Some routes have been marked in the upper point.

Just this route is not a safe route, but a treasure route.

On the map, some locations of the inheritance remains were recorded.

According to the proportion of the map, the sword is unparalleled, and this route is found, in fact, it is also a near road, there is no strong than the year.

This time they are really earning.

"You also hold this!" The sword is unparalleled, and it is still awarded to Jin Chen.

For him, the emperor has become a candidate, is the most important thing.

The treasure of this place, he can't see it.

If there is a treasure for this source, he will still look at both eyes.

His Star Sky has already light up to 9,000 black holes.

The complete universe is a thousand black holes.

The universe that the three hobbies can only be considered a small number of universe.

The Lord of the Siki Cosmic, is a big multiplication.

The Lord of the universe of the five hobbies is successful.

And he is about to light up a complete universe.

As long as you break through the hijacking, you will be able to cross a five robbery.

Become the Lord of the Warlon.

"We hurry out!" The task is completed, and it is time to leave.

He is more afraid of Wu Li to fall than the treasure you get.

I hope that the other party's bottom card is enough.

He can see that there is still a lot of secrets on Wu Li.

Even if the strength is weak, but the life-saving base card should have a lot.

Pulld from Jin Chen, several flashed, and came to the hole.

The figure flashed, two people left the cave.

Outside the snow.

The elder body of the Kui Wolf's foot, and the one-handed Wu Li.

The nine tigers are stunned, and they have not fighting.

"Is this?" Qui Wolf disdain: "So powerful, actually scared the greedy, and lost two universers, it is a waste!"

The greedy face is embarrassing, but there is no refuting.

He has been staring at the hole.

"Well?" The breath of the moment, so that the greedy wolf is big.

I know that the sword is unparalleled, and I don't have to rush toward the hole, and I'm big.

Kui Wolf looks silly.

Compared to revenge, greedy wolf is more likely those treasures.

Separate special tasks, the value of treasures is definitely not small.

In his opinion, Kui Wolf is a stupidity in the limbs.

As long as he has taken the treasure, it is his.

Dead two universers, what!

The sword has just come out, and has not seen the situation on the field, we found that the greedy wolf rushed to him.

This time, he doesn't have to bear it again.

It is not necessary to endure.

This time, the other party is coming to the treasure you get.

It must be the battle of life and death.

I will bear it, I should prepare for him.


The power of the beast is in an instant, and his Shenli has improved to 50,000.

In the face of a paw of the greedy, the hands were connected.

The beast gods came crazy, and he pulled Jin Chen in one hand.

The arms of the left-handed candle dragon broke, and the paw directly blocked.

"This time, I will not leave the hand!" The sword was unparalleled to grab the other party's wolf claws, and a pinch.

I heard a crisp sound.

The greedy wolf is shocked, and anger: "Do you still hide strength?"

He didn't expect that the sword was unbounded without swords, and it would be so powerful.

The power that has just broke out is not weak.


A powerful force broke out in the greedy mouth, the close range wanted to attack the sword, but actually took the opportunity to get out.

This small trick can be difficult to do not have a sword.

It's just that he is lazy to entangle with the other party.

Now save people first.

The greedy wolf frowned, and the cold voice said: "Your sword is to confuse it?"

"What do you think!" The sword is unparalleled.

He pulled Jin Chen in one hand, a flashed to the front of Kui Wolf.

Wooden in the ground, seeing the sword is unparalleled, the face is anxious: "Go, you are not his opponent!"

Wu Li, who is being smashed with the neck, but it can't even say it.

He didn't want to break out, but the existence of the existence reminded him that the sword is unparalleled to solve these people, there is no need to waste your own treasure.

Original Wu Li is not believed.

But just he saw that the sword was unparalleled and slammed.

And he can feel the power of swords and unparalleled, have surpassed him and arrived at 50,000.

This force has been able to compete with the Quiolian.

The Kui Wolf is not satisfied. When I just wanted to open, I didn't see the sword unparalleled figure, I feel that I caught Wu Li's arm!


The crisp sound rang, the whole arm of the Kui Wolf fractured.

The arm is dropped with Wu Li.

"Ah!" Kui Wolf was shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no opportunity to react to the other party, and then lift the chest directly to Kiri Wolf, kick the other party into the mountain range.

In the successful, several hills were built, they stopped.

When you can't join a lot of things, after injection into the old body of Wooden, the other party barely stood up and restored some of the power.

Feel the powerful power of the sword, and the elders are completely stunned.

"You will go first, I will stop them!" He let go of Jin Chen, step by step, and blocks them directly before.

Wooden elder is still a little unassured, you can know that you will only give swords without double.

"You are careful, we are in the bordering place to meet!" After finishing, he pulled Wu Li and Jin Chen quickly flying to the north.

Nine tigers are also rushing!

There is only a sword where the sword is unparalleled, and the seven universe of the celestial people.

The greedy wolf is smashed, the pulverious wolf claws, the forehead blue can explode.

He didn't expect that the sword was so powerful.

An emperor, strong, this is what he has never heard of things.

The remaining five three-knocked universe, and also know that he is not an opponent, after retreating.


The defeated Kui Wolf, lacks a arm, but the power of the body is not weakened, but it is still a bit crazy, directly hit the broken several mountains, and stationed in the sword.

A flash of anger, the broken arm instantly recovered.

Kui Wolf is staring at the sword, there is a unparalleled, or the madness: "You really have a little thing!"

"What is wrong, directly do it!" The sword was unparalleled, and the red breath on his body broke out again.

This time he directly showed three times the power of the beast.

The power broke out to 550,000!

Strong Xikui Wolf one.

Even if you join hands, he can quickly defeat each other.

"May 50,000?" Kui Wolf is a smile, then turned to look at the greedy wolf: "This person is my prey, you can't shoot!"

Knowing that the sword has a strong power than him, but also so confident is obviously a lot of confidence.

The greedy eyebrows, surprised: "Do you want to use it now?"

"Otherwise!" Qui Wolf disdain.

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