Fan Tianfeng's status in the Flame God is second only to the flame god.

This status, even the country of today's today's country, you must be polite.

Fan Tianfeng walked into the main hall, he was angry with a circle and found a position to sit down.

The momentum and attitude are not in the world.

The sword is unparalleled to see some envy.

It is inevitable: "I have to have her half!"

I think that the other party will go to the long river of the Temple of the Temple, he is a bit envious.

Tire is really a technology.

Obviously, he is not very successful in this regard.

I don't know how the rest is.

Hui Qing is in the ruins of the ancient month, but he can't go to him.

Fan Tianfeng didn't say it.

What about the rest?

The sword is unparalleled with a deep breath.

Perhaps the luck of the remaining people is also very good.

Under the operation of the highest rule, they may have a bright future.

Wu Z. The talent of them is actually not bad.

I can become Tianjiao.

The Lord of the universe is not difficult.

Just don't look for it.

His reputation now is only somewhat circulating in the ancient wood mainland, affecting less than nine days.

But it is faster, he is about to be a great moon.

As long as you open the Wanliu, you will definitely be famous.

If the rest of the person is mixed, it can also be rely on.

He didn't know that the rest may not mix well.

For example, Wu Zuo.

At this time, it was trapped in Umari.

And I have encountered an unprecedented dilemma.

In this dilemma, he also unexpected a real person!


"You said that you will be hosted by the phoenix, the auction will be preserved, the rules are the same, and you can use mixed yuan stone settlement, you can also use the same value of treasure, you can do it. The light is coming! "


The sword is unparalleled to hear some .

It is good to sit next to the joint sword.

From the other party, I learned the role of the sky lamp.

Once the sky is light.

It is an endless increase.

Only no one will go back to quotation will be stopped.

To say, just click on the sky, don't need to increase the price, just look at the price of others, because he will be a price higher than others.

Hearing here, the sword is unhappy, and the fool will order the day.

Tonghe Jianxian, it is a leisurely said: "When the old man saw the first day, the treasure was very big, even breaking through the opportunity of the seven puff, for the treasure , I sold a few era for Shiguo! "

"Selling for life?" The sword is unparalleled is very surprised.

"Nothing is so surprised, I couldn't get so many treasures and mixed yuan, and finally it was the strong man of Stone Country. I got the treasure, and then the people were still in the country. Second! "It is very simple to say.

But only he knows, and he is almost falling several times.

He kills one with the Lord of the universe.

Shi Country's battle is not the battle of ancient wood continent.

It is the competition for the foreign secret.

The universe of the foreign domain, a lot!

But most of them are occupied by some great forces.

Only some extremely dangerous secrets, even the super forces can't be suppressed, is not the Lord.

For example, there is a moon, and there is an ancient moon.

These secrets are no longer daring.

Shi Country is a super country, there is no meaning of the inner, and the ancient wood mainland is so resource.

Generally, the war is still the urgentity of the universe.

I heard the rumors about the secret, the sword is unhappy.

He has learned the foreign domain, and there are many.

The so-called external domain is a place outside the nine days.

Where is dangerous, there is a lot of natural secrets.

The Lord of the universe will go to the past.

The chance is natural.

If he is not because Wu Li's plan, he will probably go to the outside world, but there is a plan of Wu Li, open Wanliu is the best choice.

Because the dangers in Wanliu are relatively small.

The danger of going to the foreign domain is much larger.

The Lord of the universe of the six knobs has fallen crisis.

Wanliu Shenmu is different, dangerous is how he goes out to face the strong people in the ancient wood mainland.

It is not that dangerous inside.

At least there is no competitor.

In the foreign domain, some universe secrets, there is a lot of old monsters.

There are also a lot of special life.

He is an emperor, even if the strength can be comparable to the five knobs, it is also very dangerous.

The combination of Jianxian smiled away, then said: "When you have successful success, the danger of the foreign domain is also a chanting!"

The sword is not a pair of borders.

Behind every crisis is a very large firing.

Just like he is now.

There is a great enemy to trade, but there is also an opportunity to master the time and space.

Even the life is extremely desirable.

From the stars, find the Lord of Life.

If he is able to defeat the life, he can swallow the Lord of Death, the palm wheel, and hold the time and space.

Being beyond the universe, it is possible.

Just like the ancient times.

With confidence, you will be determined.

The sword is unparalleled with fists.

The auction is also officially started at this moment.

Feng Jiu Dance, waved, and there is a huge jade column on the high platform in the hall.

At the top of the column, it is floating at this time.

"You said friends, this treasure, is the anti-day to the treasure, Qing Yan Shen water, the owner of the universe, and the first season of the city will fall to the natural disassembly of the natural disaster, if it is There is this treasure, this is not called to be robbed! "Feng Jiu Dance introduced, many of the universe of four knocked universe.

The main body of the universe is not only the robbery.

There is also the robbery of the universe.

The universe of this source will also be robbery.

Generally, it can be premiered, not to grasp it at all.

However, the supreme robbery within the universe of the source is not the same, but also need itself, but also needs the universe.

The universe does not live, and the power is strong and useless.

The Shenli practitioner of the ancient month, most of the origins are not strong.

So, for them, it is not difficult to measure.

The suggestion of the universe is a problem.

This makes the sword unconsciously.

Decorate fails, the source universe is still there.

The back evolution has become a temple.

Decoction of the source of this source fell in the amount of self-robbery, the universe of this source did not be destroyed.

It was originally able to make a scattered robbery, but it is necessary to give up the source universe.

For the universe of the origin, I would rather wish my universe.

It is also a queen.

It can be, it is not the case.

The sword is unparalleled.

It is the measurement of the strength of itself.

His power is now stronger than in this source.

The supreme robbery within the universe is strong.

It is also strong, and the road evolved.

The first universe is about to light.

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