This time, it is not only for them, but the pulsar plus is very unlucky.

Just gathered the heavy tribe, with Dragon Ball gathered to avoid disasters, they were discovered under the hands of the Ran.

It is now trapped directly in the holy place.

I don't want to go out.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li, they are also embarrassed.

The key is now that you can go!

People who don't say that they can let them go.

It is said that the power of the Wheel plus will not be returned to Mountain.


The strong man in the top of the mountain is constantly gathering.

The sword has no double-sighted force, and the light is five.

Maybe you can really have to live.

As long as the Gula does not personally shoot.

The first wave of attack should also have any problems.

"There is no double brother, if you don't go back!" Wu Li came out of his eyes at this time, and his body has continued to retreat.

The sword is unparalleled to look at it, and I found out that Brui is coming to them.

Gently took the shoulders of Wu Li, let him stabilize it, then he took the initiative to go, said: "Bruce is old, you need to help us to tell us two people!"

"The old age, please go in and talk about it!" Brui said.

Dan Bao came out from the old house in the old house, and he nodded at him.

He turned his head to Wu Li made a look, then replied: "Just, we have something to say!"

Hard holding Wu Li, walking into the old house.

After entering, it has found that five elderly pulsators in this place.

They are all peaks of the five hobbies.

It is seen from the outer tribe.

In addition to these, there is an acquaintance.


I didn't expect the other party to live.

In this way, the strength of the Wheel Equipment is completely much stronger than the one party.

There are many people who are comparable to the six robbery.

But real reaching six pilgrims, I have a girl.

There are also hundreds of people.

The six-minded power of the pulsuit can have five.

There are dozens of hard work, there are dozens.

Single people are unable to attack.

Just look at Li Wei's Guuling in the hand under the hand.

Maybe there is really hope.

When the old man saw the sword and Wu Li came in, the body and mind were tired: "Two kind people, some things, I hope you can tell me the Way!"

"Please say that you will say it!" The sword is unparalleled directly, and there is no more than the lead.

This time, the old man did not open, but he looked at one of the old ages that were very large.

Which is old, Jones, who is going to rescue, and he will suddenly, asked: "Please do the two kind people, tell us the information of the outside world, this is very helpful to us, if this time Blocking the strong people of the people and the Hand of Guula, the long-elderly will personally send you to the Dragon God Mainland. "

"This?" Wu Li smashed, and the face was serious: "This is a bit unregistered. We have saved the people of your Way, and you can promise not to shoot your wave, but sell people. Things, I am afraid ... "

The sword is unparalleled.

Sale is small.

He is afraid that it will give your own back.

Nothing outside, there are not a few good people.

Don't say that it is sold, even if he helps the Bouna to protect his home, he will not have much psychological burden.

The only worried thing is that the pulley is tied to a warship, and the pulsator is finished.

What should they do?

This is a very real thing.

The pulsator does not stop the Gula at all.

Beginning the outside people and the Handa's hand, he thought it would delay this time.

It can now be the exterior of Dragon Ball to the Wheel plus the holy place, and there is no better competition.

The cooperation between the two sides has not made a problem.

First destroy the wave wheel plus, and then then a final female.

"This bonus!" The sword was unparalleled.

The strong people of the family may not be aware of the power of Gula.

Don't understand the ice frozen devil.

I thought that the emperor had millions of power, they can hold flat with Gu.

It's a ridiculous.

Wu Li took the attention and looked at the sword.

"I don't think about it. I have little about the people of the people in the outside world. I only know some shallow strength to some of the strong people. This big old old should know, I am from the Qingle Sixteen countries!" Swordless be honest.

He knows how much it is.

Simply selling the sixteen countries, it is almost enough.

The green grass is the 18th country, the Lord of the August, opened up.

The back is divided into sixteen kingdoms.

The eternal kingdom has gone.

Shi Country's team is also covered.

There are 14 countries left.

The strength is not uniform.

Throwing the country, there is twelve kingdoms with a daughter who gratifrate him.

In the twelve kingdoms, the strongest part of the five-hearted universe, he all said.

Of course, this combat data is too shallow.

Who knows how strong their base card will.

"Only these?" Jones was eager to shake his head and sighed: "Forget it, there are some uses."

There is always no strong!

With Bruce, it is not as good as it is.

He does not see it at all of the universe of the five knocked border.

The sword is unparalleled, the words are turned, and there is a hand of the ancient Rula.

"The threats of everyone, the 16th National Countease are naturally not so powerful, but the Hands of Guula, but there are several six-hearted power, it should be in the endless world, the top of the top" sword! " If there is no double brow, I will say the foundation of Kirki.

The six-knocked special life, with a lot of strong people from the Ni-North ice, came to the Longshen Continent.

Li Wei told him this news.

Now the turnt is given to the pulsuit.

It is some sorry.

There is still him in the original plan, and the result is nothing.

Li Wei also became a member of the ancient rules, and there was no use of a sword where there was no use.

The ending is even a dark.

The sword is unparalleled.

A good future.

Even Guli appreciates him.

And the foundation also promised, to take Li Wei to the north ice original, as a demon.

Li Wei is now entangled or not with the other party.

Darkness is not Li Wei, but the sword is unparalleled with Wu Li.

These two are now being hit in the middle, extremely uncomfortable.

"Chunz? Jones thought, then the eyes were immersed, and the big old man reported:" When I escape from Zach, I have experienced a horror breath that is comparable to the ancient Rula, it should be that the minimum will 900,000. "

After listening to Bruce, he held his fist and didn't say anything.

900,000 power.

Six-hearted peak strong.

It's almost the same as Tamura.

This strength is enough to be in the infinite world, anywhere called Wang Zi.

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