Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5828 is in Hu Yu

Front house.

Bawen has passed the news to Tamu King in advance, and now Tamuwang is already waiting in the hall waiting for the sword.

"Yes, I haven't asked the old brother's surname, waiting for me to return to the king!"

The sword is unparalleled without hesitation.

Hegemony rushed: "Hu Lao brother is waiting for a moment, I will go in to the notification!"

After that, I have entered the hall.

There are only swords outside the temple.

Turned to the Li Wei pulled his face, the sound road: "You use your own name, just in my hand, other don't say more, the basic information of the South Bank I have passed to your token On, hurry up! "

Although the breath is a wasteland.

But for the sake of insurance, it is still necessary to make an infinite world common sense, there is already a drastic animal.

Otherwise it will be suspected.

After Li Wei, I heard the token.

The sword is unparalleled with Jin Chen. She is just an emperor, but the appearance is beautiful, even if the mermaid, the face is also the face of the normal people, and has not changed.

Just the feet turned into a fish tail.

"Bring this!" The sword has a mask, handed it to Jin Chen.

After Jin Chen took, it was surprised: "What is this?"

"Don't think, take it first!" The sword was unparalleled to the breath of the tyrant, and he urged it.

Jin Chen did not hesitate, and quickly put the mask on his face.


The contour on her face did not change, but the left face of the cheek, there was a black fish scales.

I can't believe in touching my face, Jin Chen is a little desperate.

First, it turns into a wasteland, and now I have gave a fish scales on my face.

She almost collapsed.

Holy Association!

Or is a purgatory.

The weak is struggling.

The strong is fighting.

She suddenly wanted to go back.

Back to Vietnam.

I want to go to the daughter country.

It is no wonder that Yunzhi State will advise her not to see the Holy Convention.

Everything is reasons.

The mother's sudden departure, the fallen of the elders.

It's too big to fight her.

The sword is unparalleled, although some can't bear it, there is no other way.

The reason why the emperor is the emperor, I am afraid to suffer, and it is more horrible than now.

At least now, he protects Jin Chen.

I hope that the other party can pick it up.

If there is no firm will, just want a rich life.

It is better to go to the Yunzhi State.

Following the feelings of the emperor, even if it is a daughter, there is no fruit to eat.

The emperor will only become more stringent to Jin Chen.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

The expectation of the emperor is that after she becoming a saint, it is possible to let Jin Chen pick her position.

Ji Chen as long as it breaks through the robbery, you can quickly reach the three puffs, then master the universe, inheriting the emperor, and there is that qualification.

And there is a blessing of the emperor.

The emperor can sit and don't be difficult.

This is the expectation of the emperor for Jin Chen.

If the emperor sees now Jin Chen's look, maybe it will be disappointed.

It may also be born in the sword.

I feel that the sword is unparalleled to help Jin Chen.

The sword is unparalleled. It is not a fish in the pool.

It is impossible to stay in Vietnam.

This holy will end, the probability is running.

Jin Chen wants to face everything.

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled to cover the sigh, turned the head to the temple.

The heart of the strong, there must be.

It is necessary to face the road to the strong.

There is a flower in the greenhouse, but there is no thorns!

"Please, Hu Jun!" The temple sounded in a high voice, and the tying of Baibu has also gone, and made a posture.

The sword didn't have a double point, turned to Li Wei behind him; "You are waiting here, I will go in one!"

Please be him, and bring someone to the rules.

This is Bai Mountain.

Not a visit.

Step by step, after entering the temple, he felt a sense of compression.

Thunder contraction, do not dare to explore, this is impolite.

You can only look around for a week, then step forward.

Sketchy, the strong in this hall is full of hundreds.

The weakest is three-robbery, and the four-knocked breath feels a lot.

Moreover, there are two largest five robbery.

Just sitting on both sides.

Which river is the king of the river in the middle of the country?

Going to the central position of the temple, swords are unparalleled, and the highest gift between a derast is made.

"Kid, the South Bank of the Raman River, Folk the Mountain Hu Jun, see the king!"

The voice just fell, next to a four-knocked peak, asked: "Yamha Hill? I haven't heard it!"

"There is no name in the hill, dare to compare with Wilong Mountain!" The sword didn't lift his head, and inquired people, this time he was determined.

There is no kind to strong people.

The desert beast is divided according to strength.

Powerful, respectful.

Power is quite, even if you are high, it is also equal.

"Then you come to the Roman River, it is Bai Mountain, or friends!" The sword was unparalleled to the right again.

Turning, it is a murder of the murry behemoth on a head, a body shape, and a tall incomparable.

Not a wasteland, but a special life, the power is better than him.

"Come here to worship the mountain, treasure hunt is not friends!" The sword has no double one answer.


On the highest thrill in the upper left, there is a king of the sound and the five knocked, the opening.

"I heard that you have mixed yuan, is it a sacred?"

If you have a topic, you will relax in the sword.

He is because of mixed yuan stone, there is a chance to worship the mountain.

Real purpose, naturally not to use mixed yuan stone, to change the treasure.

Instead, I will enter this Wilong Mountain.

It is a guarantee since this.

He also thought, in this Raman River, I am afraid I have to wait for a while.

It's not something, but also to find Wu Li.

Take some people.

It is really inconvenient, you can only enter a great force.

This is very safe.

Use mixed ingredients to exchange this Weilong Mountain.

Even with a big bullying, he has to do this.

This loss is nothing.

His strength is enough and has the power of the beast.

Those deceased are still seeing him.

Otherwise, it will be directly grab, which has so much nonsense.

The sword is unparalleled, and he replied loudly: "Grab the practitioner, killing the outside person!"

After finishing, more than 60,000 mixed yuan stones were taken directly.

Extremely scattered, this will also believe that he is only these.

These decelerated beasts have a lot of practitioners, and knowing what mixed is representative.

The sword is unparalleled now, and most of the tribers who have killed some of the four hiking levels.

The mixed gemstone, almost this quantity, and more will be suspected.

Many strong deceased beasts have been straight after the mixed yuan, and even the law king on both sides, they also got up.

Just which Tam King has been moving.

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