Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5778 5773? ??? mix stones

The sword is unparalleled in the clouds, although I don't understand.

But he is probably clear.

That is a thin star, and the scruples he can't withstand the diagnosis of Jiaoju.

The sword is unparalleled.

This is nothing wrong with him.

"Seniors, I have already decided, I hope the predecessors are all!" The sword is unparalleled with hands.

The refining star is here, some regrets to inform the sword unparalleled things about the gods.

It seems that it is ready to take it.

Slightly, the alcine star touched the beard, and finally loose mouth.

"It's also swing, since you insist on it, then I will get it, let you refine a hobby sword!" The refinery finished, and frowned to make up.

"But you have to promise me a request!"

When I heard this, the sword was unpaired, and then he firmly said: "Don't say a requirement, it is ten hundred, you are willing!"

"Haha, you can not say so full, my requirements are very strict!" The refining star laughed.

The sword is unparalleled: "Is it a special thing for the former?"

"Go, you are thinking about this, your mind is what!" The old face is red, then rushed: "My requirements are also very simple. If the god sword arrives in your hand, you don't bury it. Its power! "

After hearing this request, the sword is unparalleled, and the chest is guaranteed, it is necessary to let the princes of the sword to spread to the whole ancient times.

The alcine star smiled slightly.

The sword didn't feel inverted.

Famous earth!

The Lord of the universe of the seven must be able to do it.

He is very recognized by his poset, and strength, and strength.

Seven robbers are not necessarily impossible.

I thought it was very good, I feel that I will refine the goddess billet, which is also very good.

Mainly because of the sword.

The future sword is unbrored to become the main time of the seven-robbery universe, the magnificent time and space, used by his refined god sword.

It is also a good story.

"Sword, I have to look at the treasure house, the material is not enough!" Just promised, the alcine star began to take a headache.

Materials, he has a lot, but the material of the sword blank, he seems to have nothing left.

If it is not enough, he has to buy some in the day.

It is a bit trouble.

Daytime, nine days, the strongest universe secret.

It is also the oldest secret.

The ancient moon god is sitting in the day.

However, it does not interfere with the forces inside the day.

The eight-star sects sitting in the day, still have a complete rule of day.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, even the material does not need him, and asked: "Seniors, this refining the material of the gods, what are the materials, I am going to buy in the city!"

"Hey, it seems that you are strong about the gods of the sword, it is not enough to know, which materials are you bought by you, don't think, this time I have all included, but I need some preparation time. After listening to the sword, I feel a little fun.

The sword has no greater warmth, I didn't expect to meet for the first time, but not only let the other party free to help him refine the goddess swords, refining materials don't need it.

This kind of kindness is very big, he needs to write down.

In the future, the achievement is high, it is also necessary.

"Right, just the truth recently held a special auction, you will look at me, some special treasures, treat you is very useful, the outside world you can't hear. ! "

"I can't hear it?" The sword was unparalleled.

Langxing is standing: "These treasures are generally those super forces, buy them to their own Tianjiao, extremely precious, casual, maybe few mix stones!"

"Mixed ?"

Don't say those treasures, even this sound of mixed yuan stone, he has never heard of it.

"Haha, it's right, you have a emperor, you should have not heard of mixed yuan stone, usually have this kind of thing, is the Lord of the universe, that is the universe, a era, three knocked universe The Lord can only condense a, the Lord of the four-knocked universe can condense ten, with this kind of push, the owner of the universe of the eight knocked universe can condense 100,000, you now understand its value! " Explain.


When I heard this quantity, the sword was unparalleled.

If this is considered, it is really extremely precious.

The weakest universe, the time of the era, can only condense one.

The Lord of the Eight Cups, can condense 100,000, but the Lord of the Eight's Cosmo, only there are several.

There are a lot of history in history.

But in today's era, I am afraid there will be few.

"The source stone hills you just took out, the value is around 3,000 mixed yuan!" The alcine star is afraid that he can't understand, and then take a reference.

The sword is unparalleled, there is a better cognition.

The Lord of the Six-Bombia, requires three era hours to condense three thousand mixed yuan stone.

This value is indeed.

No wonder, the seven robbery will be as moving.

Of course, the seven hobbies here are, scattered.

If it is the master of the universe of the seven, it is naturally less than care, this source of stone gods.

The Lord of the Seven Covered Universe, a era, can produce 10,000 mixed omestical stones within the universe.

"What role is there?" The sword has doubtful.

Can be so precious, or the Lord of the Universe, unique.

There must be some kind of use of some kind of use.

Subsequently, he asked.

The refinery is also very patiently given explanation.

This mixed yuan stone, accurately, is calculated from the bottom of its universe.

Just like the main universe of the seven-robbery, ordinary seven-robbery universe, can produce 10,000 mixed yuan stone, which is just the threshold.

And there is also its own heritage.

No one will tell the truth.

The powerful seven-robbery universe, an era can even produce 30,000, or even 50,000 mixed yuan.

Just how much output, only you know, you will naturally don't come out to show off.

It is related to your own battle.

Strong, will be self-hidden.

Just like the sword is unparalleled, if you don't ask for people, he will not show your strength.

The maximum, the more, the safer will be in the practice.

As for the role of mixed ingredients, there is a lot.

First of all, this is the output of the universe, and it can be bombed into the universe.

If it is hurt, then the universe will be damaged, then this mixed yuan stone is a big replenishment.

But doing this, in fact, some areted.

If you don't have you have to have, no one will use mixed yuan stone to take.

Greater role, dealing with "robbery"

Every ferry, there is a need for a large amount of mixed omestical stone.

This is almost all the consensus of all the robbers.

Mixed ometron, about the heritage.

The more accumulated, the greater the grasp of the robbery.

Many of the universe of itself, the reason why it does not care, not only because of its strength.

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