Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5798 enters the nine robbery tower

After both overlap, the sword is unparalleled again to explore.

When his mental movement touched the nine robbery, a violent breath directly shocked him.

The body has begun to be bracked.

Cooked unmoid.

Although the injured, the sword is unparalleled, but the smile is leaking.

The more powerful and better.

This also shows that his guess is true.

This nine robbery is really talking to the watching chessboard.

And the atmosphere of the two are gathering.

The breath of gathering, continuously, so that the sky floating in the cave world.

A fantastic bridge appears.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the huge bridge, it is a power of a shock.

Watching an eye, look at the back of the bridge, the sword is unparalleled.

In the faint approving, he saw a huge nine-story god tower, perseverance behind the bridge.

This time you don't need to use your mind.

I can go directly.

After restoring the injury, he began to carefully walked out toward the nine robbery.

All of this seems to be false, watching the chessboard and the nine robbery, and it has been coincident.

The weather is cast in the two-piece breath.

But the sword is unhappy.

Step by step through the bridge and came to the nine robbery.

Looking up, I hope I can't get the top of the tower.

Towering into the cloud!

"Sure enough, its power is not weak to watch the chessboard!" The sword was unbearable.

The ancient month time and space have never appeared time and space.

What is the ornament that the circulation is time and space?

The sword has shaken his head unconsciously.

It's so like this.

At that time, I was going to treasure, and I didn't become Chinese cabbage.

Here is a long river in time and space.

Not the depths of the stars.

If you say the starry sky, there are many time and space to treasure, he believes.

Since coming to the ancient times, he is understood.

The so-called nine big time and space is actually the upstream time and space.

Because it is close to the stars, the overall strength is much stronger than the midstream and downstream.

But theory inheritance and the treasure.

It is not seen.

The inheritance of the temple is more suitable for him.

And there is time and space in the temple.

Although it was broken, he left.

It can be finally available.

Unlike ancient times, it is not born.

The nine robbery is the first one!

Also let the sword have been unparalleled.

Under the tower, a huge golden giant, blocking the sword unparalleled road.

Out of a single hand, a breath broke out, directly on the golden door.

Golden giant, also open.

Everything is going smooth.

Successfully let the sword are unparalleled.

But it is still hard to go in.

In this nine robbery, there is a strange atmosphere.

If you don't conscious, you have to enter it.

Step by step, I entered the tower, the sword is unparalleled, and the feelings are unprecedented, and even the mood is better.

The kind of feelings that make people relax, and the war has increased.

Holding a fist with hands, splitting some breath, it feels different.

I am active, and it is much flexible.

At this time, he began to observe around.

There is an unusually empty in the tower.

Color monotony!

At the center of the center, there is also a white light column.

Walking out and finds the natural light from the top.

There is nothing special.

At present, the nine robbery is only a special environment.

There is no other use.

But he is not anxious.

The same is true when you get the watch checkerboard.

The more powerful to the treasure, the harder it.

He just thought that it was realized by realism.

In the white light column, suddenly there was a figure, scared the sword without double one jump.

I found a shadow, he quickly retired.

The right hand reacts very quickly, holding the knitted handle behind, and at any time should be confined in the light column.

"Welcome to the nine robbery!" The stiff sound came from the human shadow of the light column.

More and more real shadows.

Also let the sword don't even see the other side.

With a very fancy mask, two white whitening, clothing is also relatively special.

Dressed never seen.

The nine robbery is from the ruins of the ancient month, and may be the earliest practitioner in ancient times.

I haven't seen it normally, and the sword is unparalleled.

The stiff sound gives him the feeling, more like a kind.

So he is also unfair, loudly asked: "You, is the spirit, or the practitioner seal in the tower?"

"Nothing!" Singularly dressed mask shook his head.

The sword has no double eye hole, feeling the people in front of you, it is really a big living.

But talk, but it is very stiff, like a .

"What are you here?"

No, it is still in the nine robbery.

Isn't it, the real owner of the nine robbery?

I really have this possible.

After hearing the mask, his mouth evoke, slowly came out from the light column, and said: "I just wait a person here!"

"The person you said, will n't it be me!" When the sword was unparalleled, some were not confident.

Because the nine robbery and watching chessboard, there is a resonance that he thinks that the teacher left to him.

It seems that it is not like it.

It may also be an observationless board. When you encounter the same order, you will resonate, it is what he wants.

No matter what to say, get the nine robbery, he is earned.

"It's you, but it is not you!" The mask is like a riddle.

Saying in the clouds.

The sword is unparalleled. "Can you say that you can say it!"

"Waiting for a person who defeated me!" The mask person missed the answer, let the sword haven't smiled.

The reason why he can talk to each other so easy.

It is because he can see the strength of the other party, it seems that it is not good.

Although I don't know whether it is a ghost, there can be a powerful taste.

It's just this kind of power and weak.

Just more than about 20,000.

He blows air to kill each other.

"Then you will wait until you have to wait!" The sword is unparalleled with a bird, instantly shot, a punch, directly to the mask.

This fist, the power of outbreak, at least 40,000.

Focus on his foundation.

Solve people with a 20,000 powerful mask.

That is too simple.


Huge boxing, breaking through the eardrum.

I thought it was easy to solve the other party, but I found that the mask had already disappeared.

Mind, the sword is unparalleled.

The other party actually behind him, but still back to him.

Behind your hands is very easy.

The power of the power is still 28,000, there is no change.

"How is this possible!" The sword is unparalleled: "Your feelings are very weak, how can I escape me attack!"

He just had a punch, not only the outbreak of the power, and there is a speed outbreak.

Even if it is the master of the universe, you can't hide.

The other party actually avoided.


Things are not that simple.

Originally, he still feels this nine robbery, you should be the same as most treasures.

Section nine floors, there is a guardian every layer, defeating one can get treasure.

This number of roads, he has the most.

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