Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5794 Seal (below)

Now reopeous, combing the swords, created a complete starry sky.

The combination of combat is also normal.

It is not his power to change because of the force of blood.

At present, his war is probably a sword.

Just this change, it is normal after the Lord of the universe.

400,000 basic skills, do not count in the center of the universe.

There are forty thousand basic skills.

In the future, you have to rely on the sword.

It is the source of the swords in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is also.

And only the top card of the sword will make him peace of mind.

Five swords, the main invincible of the universe.

Just when his fifth sword was gathered, the entire source began to tremble.

And even the stars are jitter.

The sword is unparalleled.

If you return, you will refund, you can think about it, this is his own stars.

Where can he get back?

I immediately started to investigate my own source with my mind, I want to see where it has a problem.

I was found after he was in depth.

The four inlaid swords in the starry sky actually swallow their stars.

The sword gas has become red and turned into light blue.

Go back to see the universe that is about to be light.

In the stars in the universe, the five swords created by him, actually become blue.

This is a force that swallowed his starry sky.

The origin of the sword is also evolved into the Star Sound.

This moment, in the outside world.

Langxing is unbelievable staring at the sword.

He found that he had just refined the goddess billet, in transformation.

It's like a sword unparalleled home, a progressive occurred.

"The legend is true, the treasure on God, can really create it!" The refining star grew up his mouth, did not expect his own kindness, and it was able to refine the peak of life.

At this moment, everything is worth it.

Cream's peak!

Although it is just a moment.

Still because of the problem of swords unparalleled.

This is also enough.

Say it, this is the sword is what he refines.

After the thin star was surprised, he began to meditate, and finally shook his head and shook his head: "No matter what achievement you, today is a causal with me!"

Now he read the sword and unparalleled, there is no upper limit.

Because he has exceeded his cognition.

No matter which aspect, he read the uncoubling of the sword.

So I will feel that the success of the sword has no upper limit.

Anyway, the causal is over.

The sword is unparalleled, the better.

This way he can also be stained.

Say it and face it.

Inside the sky.

The origin is still thrilling.

Jiuwang swords, still being swallowed.

The four swords are inlaid in the stars, and they are more powerful.

The sword is unparalleled.

The Star Sports is a big cake who draws the future.

No mistakes can occur.

It can only be hard, break into the starry sky of the star.

Standing under the sky of the four swords.

He became extremely small.

If the top five swords can make him the Lord of the universe.

Then this four swords.

It has exceeded the Lord of the universe.

The sword is unparalleled to the sixth sword, from the top, carefully observe, and finally muttered: "There is this sword method, ancient enemy!"

If it is a day, you can display the sixth sword.

The three old ancient times of the nine times, he dared to fight.

This is not a big, but the bottom gas.

The sixth sword is too powerful.

As for the three swords behind.

He can't do anything.

Or don't understand it.

And it is still constant.

The power of swallowing a lot of the stars, let the sword are uncomfortable, so there is a child to make a bad thing, worrying that the adults are general.

The more you think so, the more the sword is unparalleled, the more you think, in the depths of the stars, there is a huge eye to stare at him!


Perhaps it is not an illusion.

The sword is unparalleled, and the depths of the stars are also watching him.

Outer space.

The source is within the source.

Among the stars.

A huge scorpion opened his scorpion in the stars and looked at the long-term long river that flowed to the end.

Just look at it, keep it wearing time and space.

After seeing the sword, I closed my eyes again.

When this huge scorpion is closed, the sword in this source has lost the feeling of the oppression, and I have grown.

At this time he found that the source is not trembling and recovered.

The four swords have become dark blue.

It seems that it is an end.

"Fortunately!" The sword was unparalleled with a cold sweat.

After returning to the universe that he lights up, a blue god sword floated in front of him.

Blue sword , ice blue sword blade!

A killing flooded.

Peerless killing.

The sword is unparalleled.

God sword was returned, causing a Canglong roaring.

Go to the ripple on the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and this sword is just some simple ripples.

But now I have an eye.

Look at it is extremely scary.

The eyes are very large, lifelike.

In the eye hole, there is this figure.

That photo is standing on the Cangshan, facing him.

I can't see the face.

"Is it because the strength of the starry sky is condensed?" The sword is unparalleled, and there is no verification, I am afraid the crazy star will not know.

You can only put this idea.

The sword is billed, this time it comes to State!


Holding a sword sheath with one hand, the sword is unparalleled to leave his own origin.

Seeing the sword unparalleled awareness, the alcine star knows that Xiao Jing is unparalleled.

This time he didn't have any accidents.

The sword is unparalleled to see the other party, the calm of the face, I thought it was not so difficult, I said: "Seniors, Shenjian has become!"

"Yes, good, let me see how this sword!" The refining star reached out and took the god sword. When I wanted to pull the sword, I was a cold, I found that I couldn't mobilize this stern.

Some time for a time, it is also a bit shock!

More than he is expected to be strong, you can't pull it out, the probability is that the owner of the god sword can be pulled out.

However, in front of a junior, even the scores of their own refundles have been pulled out, and they are not in the past.

I gave myself a set of speech, but also the sword. There was no pair: "This is your life to the treasure, you must go to the sword, this is the rule, even I can't pull it out!"

Said that the sword handle is handed over to the sword, and the sword is not pulled out, let him obey.

The sword is unparalleled, I'm busy with the rush: "This sword is from the hands of the seniors, the predecessors don't want to be detention!"

But seeing the other party has repeatedly insisted that he is from the beginning of his heart to respect the star!

It is not due to the first cast of the ancient wood mainland, but not only the refiner is invincible, and the style is probably a large group of seven hijackers.

Think of those who have barted the seven-robbery of Babi, and then look at the alcine.

It is simply a difference.


God sword out of sheath, ice blue sword blade, let people be cold!

"Seniors please!" After the sword didn't pull out the sword, he sat in the sword holder, the sword tip, and delivered the alcine star.

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