Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5781 Mysterious Auction

Shi Country.

The sword is unparalleled, and after processing the things from the Vietnam, it is no heart to practice. I have just planned to go to the swords, completely improving the future road.

It can be made by the monster, there is no happiness.

Good time is very fast, just a few days, a sway.

On this day, before the morning, the sword was unparalleled, one person came to the Dongcheng, a relatively lonely alley, waiting for a thin star.

In accordance with the address on the token, it is this.

It is a secret of God.

Unlike those auctions he went to see, the big flat banner.

This place is not only hidden, but also very quiet.

The big character of the refinery will come.

And the treasure of the transaction is all in units of mixed.

The threshold is high, I can imagine it.

The weakest, I am afraid is the Lord of the Universe.

And it is not the general universe, and it is estimated that the weakest is equivalent to Wu Li.

In the country, it is the old ancestors of the top ten families.

It can be here, but it is a small person that is inconspad.

After all, the auction will be refined.

I am afraid that there are many universe of the universe of six robbery, and the strong robbery of seven-robbery.

The sword is unparalleled, it is even more exclusive.

It can only be honest to the arrival of the refinery.

Waiting for a long time.

The blue stone floor in the alley suddenly leaked a mouth, scared the sword without double one jump.

I saw that after the bluestone disappeared, the dark hole mouth had a stone step.

Just when the sword is unparalleled, a crisp foot will come from below.

Subsequently, the sword walked, the old woman withered, the skin wilted, came up from below.

Single from the other party's breath, at least a four-knocked strong.

However, it is not the owner of the universe, just bulk.

Strength is not strong, but the appearance is too scary.

"Hey, this guest, please follow me!" The old woman saw the sword unparalleled, and his hands were inserted in the sleeve, but the corner did not move, but it was able to make a sound.

The sword is unparalleled, and then you want to report the name of the alcine star.

But think so, so mysterious auction, the entrance is underground.

I am afraid it is also to hide the identity.

There is no opening.

The old man has entered the underground.

Work down on the blue stone steps.

I have a time with a fragrant time.

The key to the key is not slow.

It is not a first step.

It is a hundred steps.

From top to bottom, the sword has no double at least million steps.

There is at least a distance from the ground.

Such a deep place.

The sword is unparalleled but did not expect that some people built a palace here.

When he entered, there were many people in the temple.

When he entered the hall, the gods of the gods disappeared.

The whole hall is more like a suspension in the air.

Feel the fluctuations of the surrounding space.

It's just like this, it's all from the stone king.

The sword is unparalleled, and since it is still waiting for it.

Which old woman took him to a relatively lean throne, he left.

Tell him before I went, the auction was held in front of the feet.

This makes the sword unparalleled, and they are all underground, and they know that there is not bright.

When he just appeared in this question, he saw a crystal ball in front of the throne.

There are nine-centers above black, and there is also a white.

On behalf of the time of the outside world.

"It's so amazing!" The sword was unparalleled, and the material was special and did not feel how to refine.

Think of the surroundings.

A strong breath, let him have some breath.

Half of strong people are the Lord of the universe.

The other half.

It is a bulk.

Most of the universe, most of them are five robbers.

It is the top of the country.

There are also a few people in the Six-Bombia Universe.

As for the spike, the weakest is five-robes.

This threshold can be said to be very high.

Just these strong people, he doesn't know.

Sitting is a bit boring.

Just when he wants to close his eyes, quiet and other auctions will begin.

A familiar atmosphere coming from a distance.

There are many strong people in the hall, they have opened.


"Tonghe Jianxian!"

"Li Changsheng!"

The sword is unparalleled and looks at.

Come, it is with his well-in-one Jianxian.

Li Changsheng!

He is not a person, there is a person.

Is his granddaughter, Li Ming.

Seeing the other party came from him, the sword was unparalleled, respectful: "Tonghe predecessors!"

"There is no pair of unparallel!" Tonghe was not too surprised, he thought that the sword was unparalleled with this strength and the background to see this auction.

Also said that the sword is not very unparalleled.

Although it is not as exaggerated.

But the entire ancient wood, that is also a one person.

The Hyper Kings of the Dragon and the dragon, the guarantee of the daughter of the Lord of the New Zeensence.

In addition, today, I met the first cast of the ancient wood mainland.

That can be all one number.

Surrounded by the strong, I saw that the Jianxian actually chatted with a junior, and they were thinking.


"What is the sword of the country's first emperor?"

Someone frowned.

Stone Nationality.

Stone nine things, although it is not big.

But the movement is not small.

At the beginning of Shi State, there is a strong person who is uncomfortable and wants to find a venue in Vietnam.

Finally, it was still stopped by a seven-robbery of stone country.

But now I see the sword is unparalleled, actually coming to the stone country, I am still uncomfortable.

Grab the House of Stone Kings Tianjiao, now still so public.

But here is a auction, they don't dare too much, I can only remember it.

The auction in this manner is the top of the stone in the stone country, and even ancient wood.

The seven-bit robbery strong is a lot.

Sometimes, the Lords of Even the universe of the seven-robbery will be found.

The operator behind it is extremely mysterious.

The rumors are the flame god open.

But it has not been recognized.

The owner of this place is still a fan.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is only for those who are not friendly, but they can only be done.

Fortunately, the combination of swordsman, sitting next to him, two people also have a tack of nothing.

Mainly still some strong people in the hall.

Of course, the two are privately sounded.

From the port of Jianxian, the sword is unparalleled for the current Stone State's strong.

After knowing that he is going to see the Holy Convention, there is no hidden in Jianxian, and he has said a lot of his position and the future opponent.


The sword is unparalleled, definitely helping the Vietnamese Emperor to become an ancient wood.

Of course, this is just a surface partnership, the biggest benefit is still in order to open Wanliu.

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