal.

Perhaps you don't like to have smoke.

The sword is not moving out, directly to the Temple.

"The older sword is unparalleled, see the predecessors!" He didn't go in, but first met.

Ask people to do things, still have to respect.

In the Temple of Temple, a voices came from: "Come in!"

The sword is unparalleled.

This place is extremely gloomy, cold.

After entering the Temple, he saw a great old man with a bone, and there was a few feet high, sitting on the home position.

In the dark, only a few lactary swords.

Sure enough.

The sword is unparalleled to go, take out warm jade, and said it directly.

He didn't want to stay in this place.

Too dark.

"Yunzhi State Breakthrough Become the Lord of the Seven Covered Universe, and the oldness did not go to the congance, and it was a little alieted. Your busy, I will help, it is to give the country's main road!" Tonghe Jianxian dry cough, look like a weird, Talk is very modest.

The sword is unparalleled, it is still treated equal.

This also makes the sword unhappy.


Tonghe Jianxian, directly there is a dark metal, hand it to the sword.

The metal is dark, and it is also black than the night.

I don't know that belongs to that material.

According to Yunzhi State Lord.

Want to fuse.

Almost impossible.

But there is a line of everything.

Rumor, black days and day can be fused at a certain moment.

What's more.

This dark metal is the necessary thing for creating a secret law.

Black Yao Stone!

Not a metal.

Just look like it.

The sword is unparalleled, I didn't expect to be so smooth, and I would like to thank you.

"You don't have this kind of polite, when the Yunzhi State owner has a um, this is not what!" Tonghe Jianxian explained: "Since you are so realized, you can be thrown with Yunzhi, fear is also extraordinary, I am afraid it is also Can you get this level. "

This is straightforward.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is busy to pass: "The younger generation is just a little emperor, which dares to be the Lord of the Six-Broads."

This is really modest.

He is high than anyone.

He is afraid that he is not convinced.

I believe I will become the power.

This is the heart of the strong.

"You don't have to be modest, I see, you are hiding strength, or sword repair!" Tonghe Jianxian speaks straight, directly point the sword unparalleled hidden.

The sword is unparalleled naturally will not hide.

400,000 power, just look.

He doesn't matter anyway.

Talking about Jian Xiu.

The two have a common topic.

The sword is unparalleled, and some things about Shen Lijian repaired.

A lot of absorbed from it.

Of course, more is still a way to study fuse.

The super ancient times after the convergence.

That is his peak secret law.

The starry looks in the emperor, which is not the strongest.

When I came to the robbery, he thoroughly mastered some time and space, and the change will occur.

A sword, the space is the emperor.

I broke the time, that is, the universe.

This is also terrible.

His means more than a simple power.

"Seniors, I don't know if I can learn." The sword said unparalleled.

Direct to talk to six robbery, he said.

At this time, the Gongjian Xian first stunned, then leaked some smiles.

But it is more exciting.

Sword repair, but the best battle.

Especially with the same line.

Seeing that the sword is unparalleled, he is itchy.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled is the emperor, his universe, is not good.

It can be seen in this place, but the Temple is a crisp foot.

Judging from the footsteps, the other party is a woman.

"Grandpa!" The person has not arrived, he heard the silver bell smile.

The sword is unparalleled to look at it.

He didn't expect that this is the Jianxian, and there is a granddaughter.

In the message, there is no picture of this number.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the combination of Jianxian laughs.

"Ming, how come you!" Tonghe Jianxian stood up and the face was leaking under the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to see the appearance of the other party.

Which girl named Ming is also surprised.

After watching an eye, turned to Jianxian, I immediately asked: "Grandpa, who he is?"

This is a straight-white sex, it looks like it is a granddaughter.

Although the Jianxian fairy is not directly answered, but the sword is unparalleled: "Unparalleled little friends must be sorry, this is old granddaughter!"

"I dare not dare, I am a Tang Jun, I have a granddaughter, I don't know some granddaughters, and I have not prepared some meeting!" The sword is unparalleled.

He said this, he has some regrets.

That girl said very bad: "Since there is no gift, then give me a billion cosmine, I have no hobbies, I like Cosmic Crystal!"

"It should be, it should be!" The sword is unparalleled, it is a lot of money to a late generation.

Take a tens of thousands of square stone, and put her face into another mustard, handed it to each other.

Getained swordsman is a little headache.

This also has a lot of contact with his granddaughter.

The girl saw those source stone, stunned, then surprised: "It seems that it is not a cosmine!"

The sword is unparalleled, he didn't expect this to export.

Tonghe Jianxian is busy helping him explain: "Shantou, this is the source stone, one is 10,000 cosmine!"

"Ah!" The girl screamed, then rushed to the sword without pagonity, thank you: "Thank you for your predecessors!"

The sword has no soreryls, this wonderful personality is not chic.

Hundreds of millions of uncleptations, which is the tients of the joints!

How do you have a girl in front of you, just like anything.

And look like, she is really unexpected to give her hundreds of millions of cosmine.

Looking at the joy.

The sword is unparalleled to suspect that the combination of Jianxian is doing the door.

Such a loved granddaughter, how is it like a pot.

However, next, the password of the Jianxian explained everything.

This also made him understand why the Gonghe Jianxian chose this relatively low-key house, and there is no servant in the house.

It turned out that this Mingmer girl is the master of Jianxian, who left the son of the world.

Tonghe Jianxian chased, the son also wants to follow his father's footsteps.

It has been in the crowd, but accidentally entered the ancient wood mainland through the transfer.

Unfortunately, the qualifications are not good.

It's already a peak in the immortal fairy.

He wants to return to his hometown.

But his world, I have never heard of nine days ten.

After coming to the ancient wood mainland, he heard that the kings had a pass array and can go to any place.

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