"Yeah, what is the matter, today's party is a person, the whale shark brother is there, the old brother, I don't dare to guarantee anything, but this Wilong Mountain is never, what is ignorant?" Also whole body, the opening query.

Runboa and squid East

"Drinking!" The whale shark, did not answer immediately, but the wine glamor does not care about everyone, drink it, and wipe a good shite of the mouth of the mouth.

After drinking the wine, I pulled down in the face. After sighed, I looked at everyone.

I feel that the atmosphere is in place, and I have an mouth.

The sword is unparalleled and listened, and there is a color in the bottom of half.

I suddenly pulled him to reality.

It turned out that the whale shark kang took the Weilong Mountain exclusively enjoyed a blessing. This blessed land suddenly came in a rapid guest.

It is also set up in his blessing to set up a chance, let him not go in.

This kind of private blessing, although the sword is more late, but there are some ears.

I didn't think there was anything wrong.

However, heard people accounted for a hundred years ago, but also set up a chance.

It is a mystery.

A hundred years ago!

The sword is unparalleled.

This made him want to play Wu Li.

Wu Li was in this river disappearance.

Causes are here, but it is not possible to find Wu Li's location.

He doubts that the other party is not falling.

Now I heard the whale shark king, he thinks which mystery, maybe Wu Li.

But let's think about it, the whale shark is more than 60 million power, even approaching 700,000.

I can't break this mysterious people.

Inquiry, it is not like Wu Li.

Wu Li's strength, he is the clearest, with a day of forty or more, and the temple is almost.

It is possible to block the whale shark king, and the power is at least 67 million.

This is some exaggerated.

Even if Wu Li conceals more, it is impossible to be so powerful!

The other party can know the secrets of Wanliu open, perhaps not simple.

Anyway, he has to go see, is Wu Li.

So he didn't wait for the whale shark to finish, and he agreed to it.

The whale shark king can't break where the knots, now say, means letting them help.

Dramation together.

Of course, the benefits are there.

Can share the blessing.

If he is in the past, he is definitely not interested in blessing, find Wu Li.

But since I saw the war of horrifying the world, he felt that there was this necessary.

Maybe it is really a rare treasure.

Maybe there is a lot to have him.

He is now lacking is some original treasures, and quickly let your own source arrive at the universe.

Prepare the next hijacker.

The universe is satisfactory, it is almost five knocked.

Once he breaks through the robbery, he can lift the five robbery.

The successful universe, the bottom is too powerful.

And his universe is in the power of the stars, and the heritage is more powerful.

The pressure of the robbery will be small.

His own power is also strong enough, and the things that robust can be flattened.

The efforts of the emperor will show an advantage in the robbery.

The road is very important.

The sword is unparalleled to the foundation.

Waiting for him to the Lord of the Universe, it will be an outbreak period.

Now he has increased to the limit level in addition to its own, and it can't be improved.

After entering the ancient times, he also enhanced the power, and there is no change in other changes.

It is necessary to wait for him to become the Lord of the universe.

Once he became the owner of the universe, he quickly returned to his hometown.

After a good agreement with the whale shark, they will start together.

Time is scheduled for half a month.

These days, they will not go out.

It is better to prepare.

Although he can guess it is probably Wu Li, others don't know!

I don't think there is a monster in it.

actually not.

The whale shark king and the magic bat king know more.

The squid and the rushing, I don't know.

It is likely to be calculated.

These days are very good to get along with them, if there is abilities, he will also help.

With Li Wei and others returned to the cave.

Jin Chen is now completely adapted to this role.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled with Li Wei, even the drunk tea is poured, preparing some figs.

Li Wei was lying at the stone bed, suddenly it was awake: "The sword is unparalleled, you will not trust the words of the whale shark!"

I heard the other party's saying, the sword was very pleased.

"I always think this person is not reliable. When I arrived at the king of the magic bat, he promised me, after this success, gave me the girl!"

After the sword is unparalleled, after hearing this sentence, the water just drinked directly.

Wipe the mouth of the mouth and have a proud: "Li Hao, do you want to marry a little wife here?"

"You will be Wilong Mountain, when you are home!"

Even the two of Li Jia's later generations also felt some shameless people.

Li Wei has a bunch: "The Emperor has abandoned us, and our days have always taken it forward. This is more than a hundred years. Her mission is to have a child, they can have a basket. When will I wait? Is a head! "

This way makes Jin Chen's faces very embarrassed. She is extremely sad after she thinks.

This century-year time is like the year.

Not because of the suffering.

Because every day has something to do.

Unlike in Vietnam, it will be a million years.

Very random.

This place is Wilong Mountain, even if there is a sword, there is no double cover, some things still have to do.

Otherwise it will be suspected.

Everyone is so.

Do things you need to do.

"Don't wait, maybe half a month later, we have to leave!"

Li Weiwen said: "Where is the news?"

"No!" The sword didn't shake his head.

"Where are we going?" Li Wei asked some disappointed.

"Go to us to go!"

The living can also make the urine to die.

Since the emperor does not contact them, they will go forward.

Anyway, it is the identity of a wasteland.

Maybe others can get faster to the end.

I heard this sentence, they were silent.

In the fifteen days of retention, he is pondering his own source.

For a hundred years, he has got a lot of money, almost all of whited.

The whole brain has thrown into the universe.

The number of universe black holes has also come to nine thousand.

It is a hundred black holes.

10,000 black holes are the limit of the universe.

It is also a successful universe.

One dollar!

This is also the beginning of the universe.

The universe is just a shell.

There are thousands of things in it.

Have light!

Be dark!

There must be life and death.

That is the complete universe.

But that all have to wait for him to become the Lord of the universe.

It is also the key to upgrading the universe.

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