Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5766 5761 ??? Fan Tianfeng? Fan Feng!

"I lost!" When the Jianxian showed a full force, it has lost.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the beast is also closed.

At the moment of losing the will, his body is shaking.

If there is no A, his body has already collapsed.

"The seniors' swords, exciting, this time this time is also seen!" The just handed him to benefit a lot, and it is possible to fight with the six robbery. This opportunity is not much.

He also learned the means of super power.

Especially the division of the power.

Millions of power, is a big threshold.

More than a million power, you can destroy the ancient wood continent itself.

It is also a strong person throughout the ancient times.

At the beginning, those seven-robbery, said it is good.

Only by arrival of millions of power is the strong.

The Lord of the universe of the six robbery can do millions.

In your own voyage, even a hundred or five million power can be burst.

If it is just bulk.

The peak of the Six-heartedness, that is, millions.

If you have too little life, you can't play millions of power.

Overall, the power of the six robbery is between 700,000 to $ 1500.

Of course, it is the master of the universe.

If it is not the owner of the universe, just talk about the mourning.

So the top day is 150,000.

The seven robbery is more than one million.

For example, the blood knife old ancestors can explode two million power.

Although it is a bulk, it is full of vitality, with a top-top force of seven-robbery.

Comparable to the Lord of the universe.

The Yunzhi State is just breaking through the seven robbery and became the master of the universe.

Now the power should be around 2 million.

If it is in your universe, it is probably able to explode more than 3 million power.

The sword is shaking.

Three million power.

What is the representative?

There is also the soul of the soul of the world.

Although it is a criticism of seven-robbery.

But there is special secret law, blood, the whole eternal country.

It is possible to explode about 5 million, which is much more powerful than the seven-hidden title.

Of course, Iron gallbid is not in my own cosmic farm.

If you are in your own, it is not afraid of the soul of the soul.

But the previous battle is not the old nest of the iron gall.

It is a loss.

But this loss is not what he is nothing.

The top is lost some faces.

The soul of the soul is different.

The power of his blood comroom will only grow slowly.

The strength of the grooming, but the blessing of the universe is the source of origin.

The reason why the soul of the soul is eager to perform, most of the reasons are still because of the method of being created by Babi.

If he can have a death in Dillen, you can upgrade your own power like Dillen, it is the true eight-minded.

Not only the soul of the soul is eager, all of them are eager for this force.

This time is exposed.

It is a signal.

According to the trip of Babi, I am afraid it is ready to find Yunzhi State.

It has encountered iron gallrooms in the ulterity.

Although Dillen lost, it also showed terrorism.

This news, I am afraid it will be able to pass to the ancient moon god.

Pakistani's intention.

Let him not understand.

Perhaps not far from the future, there will be some big things.

The sword is unparalleled now.

What he needs to do is a robbery.

Otherwise don't say to save the temple, he is afraid you have to go in.

Now there is a key treasure.

He also needs to find a place to accelerate practice.

The swords have, but also hurry.

Among the Tianfu.

He once again took out which source stone sent to Li Ming, followed by bid farewell.

I haven't plan to ask about the things about the castor, but I think about it, this thing is always only Fan Tianfeng.

It is better to talk.

It is also very simple to contact the other party.

The two are in a country, and the distance is not far from the truly refined token, mutual communication.

The goddess of the flame is on the side of the king.

The sword is unparalleled direct message, Fan Tianfeng can receive it.

After three days.

He came to Beicheng's most prosperous tea building, quiet and other Fan Tianfeng's emergence.

The two agreed here,

Just don't know Fan Tianfeng, give him a face.

"Her luck, how is it so good!" The sword shook his head.

If he is the descendants of the god, it can also be valued.

There is also these things.

Sitting in practice.

The chance will be sent to him.

This kind of good thing is to let Fan Tianfeng have encountered it.

Say it too much.

At present, he only encountered Fan Tianfeng.

Hui Qing is in the ruins of the ancient month, it is a different.

As a result, Hui Qing also allowed him to go to the ancient moon.

The more you say, the more curious.

As for the rest.

I was not optimistic.

It can be seen Fan Tianfeng and mix it so much.

He didn't dare to smash others.

In addition to the unlucky egg, it should be too bad.

When he thought that Wu Zuo, the ancient times of the sky, the universe in the secret state of the universe, only feeling dysfun, frowning.

He is indeed very unlucky.

Just reincarnation to the ancient times, I got a dangerous place.

He is in this danger, an unexpectedly got a large inheritance.

It is now closed.

It is a pity that he does not go to this a secret.

Unless become the owner of the universe.

It is also unlucky.

This secret is also known for the whole ancient times.

"Umarine Middle Achievement!"

It is very far away from nine days.

Ten people in the temple, each has their own opportunity, all in the past.

There are ten people in ten people.

It is lucky, but it is not general.

Strong is like Huqing, which is directly trapped in ancient moon.

Don't say the opportunity, it's hard to keep it.

The sword is unparalleled.

Confused in those strengths, Wu Zuo and Fan Tianfeng.

These two people.

They are all gods in the age.

Can become a robbery, in fact, it is good.

After entering the ancient times, the realm is constantly smashing, this two are the son of the atmosphere.

The sword in the tea building is unparalleled, there are a lot of thoughts.

Recalling the temple of the temple, I also thought of killing.

For a time, the pressure is pouring.

At this time, a familiar atmosphere comes, directly pushed.

It is Fan Tianfeng.

This time, she is a person and has not taken the accompanying guard.

Swords are unparalleled in swords.

He thought Fan Tianfeng, will be wide in front of him, did not expect this time to be so low.

It is also a good head.


The sword is unparalleled from the window, sincerely invite Fan Tianfeng to hold the seat.

The two landed each other.

Haven't waited for him to open, Fan Tian Feng took the lead in saying: "What is going on, just!"

"So hurt?" The sword is unparalleled to feel that the people in front of them have some days before, and they are not like!

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