Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5857, are you afraid?

"Start millions!" The sword said unparalleled.

When I heard the million power, Zach hurriedly shouted: "Head, turn off the head!"

The wheel of the flying blanket is active, and it is busy stopping.

"Zach, that position, is the tribe of Jones long live!"


The sword is unparalleled.

Guula should be close to another tribe.

Zach is the strongest warrior of the old tribe of Jones.

Just have been practicing in the holy place.

I have heard the tribe of Guola to go to his own, and it is anxious.

"You two with Danbao and benefactors go to the Holy Land, I will go back to support Jones long!" Zach is not retreat because of the ancient pulling.

This is the warrior of the Wheel plus.

For your own tribes, as well as people, always holding the biggest good.

One ethnic will not give up.

Just like they to rescue Danbao.

Just a child, I dispatched three five robbery.

This is nothing to do with the inheritance.

It is true that I have promised to borrow swords.

Because this is inheriting the sacred object, there is really not much use, just used to pay tribute to the great dragon.

"I will go with you, Jones is too old, and the weakness is very serious. You can't help you alone!" Another pulley strengthened, and actively played.

The sword has no double, it is recommended to say: "You will go together, it is not used, it is better to let the strong people in the holy place to support!"

He listens to Dandao, this Zack is tenth, so you can be so powerful.

So the rest of the rest, I really want to defeat Gula.

"The nearest Western ink, which is the nearest, has already set out!" Danbao has long been in the old man in contacting the tribes.

The sword is unparalleled, also stolen the eyes of Danbao.

If you don't lose, it is a smart shape, the reaction is better than these eucalyptus.

"Let's start now!"

Zach and another pulley are reinforced, directly upgraded, and quickly fly in the direction of Guulafei.

There is only one of the weaker pulsators.

Wu Li came at this time: "The unparalleled brother is not as good as the two!"

"Don't!" The sword is unparalleled and gently shakes his head.

He is now seen that there is no hostility for the Runes to the people.

It is better to go down the slopes, don't always think about others.

Dan Bao used to use the crystal ball in his hand, constantly deliver the message.

Seeing the other party so busy, I still think about it to inquire about the things about the Way to add, I am also embarrassed to disturb each other.

After they left in Zack, everyone rushed to the road and wanted to go to the holy place.

The sword is unparalleled and waiting quietly.

At this time, he felt a powerful breath and is approaching.

This breath is very familiar.

Among them, Li Wei's breath.

This shocked him.

When I just wanted to remind where the pulley of the magic carpet, Li Wei had already gave him a voice.

"Guola is not there, what situation on your side, how do you mix with the wave wheel plus?"

After seeing the news, he has grown away.

As long as the ancient claus is not there.

I don't know, Li Wei came to this side.

He has not yet reminded which wave wheel strengthened, the other person will feel the breath, but he stopped himself.

There is no way to avoid it.

"It's the hand of Guula!" The sword was unparalleled at this time.

At the same time, I directly sent it to Li Wei and asked the other party's intention.

This group of people is responsible for detecting the position of the river plus.

The tribe of the pulsuit is very well found.

But holy land, the average person is not worth it at all.

The ancient co-win coupon is in the grip, and there is no one in one way to block them, and you can unplug them one by one.

But the holy land is not so good.

I sent a hand and went to the holy place.

It's hard to meet the sword.

Take the lead or a five-knocked strong, as well as the seven hundred quartet.

Fortunately, the heart of the five robbery, there is no sword unparalleled.

The pulley is strengthened, and the reason why the teeth stopped, I am afraid it is because of this, I want to revenge for the people.

The sword is unparalleled, also begun to rub the palm, and said to Wu Li next to: "Let's go with this Taoist friend, and give it to me."

"Me?" Wu Li referred to himself.

Danbao also understood that there is an enemy close, and they are busy asking them to shoot.

"Why, you won't be afraid!" The sword is unhappy deliberately asked.

Just two people fell.

Now if it is dumb, it is too disadoked.

Dan Bao is still here!

Wu Li also tied to the distribution of strong people in the breath, shrugging and shrugging: "How can I think this pulsator, one person is flat, but I haven't moved it for a long time. Take these people practicing! "

"You just have been playing once?" The sword was unparalleled, and the beast God soldiers had already appeared in vitro.

A dragon.

Different Dragons with the pulsar plus.

He is a candlelon.

! ! ! !

Dozens of figure, instant come.

The appearance is in front of the sword.

"The road is narrow!" A head is a beautiful young man with purple long hair, staring at them without any scruples.

When I saw the dragon ball, the face was shocked.

"Dragon Ball, you actually hold Dragon Ball!"

The five robbery of the Wheel plus, but it is a clear smile "how, do you want it?"

Danbao said in the whisper: "Garda, the opponent's power is very powerful!"

He can see the Handa's hand through crystal ball, with extreme powerful power.

A lot of more than Gagada.

"Nothing, I will give it to me!" Wu Li walked forward, took the head of Danbao round, and pulled out three-foot sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power broke out to the peak. I used three times the power of the beast god and the power of fifty 50,000.

It is completely enough to deal with those tours.

Which five hobbies will watch Wu Li, with this.

"Hand!" Wu Li faces, and drunk directly.

Everyone did not do more nonsense.

Garda didn't want to talk to these murderers who killed their people, and they rushed directly.

The sword is unparalleled, he wants to protect Danbao.

Of course, there is Dragon Ball.

In the crowd, he saw Li Wei at a glance, nodded, showing the other party, play with him.

Li Wei also works well.

I immediately died: "Saab General, I will grab dragon ball, and the rest assisted Sa Bo!"

Saab's purple hair is flying, and it is quiet: "Don't let him stop the sword, I will solve these two butter fish soon."

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