Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5810 Special Tasks

"Haha, for the unparalleled, it must be easy!" Wu Li and Kiuhu laughed.

Five stars.

The difficulty is very difficult.

That is to others.

For the sword, it is equal to no difficulty.

"Quickly see the details of the task, we are going fast, can't doubt!"

Jin Chen took out the token, after watching it, replied: "In the southwest direction, the flight can be almost an hour, and there will be more tips in the place!"

"It turns out, the task of the five stars, really is not normal!"

"Set off!"

The five people direction direction, which is originally in North.

Today, in the southwest direction, quickly fly.

At this time, there is no more teams in the mountain range, most of which are gathering.

Even fast, it has entered the periphery of the infinity world.

The sword is unparalleled. They are also very lucky, otherwise it can also be taken in advance.

Just let them not think that there is a team, and it is very unlucky!

I haven't entered the infinity world, I have fallen the two universers.

Nowadays, many people have reached the edge of the mountains.


Among the sky near the mountain, there have been several movies, one of which is burly, two long-haired people are like torch, staring at a few breaths in front, surprised: "These actions. How to face Running in the opposite direction? "

"Well?" A blue haired wolf in the team is surprised: "It's a familiar atmosphere, is the team of Vietnam?"

"It is to let you lose two wolf's crowds?" Queen Zhuanghan cold voice: "I don't think they are, the greedy wolf should reflect!"

The greedy eyes are blood red, not because of the hate against the country, but which is a burly and strong man, let him feel uncomfortable.

Although they are the strong people in the young wolf.

The Tianshi Miya has two hobby universers, see this holy club.

Two people are also their owners.

It's just that the people in his belts are falling, just in the opponent, and the other party is coming.

"Kui Wolf, you should pay attention to their go to the southwest, not the direction of the assembly point, now there are many teams that have completed, starting from the southwest, must be connected at the southwest When we arrived, we can come to catch up! "The strength of the greedy wolf is not as good as Kry Wolf, but the brain is more flexible than the other party.

If the first Kui Wolf encounters the sword, there is no parallel, it will not be retired, and it must be a battle.

The other party is a famous madman, and some people dare to provoke in the secret of Tianwi Wolf.

Kui Wolf touched two, laughed: "You still have a bit used, then we are waiting for, keep up!"

"Wait, now, I will follow it, I am discovered that they are likely to leave!" The greedy wolf stopped everyone.

One party six people.

They are all people of Kui Wolf, and they will not listen to his persuasion.

"Hey, if you are fear, even if it is a special task, what can I dare to kill me, I have to pay a price!" The Kui Wolf is so much, and the people are chasing them directly.

The greedy heart is dark, or if he is a companion, he is like a strong person who is connected to Vietnam, kill the Kui Wolf.

The brain is too stupid.

So hiking, not to be positive.

Fortunately, the speed of the sword is fast enough, the Kui Wolf and others want to catch up with time.

At this time, the emperor's sword has no parallel and others have arrived at the task.


The cold wind whizes.

In the mountain range of the southwest, snow is snowing, and the temperature is extremely low.

After a few people came to a circle, I didn't find anything, and I fell directly into the ground.


Jin Chen's token is once again moving, and several people surrounded.

"Enter Snow Shadow Mountain!"

Everyone is a glimpse!

Xueying Mountain?

Where is the mountain range of this place?

Just when they didn't know, a strong wind suddenly rose.

The wind and snow will blow it to everyone.

The sword is unparalleled, and the snow is blocked, and the eyes are in front of it.

"Where!" His finger pointed out.

Everyone looks together.

It is a place where the wind is raided.

A dark hole.

I didn't know when, I appeared two words in the shadow.

"There is no parallelism, you take Jin Chen princess, we will protect your law here!" Waphen is old to lay out some simple array, so that it will be required!

There is no double point of the sword, and the power is dispersed.

The power of the wind is extremely powerful.

Ordinary emperor, I can't enter.

Single is an entered the snowy mountain, it takes 200,000 power.

If he is not his power to wrap Jin Chen, the other party has already blown out.

"Go in directly?" The sword did not look at Jin Chen without double turning to Jin Chen, and there is still other explanation.

Jin Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

The sword is unparalleled, and she took her into the dark hole.

Just when he entered the hole, he felt a dangerous breath and came from the distance.

However, at this time, it has already reached the edge, stopping it can't stop, can only hurry to give Wu Li, let them be careful.

A strong man is close to them.

The task must be completed quickly.

He is really worried that Wu Li is flying.

There is no Wu Li, he also can't find it, let alone go in.

After the Jin Chen entered the snow shadow cave, the wildness was disappeared.


The token is again slammed again.

"Killing the Snow Demon King!"

The content is very simple.

The sword is unparalleled.

Just entered the cave, I found a few weird, and the strength is not weak.

There are more than about 200,000.

The general emperor is really can't be dealt.

It can be used for some swords of the sword, but it is possible to kill these snow.

He didn't dare to drag the water, killing the snow with Jin Chen, entered the depths of Xueying Mountain.

At this point, the Snow Yingshan is outside.

Wu Li has not received the sword unparalleled voice, frowned.

Because he found someone came from here, but more than one.

Foot seven strong people.

The weakest is forty-thousand power.

Among them, there are two hundred thousand power of more than 500,000 power.

It is definitely the owner of the universe of the four hops.

When he received a sword, there were unparalleled emotions, he was not an accident for those strong.

Instead, for the unparalleled accident.

The news that has a strong person comes is that the existence of the existence in his body is informing him, but the sword is unparalleled.

This makes him extremely shocked!

The existence of his body is not available.

Now I haven't so much time to consider, and I am quickly reminding that Mu Chen is preparing to fight with Kinihu.

Next moment, a row of people appeared in their head.


"Kui Wolf!"

"It's over!"

People have entered the despair, the enemy in front of them is far from them to fight!

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