Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5792, block (on)

Waiting for him to the Lord of the Universe, perhaps to condense the power of restoration of the life of the eight puff.

This power can be more terrible than now.

Stone Country's Lord's Lord's Lord, also clear that the waves are also scared, and the sword is unparalleled, and the index is directly turned away.

The treasure used by yourself.

I have to pay my money.

At this time, the family is reliable.

If everyone makes the family.

I have been defeated.

Unless it is the top beam in the family.

The force will be cultivated.

Not everyone is like Fan Tianfeng.

The sword is unparalleled. It is very curious. The flame god looks at Fan Tianfeng which is.

Actually treated.

Enter the ancient times of time and space, than 10,000 years.

Thousands of years, let the flame gods have established such a status for Fan Tianfeng.

This woman is not simple.

One hundred and eighty thousand mixed yuan stone, take the ancient temple jade pot.

The auction will be officially ended.

Before leaving, the sword was unparalleled in Fan Tianhe nodded.

No words, but with gratitude.

If there is an opportunity, leave the stone country, then see Fan Tianfeng.

Try more about what you know, try to say.

You can't look at each other to send death.

From ancient times, go to the Shenshen.

I don't know how many era needs, how many time and space across.

During this time, Fan Tianfeng will become the Lord of the universe.

Even if I have a few seven-bit robbery, there is a French god of the gods.

He also feels that there is no possibility of defeating the life.

It is like his fate.

In addition to him, no one can beat.

On the stone ladder, leave the auction under the bottom.

The sword is unparalleled in a certain hospital in Nancheng.

After coming out, let him surprised that alcianographic is waiting for him.

"It seems that you bought an ancient temple!" The alcine star nodded.

The sword is unparalleled. "Thank you for your predecessors, you will get this treasure.

The mouth is not worth money.

At this time, I don't take a wave of horses, I'm really sorry each other.

Langxing hooks, will: "Little things are going, let me go, the materials have already gone, you can start refining the goddess sword!"

The sword nodded.

Two people left together.

This time, directly enter the core of the ninth floor.

Purgatory world.

High temperature can melt the universe.

The sword is unparalleled with the beast god soldiers, and it can resist it.

"The flow rate of this place is very slow, the outside world is one year, this place is thousands of years!" Shenxing then said: "Refining the goddess swords, I need 30,000 years, you can resist, this is just a start!"

The sword is unparalleled, the scorpion has no change.

Hold hard, he eats.

It is a flow rate of 10,000 times.

He did not find it.

It will also be explained that the space of this place is strong.

Integrate with time together.

Instead of he setting the simple array.

Although the flow rate is very high, it is unstable.

In this refiner, you must ensure the stability of the space.

The refining star has also spent a huge price.

This sword is unparalleled, and it is necessary to refine the swords here.

"let's start!"

The refining star operates the flame and starts the fusion material.

This step is the simplest.

All materials are fused, and it is generally melted into a liquid with us.

The sword is also the first time to observe so high.

It is also surprised to see.

All materials ultimately illusion become this source aura

Floating in the sky.

That is invisible.

Langxing has also begun to pay attention, low and drink "gather!"

Atmospheric torsion, start constant contraction.

Single from this point of swords, I saw the mystery in the space, and it was embodied.

The introverted breath is constantly being suppressed.

The power of the air pressure makes the space began to break.

The power of power, beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Goddess sword.

It will be so simple.

Some techniques behind.

It is even more looking at the sword.

Originally, I can be able to become Tianjiao.

It seems that he didn't have the opportunity.

Ten thousand years ago, he was almost dry.

Thousand years, the refining star repeatedly reciprocates the atmosphere.

Finally formed a scarlet gas.

There is already the shape of a sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is connected, within 10 years, the mental power is not collapsed, otherwise everyone will abandon!" The refining star fingers, the red sword is floating to the sword.

The sword has no double body shape, but the mental strength is all rolled out.

Competency with a pair of huge palms, holding the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and his mental force is accelerating.

"Is this a test test?"

Be saver .......

Too late.



The sword is unparalleled, and it has been directly displayed.

Here, the power is to deal with the flame containing temperature.

Think of the power, I have to see the power of the source.

Blue starry air is surrounded.

Let the sword have no double reach the peak state.

The mental power is again strengthened.

The refining star flashes, whispered: "Is this your anger?"

He is optimistic about the sword, that is, the unstoppable confidence.

There is absolute confidence, and there is also an absolute strength.

That is the future absolute force.

"Anti-standing, as long as you want to wash brush, you will succeed half!" The refinery reminded.

The sword is unparalleled without opening, just holding the sword.

The stubborn expression, the illicitting star has some admire.

That is needed to be unforgettable, the stem, only the sword is unparalleled, this is why the alcine star will advise him.

This torture, not anyone who can resist, the strong people of the Eight, naturally don't care.

But the sword is unparalleled is just an emperor!

One emperor, why do you have to fight?

No one knows ........

Maybe some people don't understand, why is there a time and space to fall in an emperor, this kind of sorrow.

But the sword is unparalleled, there is never lost confidence, and he has never complained what happened, even if Zhenling once took him as a bait.

He took this destiny, as his own robbery, he will use himself to be strong than the same level, cover your own responsibility ...

Wan time.

Transient cloud.

Under the scrubbing, the sword is with him.

The effect has arrived.

Langxing is also unused.

Put the sword until the sword.

Then took out a common god sword and took a sword.

It seems that it is ordinary, but this god sword can be found in the very hard time and space of time and space.

The seven robbery cannot be destroyed below.

Of course, it is not invincible.

Destroying the god sword itself can also destroy the internal origin of the inside.

The internal origin is that the sword is unparalleled for 10,000 years of swords.

The sword is inset, and the power is outbreak.

However, the sword is unparalleled with the sword, but there is no coincidence with this god sword.

This requires a means of illuminating stars.

The two are integrated together.

It can succeed 70%.

The rest is that the sword is unparalleled.

At that time, I needed the sword unparalleled home to suppress the god sword.

The time required for the refinery is very short.

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